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2015-02-27 15:13:30 +00:00
# Change Log
2015-08-04 17:51:25 +00:00
2025-01-21 01:52:11 +00:00
## 2.2.53 21/01/2025
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.53
* Add more information when patching .vbox file. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3542
* Increase timeout to run compute HTTP queries. Fixes #2461
* Use 'allow_methods="*"' in aiohttp_cors.ResourceOptions(). Fixes #2459
* Upgrade dependencies
* Update remote-install.sh to support a custom repository and the deb822 source format
* Fix: do not use the iourc file if IOU licence check is not enabled
2024-12-02 01:14:23 +00:00
## 2.2.52 02/12/2024
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.52
* Remove restrictions based on file extension when listing images and fix ELF header checks
* Fix use project name instead of ID for fast duplication when running local server. Fixes #2446
* Overwrite user resources when the originals have changed.
* Relax setuptools requirement to allow for easier Debian packaging on Ubuntu Focal & Jammy
2024-11-07 05:08:27 +00:00
## 2.2.51 07/11/2024
* Catch error when cannot resize Docker container TTY.
* Do not use "ide" if there is a disk image and no interface type has been explicitly configured.
* Use @locking when sending uBridge commands. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3651
* Fix run Docker containers with user namespaces enabled. Fixes #2414
* Python 3.13 support
* Upgrade dependencies
* Fix errors in init.sh. Fixes #2431
2024-10-21 02:14:18 +00:00
## 2.2.50 21/10/2024
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.50
* Symbolic links support for project export/import
* Add comment to indicate sentry-sdk is optional. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/2423
* Fix issues with recent busybox versions
* Support to reset MAC addresses for Docker nodes and some adjustments for fast duplication.
* Update README.md to change the minimum required Python version.
* Faster project duplication for local projects (no remote compute)
* Improve error message when a project cannot be parsed.
* Fix for running Docker containers with user namespaces enabled
* Support for configuring MAC address in Docker containers
* Upgrade aiohttp to v3.10.3
2024-08-06 10:55:15 +00:00
## 2.2.49 06/08/2024
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.49
* Forbid -nic and -nicdev in Qemu additional options. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/2397
* Upgrade jsonschema and sentry-sdk packages
* Update IOU base configs to use "no ip domain lookup". Fixes #2404
2024-07-12 16:26:16 +00:00
## 12/07/2024
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.48.1
2024-07-08 16:44:09 +00:00
## 2.2.48 08/07/2024
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.48
* Add 'install_builtin_appliances' and 'resources_path' settings in the server config
* Option to keep the compute IDs unchanged when exporting a project
* Forbid unsafe Qemu additional options
* Fix error when snapshot exists with an underscore in the name
* Upgrade sentry-sdk, psutil and aiofiles packages
* Fix check for IPv6 enabled on host
2024-05-15 05:14:48 +00:00
## 2.2.47 15/05/2024
* Fix update-bundled-web-ui.sh script
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.47
* Change sentry-sdk version
* Upgrade aiohttp, sentry-sdk and truststore
* Upgrade jsonschema and aiohttp
* Drop Python 3.7
* Remove dev requirements for Python 3.6
* Do not run Docker VM tests on Windows
* Do not wait for the server to close when shutting down.
* Fix test create image with not supported characters by filesystem. Fixes #2375
* Allow listing x86_64 IOU images. Fixes #2376
* Upgrade Jinja2 to version 3.1.4. Fixes #2378
* Fix link capture for ATM switch. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3570
* Fix tests after updating error message when busybox is not installed.
* Add more details to error message when busybox is not installed. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3569
* Fix invalid escape sequences
* Add NAT symbols
* Fix cannot stop Docker VM while console connection is still active.
* Upgrade sentry-sdk to version 1.40.6
2024-02-26 08:55:12 +00:00
## 2.2.46 26/02/2024
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.46
* Save empty directories when exporting a project
* Backport from v3: install Docker resources in a writable location at runtime.
* Use Docker API v1.24 to get version.
* Drop support for Python 3.6
* Address the telnet console bug.
* Update welcome.py
* Update remote-install.sh
* Use Python 3.8 to publish API doc
* Upgrade sentry-sdk, psutil and distro dependencies
2024-01-12 10:38:26 +00:00
## 2.2.45 12/01/2024
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.45
* Fix mouse offset issues with VNC in Qemu. Fixes #2335
* Add project.created, project.opened and project.deleted controller notification stream. Move project.updated and project.closed from project notification to controller notification stream.
* Do not stop searching for Qemu binaries if one binary cannot be executed. Ref #2306
* Fix Ethernet switch and Ethernet hub port validations. Fixes #2334
* Update CORS policy
* Add custom executable paths on Windows
* Upgrade sentry-sdk and aiohttp
2023-11-07 04:59:28 +00:00
## 07/11/2023
* Catch exceptions when computing image checksums. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/2228
* Add freeze_support() for multiprocessing
2023-11-06 06:02:23 +00:00
## 2.2.44 06/11/2023
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.44
* Non-blocking checksums computation when server starts. Fixes #2228
* Fix timeout issue when creating Qemu disk image. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/2313
* Support for web socket console over HTTPS
* Add back script create_cert.sh
* Allow disabling hardware virtualization check
* Fix L2IOU "failed code signing checks" when IOU base file name is >= 63 characters
* Change "ip cef" to "no ip cef" in IOU default configs. Fixes #2298
* Add Qemu IGB network device
* Add Python 3.12 support.
* Fix issue with importlib.resources.files() and Python 3.9
2023-09-19 13:16:52 +00:00
## 2.2.43 19/09/2023
* Force English output for VBoxManage. Fixes #2266
* Automatically add vboxnet and DHCP server if not present for VirtualBox GNS3 VM. Ref #2266
* Fix issue with controller config saved before checking current version with previous one
* Prevent X11 socket file to be modified by Docker container
* Use the user data dir to store built-in appliances
* Catch ConnectionResetError exception when client disconnects
* Upgrade to PyQt 5.15.9 and pywin32
2023-08-09 11:11:57 +00:00
## 2.2.42 09/08/2023
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.42
* Handle API version key in VirtualBox 7. Fixes #2266
* Enable system certificate store for SSL connections
* Use DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE for md5sum
* Fix version check when installing appliances. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3486
* Allow connection to ws console over IPv6. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-web-ui/issues/1400
* Support for Python 3.12
* Remove import urllib3 and let sentry_sdk import and patch it. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3498
2023-07-12 07:07:39 +00:00
## 2.2.41 12/07/2023
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.41
* Catch urllib3 exceptions when sending crash report. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3483
* Only fetch Qemu version once when starting Qemu + only add speed/duplex for virtio-net-pci with Qemu version >= 2.12
* Use recent OVMF firmware (stable-202305) and use flash drives to configure Qemu command line
* Remove the useless executable permissions to the file gns3server/disks/empty8G.qcow2
* Backport UEFI boot mode support for Qemu VMs
2023-06-10 10:36:40 +00:00
## 10/06/2023
* Re-bundle Web-Ui v2.2.40. Fixes #2239
2023-06-06 00:53:42 +00:00
## 2.2.40 06/06/2023
* qemu : with network adapter_type equal to "virtio-net-pci", fix the speed to 10000 and duplex to full. The values are actually fake. (https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3476)
* Parse name for request to node creation from template
* Remove Xvfb + x11vnc support
* Require a Host-Only Network to start the VirtualBox GNS3 VM on macOS with VirtualBox 7
* Properly catch aiohttp client exception. Ref #2228
* Catch ConnectionResetError when waiting for the wrap console
* Fix open IPv6 address for HTTP consoles on controller. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3448
* Use proc.communicate() when checking for subprocess output As recommended in https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-subprocess.html#asyncio.subprocess.Process.stderr
2023-05-08 11:17:02 +00:00
## 2.2.39 08/05/2023
* Install web-ui v2.2.39
* Add generic function to install resource files
* Install empty Qemu disks on first start
* Check for colon in project name. Fixes #2203
* Upgrade distro and aiohttp dependencies
2023-02-28 05:35:17 +00:00
## 2.2.38 28/02/2023
* Bundle web-ui v2.2.38
* Fix c7200_i0_log.txt is created in the current directory. Fixes #2191
* Check swtpm version and start swtpm before qemu
* Fix broken websocket console with Python 3.11
* Fix "cannot reopen console". Ref #2182
* Fix Qemu binary not set when adding appliance from template
2023-01-25 07:06:12 +00:00
## 2.2.37 25/01/2023
* Fix link communication issues on Windows with uBridge
* Fix StreamWriter doesn't have the wait_closed() method in Python3.6. Fixes #2170
* Install built-in appliances when no previous version has been detected. Fixes #2168
* Update documentation to install gns3-server. Fixes #2124
* Give udhcpc executable right. Fixes #2159
2023-01-04 11:46:30 +00:00
## 2.2.36 04/01/2023
* Install web-ui v2.2.36
* Add Trusted Platform Module (TPM) support for Qemu VMs
* Require Dynamips 0.2.23 and bind Dynamips hypervisor on
* Delete the built-in appliance directory before installing updated files
* Use a stock BusyBox for the Docker integration
* Overwrite built-in appliance files when starting a more recent version of the server
* Fix reset console. Fixes #1619
* Only use importlib_resources for Python <= 3.9. Fixes #2147
* Support when the user field defined in Docker container is an ID. Fixes #2134
2022-11-10 14:21:13 +00:00
## 10/11/2022
* Re-release Web-Ui v2.2.35
2022-11-08 15:40:25 +00:00
## 2.2.35 08/11/2022
* Release web-ui v2.2.35
* Fix issues with VMnet interface on macOS >= 11.0. Ref #3381
* Use importlib_resources instead of pkg_resources and install built-in appliances in config dir.
* Fix console vnc don't use configured ports in some case. Fixes #2111
* Add missing VMware settings in gns3_server.conf
* Make version PEP 440 compliant
* Support for Python 3.11
* Allow for more dependency versions at patch level
* Replace deprecated distro.linux_distribution() call
* Update gns3.service.systemd
* gns3.service.openrc: make openrc script posix compliant
* fix: use exact match to find interface in windows to avoid get wrong interface
2022-08-28 21:28:12 +00:00
## 2.2.34 28/08/2022
* Use original $PATH in init.sh for Docker containers. Ref #2069
* Support pytest-asyncio 0.19.0
* Upgrade dev dependencies and fix issues after upgrading to pytest-aiohttp v1.0.4
* Update compute.py
2022-06-21 08:48:02 +00:00
## 21/06/2022
* Add missing file for web-ui v2.2.33
2022-06-20 18:53:21 +00:00
## 2.2.33 20/06/2022
* Release web-ui v2.2.33
* Upgrade sentry-sdk and psutil
* Remove parameter "Name" not useful to create a Docker container
* Support to reset all console connections. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1619
* Config option to disable built-in templates
* Add hostname entry to sample network config for Docker nodes. Fixes #2039
* Run Xtigervnc with MIT-SHM extension disabled for Docker VNC console support. Fixes #2071
* Added OpenRC init script
2022-04-27 11:47:20 +00:00
## 2.2.32 27/04/2022
* Docker: load custom interface files from /etc/network/interfaces (commented by default). Ref #2052
* Release web UI 2.2.32
* Create `/etc/network/interfaces.d` in Docker container. Fixes #2052
* Prettify Docker '/etc/network/interfaces' file. Ref #2040
* Use public DSNs for Sentry
* Fix VMware Fusion VM does not start on macOS >= 11. Fixes #2027
* Include conf file in MANIFEST.in Ref #2044
* Use Python 3.7 to publish API documentation
* Development on 2.2.32dev1
2022-02-26 07:52:29 +00:00
## 2.2.31 26/02/2022
* Install setuptools v59.6.0 when using Python 3.6
2022-02-25 04:22:27 +00:00
## 2.2.30 25/02/2022
* Support GNS3 variables in Docker environment variables. Fixes #2033
* Release web UI 2.2.30
* Set setuptools to v60.6.0
* qemu_vm.py Linked node test.
* Fix dead link in README.rst Fixes #2022
2022-01-08 11:45:15 +00:00
## 2.2.29 08/01/2022
* Release web UI 2.2.29
* Add NixOS in list of distributions with a package
2021-12-15 03:24:14 +00:00
## 2.2.28 15/12/2021
* Fix compute Docker test. Fixes #2003
* Release web UI 2.2.28
* Simpler Systemd service file. Ref #1996
2021-11-12 05:03:53 +00:00
## 2.2.27 12/11/2021
* Release web UI 2.2.27
* Fix unhandled KeyError exception when starting Docker container. Ref #1991
2021-10-08 10:32:04 +00:00
## 2.2.26 08/10/2021
* Release web UI 2.2.26
* Sort symbols by theme. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3230
* Fix memory percentage left warning. Fixes #1966
* Update affinity symbols. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3232
2021-09-14 09:50:10 +00:00
## 2.2.25 14/09/2021
* Release web UI 2.2.25
* Fix issue preventing to use custom nested symbols. Fixes #1969
* Updated affinity symbols
* Fix qemu-img rebase code to support Qemu 6.1. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/pull/1962
* Reinstate qemu-img rebase
* Return disk usage for partition that contains the default project directory. Fixes #1947
* Explicitly require setuptools, utils/get_resource.py imports pkg_resources
2021-08-25 11:01:25 +00:00
## 2.2.24 25/08/2021
* Release web UI 2.2.24
* Fix issue when searching for image with relative path. Fixes #1925
* Fix wrong error when NAT interface is not allowed. Fixes #1943
* Fix incorrect Qemu binary selected when importing template. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3216
* Fix error when updating a link style. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2461
* Some fixes for early support for Python3.10 The loop parameter has been removed from most of asyncio‘s high-level API following deprecation in Python 3.8.
* Early support for Python3.10 Fixes #1940
* Bump pywin32 from 300 to 301
2021-08-05 06:28:54 +00:00
## 2.2.23 05/08/2021
* Release web UI 2.2.23
* Fix hostname inconsistencies during script execution
* Add option `--without-kvm`
* Add a `reload` server endpoint. Fixes #1926
* Handle -no-kvm param deprecated in Qemu >= v5.2
* Fix binary websocket access to the console
* Change how to generate random MAC addresses
* setup.py: prevent installing tests directory
* Support cloning of encrypted qcow2 base image files
* Fix VMware VM support on Linux and Windows. Fixes #1919
2021-06-10 06:11:58 +00:00
## 2.2.22 10/06/2021
* Fix VMware support on macOS BigSur
* Link style support. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2461
* Release web UI version 2.2.22
* Preserve auto_start/auto_open/auto_close when restoring snapshot
* Fix uBridge errors for cloud nodes not visible in logs. Fixes #1895
* Prevent directory traversal. Fixes #1894
2021-05-10 13:12:46 +00:00
## 2.2.21 10/05/2021
* Release Web-Ui v2.2.21
* Improvements for get symbol dimensions endpoint. Ref #1885
2021-04-09 02:44:38 +00:00
## 2.2.20 09/04/2021
* Release Web UI version 2.2.20
* Fix packet capture with HTTPS remote server. Fixes #1882
* Sync appliance files and remove old ones after sync with online repo. Fixes #1876
* Upgrade dependencies
* Fix export for missing files
* Fix issue when trying to export temporary Dynamips files.
2021-03-05 04:21:03 +00:00
## 2.2.19 05/03/2021
* Launch projects marked for auto open after SIGHUP is received
* Release Web UI 2.2.19
* Fix console type error when creating Ethernet switch node. Fixes #1873
* Upgrade Jinja to version 2.11.3. Fixes #1865
2021-02-16 08:39:46 +00:00
## 2.2.18 16/02/2021
* SIGHUP: remove projects with an empty project directory.
* Release Web UI 2.2.18
* Catch OSError exception in psutil. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3127
* Expose 'auto_open' and 'auto_start' properties in API when creating project. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3119
* Add mtools package information. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3076
* Fix warning: 'ide-drive' is deprecated when using recent version of Qemu. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3101
* Fix bug when starting of vpcs stopped with "quit". Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3110
* Fix WinError 0 handling
* Stop uBridge if VPCS node has been terminated. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3110
* Allow cloned QEMU disk images to be resized before the node starts, by cloning the disk image in response to a resize request instead of waiting until the node starts.
* Fix(readme): update python version from 3.5.3 to 3.6
* Use HDD disk image as startup QEMU config disk
* Create config disk property false by default for Qemu templates
* Set default disk interface type to "none".
* Add explicit option to automatically create or not the config disk. Off by default.
* QEMU config disk support
2020-12-04 05:56:56 +00:00
## 2.2.17 04/12/2020
* Close and remove projects deleted from disks after SIGHUP signal is received.
* Release Web Ui 2.2.17
* New config file options to configure the VNC console port range.
* Use asyncio.all_tasks instead of deprecated method for Python 3.9 compatibility.
2020-11-05 05:08:19 +00:00
## 2.2.16 05/11/2020
* Option to allocate or not the vCPUs and RAM settings for the GNS3 VM. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3069
* Release Web UI version 2.2.16
* Fix wrong defaults for images_path, configs_path, appliances_path. Fixes #1829
* Use EnvironmentFile for Systemd service. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3048
* Fix SSL support for controller and local compute. Fixes #1826
* Prevent WIC to be added/removed while Dynamips router is running. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3082
* Fix bug with application id allocation for IOU nodes. Fixes #3079
* Allow commas in image paths and VM name for Qemu VMs. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3065
2020-10-07 04:59:52 +00:00
## 2.2.15 07/10/2020
* Fix symbol retrieval issue. Ref #1824
* Fixes update() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'name' and 'value'. Fixes #1821 #1825
* Fix Hyper-V based GNS3 VM WMI issue. Fixes #1822
* Release Web-Ui version 2020.4.0-beta.1
2020-09-14 20:22:47 +00:00
## 2.2.14 14/09/2020
* Release Web-Ui version 2020.3.0-beta.4
* Add '-smp sockets=1' by default for Qemu VMs. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3047
* Implement full restart if user reload a Qemu VM which has been updated. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3038
2020-09-04 13:43:28 +00:00
## 2.2.13 04/09/2020
* Release Web-Ui 2020.3.0-beta.3
* Fix issue when resuming Qemu VM. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3027
2020-08-07 09:57:32 +00:00
## 2.2.12 07/08/2020
* Release Web-Ui version 2020.3.0-beta.2
* Catch exception when psutil returns OSError
* Downgrade psutil to version 5.6.7
* Use parent directory as working directory for project duplication and snapshots. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2909
* Fix Key Error "vendor_id" is missing when configuring GNS3 VM with VirtualBox. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3018
2020-07-09 11:07:10 +00:00
## 2.2.11 09/07/2020
* Fix crash when project sets 'auto_open' option and a remote GNS3 VM is used. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3014
* Fix Dynamips ghost image support when project contains a space. Fixes #3015
* Release Web-Ui version 2020.3.0-beta.1
* Fix issue when cannot skip slots for Dynamips routers. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/3000
* Allow tests to be run by root. Fixes #1784
* Update classifiers in setup.py
2020-06-18 02:59:33 +00:00
## 2.2.10 18/06/2020
* Add pytest-aiohttp to tests_require in setup.py
* Don't require hardware acceleration. Fixes #1780
* Release Web-Ui version 2020.2.0-beta.5
* Tests can be run with Python 3.8
* Wait longer for x11 socket file to be created. Ref #1761
* Allow Hyper-V to run on AMD when Windows 10 build 19640 or later is detected. Fixes #1777
* Show error message if IPv6 is not enabled when using SPICE console. Fixes #1772
* Move jsonschema 2.6.0 requirement in build repository.
* Only use jsonschema 2.6.0 on Windows and macOS.
* Disable default integrations for sentry sdk.
* Remove unused bytes2human function.
2020-06-04 09:09:27 +00:00
## 2.2.9 04/06/2020
* Release Web-Ui version 2020.2.0-beta.4
* Support to activate/deactive network connection state replication in Qemu.
* Possible fix for problem connecting to the GNS3 VM. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2969 #1760
* Option to reset or not all MAC addresses when exporting or duplicating a project.
* Fix bug when changing properties for closed project. Fixes #1754
* Fix issues with crash reporting & bump version to 2.2.9dev2. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1758
* Lock listing VMs. Ref #1755
* Try to fix error when listing Hyper-V VMs. Ref #1755
* Catch VirtualBox errors when listing VMs. Fixes #1759
* Deprecate running with Python 3.5
* aiocontextvars is only necessary for Python < 3.7
* Replace Raven by Sentry SDK. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1758
* Require setuptools>=17.1 in setup.py. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1751 This is to support environmental markers. https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/blob/master/CHANGES.rst#171
2020-05-07 08:40:57 +00:00
## 2.2.8 07/05/2020
* Release Web-Ui 2020.2.0-beta.3
* Default port set to 80 for server running in the GNS3 VM. Fixes #1737
* Make the Web UI the default page. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1737
* Support controller reloading for templates, appliances and projects. Ref #1743
* Return exit status 1 if server fails to start. Fixes #1744
* Use Environmental Markers to force jsonschema version. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2849 Version 3.2.0 with Python >= 3.8 Version 2.6.0 with Python < 3.8
* Use Environmental Markers to force jsonschema version 2.6.0 on Windows/macOS. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2849
* Implement a minimum interval between cpu_percent() calls. Fixes #1738
* Add clipboard support for TigerVnc
* Sort snapshots by (created_at, name)
* Unprotected access for websocket consoles. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2883#issuecomment-580677552
* Support for WebSocket consoles
* Return array for controller statistics endpoint
* Server statistics implementation
2020-04-07 14:33:13 +00:00
## 2.2.7 07/04/2020
* Release 2020.2.0-beta.1
* Fix uBrigde error popups when Docker image has stopped. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2957
* Fix warning that you are explicitly comparing literals
2020-03-26 02:07:59 +00:00
## 2.2.6 26/03/2020
* Remove --local when starting Docker dev server.
* Release 2020.1.0-alpha.1
* Monitor ubrige processes.
* Add Xvnc command to the VNC servers list. Fixes #172
* Allow controller to reconnect to compute if communication is lost. Ref #1634
* Improvement of support for docker USER directive. Fixes #1727.
* Fix cannot delete Dynamips router the content of the "usage" field. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2947
* Prevent locked drawings to be deleted. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2948
* Fix issues with empty project variables. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2941
* Upgrade psutil to version 5.6.6 due to CVE-2019-18874 https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-qfc5-mcwq-26q8
* Remove 'format=raw' from the Qemu options of the disk interfaces. Ref #1699
* Allocate application IDs for IOU nodes on the controller. An application ID is used by IOU to generate its interface Mac addresses. They must be unique across all opened projects sharing the same computes to avoid Mac address collisions.
* Require VirtualBox >= 6.0 on AMD and >= 6.1 on Intel processors (for GNS3 VM only). Fixes #1610
* Add nvme disk interface and fix scsi disk interface for Qemu VMs.
* Disallow using "legacy networking mode" with Qemu >= 2.9.0
* Add latest Qemu nic models.
* Attempt to fix error when loading wmi module. Fixes #1712
* Handle "aborted" state for VirtualBox VMs. Fixes #1702
* Change how Hyper-V VMs are found. Ref #1612
2020-01-09 15:52:40 +00:00
## 2.2.5 09/01/2020
* No changes
2020-01-08 16:45:09 +00:00
## 2.2.4 08/01/2020
* Accept a node name when creating a node from a template using the API. Fixes #1708
* Disallow to modify a template if changes cannot be written on disk. Fixes #1695
* Fix renaming IOL hostname replaces %h only in a single place. Fixes #1707
* Add symbols_path
* Bundle Web Ui version 2019.2.0-alpha.11
* Change the default UDP port range to be 20000 to 30000 in gns3_server.conf Ref #1271
* Fix cannot power on VirtualBox VM in saved state. Ref #1702
2019-11-12 07:29:54 +00:00
## 2.2.3 12/11/2019
* Improved how the path to the config file is actually determined
* Return HTTP status code 204 in API when project successfully closed. Fixes #1689
* Python3.8 support. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2895
* Make sure still support Python >= 3.5.3
* Added workaround for #1690. Added venv/ to .gitignore
* Fix exception when adding VirtualBox VM. Fixes #1685.
* Set psutil to version 5.6.3 in requirements.txt
* Add `LimitNOFILE=16384` to GNS3 service. Ref #1678
* Change the default UDP port range to be 20000 to 30000. Ref #1271
2019-11-04 10:33:28 +00:00
## 2.2.2 04/11/2019
* Release 2019.2.0-alpha.10
* Fix how PCI bridges are created for Qemu VMs with greater than 32 interfaces.
* Fix broken support for cloned VirtualBox VMs. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2889
* Handle builtin entry does not exist when adding node from template (new fix).
* Let systemd directly supervises the GNS3 service. Fixes #1678
2019-11-01 09:53:20 +00:00
## 2.2.1 01/11/2019
* Handle builtin entry does not exist when adding node from template.
* Upgrade aiohttp to version 3.6.2
* Fix issue when linking to more than one NAT node with allowed_interface option enabled. Fixes #1671
* Prevent deleting a GNS3 project outside the project directory. Ref #1669
* Do not send "console_type" property to computes for all builtin nodes excepting Ethernet switches. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2882
* Fix QEMU link detection flaky on last port. Fixes #1666
* Use compatible shlex_quote to handle case where Windows needs double quotes around file names, not single quotes. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2866
* Use by default for server host. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1663
* Improvement to validate HTTP authentication config. Ref #1662
* Use versioned config directory for profiles. Fixes #1664
* Enable nested hardware virtualization by default for GNS3 VM running in VirtualBox. Fixes #1377 No error is sent by VBoxManage is this feature is not available, for instance with Intel processors.
* Set default host to "localhost". Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1663
* Improve process to get guest IP address from GNS3 VM running in VMware workstation/player. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2866
* Fix error with console type in Ethernet switch schema. Fixes #1659
2019-09-30 08:24:26 +00:00
## 2.2.0 30/09/2019
* Add debug message for what directory is checked for Qemu binaries. Ref #1655
* Release 2019.2.0-alpha.8
* Fix single quote is not closed. Fixes #1654
* Fix wrong Dynamips command used to rename an ATM switch. Fixes #1651
* Don't specify the PCI bus for AHCI device
* Add id value to all Qemu drives
2019-09-09 08:06:14 +00:00
## 2.2.0rc5 09/09/2019
* Fix AttributeError: Cannot set attribute '%s'. Fixes #1646
2019-08-30 08:23:32 +00:00
## 2.2.0rc4 30/08/2019
* Release 2019.2.0-alpha.7
* Check that vcpus value for GNS3 VM is an integer. Fixes #1636
* Make x,y optional for creating links via API. Fixes #1630
* Set default_name_format for some builtin nodes.
* Allow "none" for compute_id in templates.
2019-08-12 02:14:56 +00:00
## 2.2.0rc3 12/08/2019
* Revert to jsonschema 2.6.0 due to packaging problem.
2019-08-10 17:04:19 +00:00
## 2.2.0rc2 10/08/2019
2019-08-10 16:42:10 +00:00
* Bump jsonschema to version 3.0.2
* List Hyper-V VMs on non-english OSes. Fixes #1612
* Add missing default values in Cloud schema.
* Release 2019.2.0-alpha.5
* Fix redirection to web-ui bundled server
2019-07-11 14:58:35 +00:00
## 2.2.0b4 11/07/2019
* Requires a project to be opened to start/stop/suspend all nodes. Fixes #1609
* Fix issue when starting GNS3 VM for Hyper-V
* Set defaults for custom cloud nodes.
* Fix issue when trying to rename a Dynamips node that is already powered on. Fixes #2824
* Remove deprecated Qemu parameter to run legacy ASA VMs. Fixes #2827
* Add debug message when searching for an image. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2828
2019-06-15 13:39:32 +00:00
## 2.2.0b3 15/06/2019
* Fix template migration issues from GUI to controller. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2803
* Refresh mounted media after ISO switch.
* Resolve conflicts in docker volumes instead of error. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1595
* %guest-cid% variable implementation for Qemu VMs. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2804
* Fix KeyError: 'usage' exception when configuring IOU template. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2806
2019-05-29 10:16:59 +00:00
## 2.2.0b2 29/05/2019
* Ignore Unicode errors when reading base config file contents.
* Sync appliances.
* Support snapshots for portable projects. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2792
* Update the GNS3 version in topology file if converted. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2798
* Support for log rotation and compression. Fixes #1586
* Do not start QEMU console if QEMU process is not started. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2712
* Avoid sending warning message all the time for Ethernet switch.
* Support to include snapshots in portable projects.
2019-05-29 08:44:25 +00:00
## 2.1.20 29/05/2019
* Ignore Unicode errors when reading base config file contents.
2019-05-28 08:23:35 +00:00
## 2.1.19 28/05/2019
* Sync appliances.
* Remove yarl from requirements.txt since it is installed by aiohttp.
* Drop typing dependency.
2019-05-22 09:13:28 +00:00
## 2.1.18 22/05/2019
* Revert "Force aiohttp version to 2.3.10 and aiohttp-cors version to 0.5.3" Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1583 Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1592
* Fix invalid reStructuredText for long description in setup.py
2019-05-21 08:26:54 +00:00
## 2.2.0b1 21/05/2019
* Upgrade GNS3 Web UI to v2019.2.0-alpha.3
* Change behavior when an IOU license is verified. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1555
* Fix Qemu VM state support after closing a project and check for JSON data returned by qemu-img. Fixes #1591
* Ensure Qemu monitor commands are executed. Ref #1582.
* Set console type to "none" by default for Ethernet switches and add a warning if trying to use "telnet". Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2776
* Add %console-port% variable for additional Qemu options. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2786
* Fix invalid reStructuredText for long description in setup.py
* Support for additional persistent docker volumes
2019-04-15 10:05:20 +00:00
## 2.2.0a5 15/04/2019
* Back to the major.minor version for config files. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2756
* Fix templates missing after server restart. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2769
* Fix bug when GNS3 VM were not saved. Fix tests.
* Some adjustments with compute WebSocket handling. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1564
* Fix broken embedded console for Ethernet switch. Fixes #1574
* Prevent locked nodes to be deleted. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2764
* Remove old unused argument option. Fixes #1569
2019-05-17 08:10:28 +00:00
## 2.1.17 17/05/2019
* Force aiohttp version to 2.3.10 and aiohttp-cors version to 0.5.3 This is to fix build issue for Ubuntu 19.04 package on Launchpad. Ref #1583 https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2774
2019-04-15 05:00:18 +00:00
## 2.1.16 15/04/2019
* Fix broken embedded console for Ethernet switch. Fixes #1574
* Remove old unused argument option. Fixes #1569
2019-04-05 11:10:04 +00:00
## 2.2.0a4 05/04/2019
* Use the full version number for path to config files. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2756
* Support for docker images that set the USER directive. Changes the docker user to root for the init script to configure the network, then drops to the configured user (or root if one is not defined) for continuing booting the image.
* Fix packet filter not working for Ethernet switch and Ethernet hub. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2754
* Fix remote packet capture for Dynamips.
* Fix remote packet capture and make sure packet capture is stopped when deleting an NIO. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2753
* Store config files in version specific location
* Update pytest from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0
* Fix opening previously saved 2.1 project grid overlapping. Fixes #2734
* Fix empty theme name in symbol selection dialog. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2751
* Bundle v2019.1.0-alpha.3 web-ui
2019-03-25 11:35:22 +00:00
## 2.2.0a3 25/03/2019
* Fix traceback when starting packet capture on builtin nodes. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2743
* Load v2019.1.0-alpha.2 of WebUI
* Fetch tags for update-bundled-web-ui.sh
* Fix mimetype for javascript, #1559
* Serve WebUI via get_resource for freezed app
* Deactivate the embedded shell for Ethernet switch. Ref #1424 #1556
* Fix VBoxManage fails if VM has specific special characters in name. Fixes #2739
* Fix IOU symlink issue on remote servers.
* Fix vcpus configuration for GNS3 VM on VMware. Ref #2738.
* Fix issue when images are not uploaded from appliance wizard. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2738
* Save the GNS3 VM settings even if the GNS3 VM cannot be stopped.
* Fix exception when emitting event from controller. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2737
2019-03-21 03:41:44 +00:00
## 2.1.15 21/03/2019
* Fix IOU symlink issue on remote servers.
* Fix vcpus configuration for GNS3 VM on VMware. Ref #2738.
2019-03-14 10:09:53 +00:00
## 2.2.0a2 14/03/2019
* Web-UI v2019.1.0-alpha.1
* Update docs for update-bundled-web-ui.sh
* Fix issue when loading and quickly closing a project and opening it again. Fixes #1501.
* Disable unreliable nested virtualization check.
* Fix issue not checking build number on Windows.
* Change Hyper-V requirement checks.
* Early support for symbol themes.
* Re-order handlers in order to prevent CORS
* Download custom appliance symbols from GitHub Fix symbol cache issue. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2671 Fix temporary directory for symbols was not deleted Fix temporary appliance file was not deleted
* Option to export snapshots.
* Support tags versioned WebUI when bundling
* Support selecting a compression type when exporting a project.
* Change how VPCS executable is searched.
* Use aiofiles where relevant.
* Update paths for binaries moved to the MacOS directory in GNS3.app
* Locked state should not be used when duplicating a node.
* Handle locking/unlocking items independently from the layer position.
* Use aiozipstream for snapshots. Fix tests.
* Project duplication support.
2019-01-29 06:47:09 +00:00
## 2.2.0a1 29/01/2019
* Restore reload support for nodes.
* Tune how to get the size of SVG images. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2674. * Default for missing height/width is "100%" as defined in the SVG specification * Better error message, if viewBox attribute is missing * Removal of "%" in percent more fault tolerant by using rstrip("%")
* Fix DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2670
* Fix issue with coroutine not awaited. Fixes #1499
* Remove "deprecated" node for VirtualBox based GNS3 VM support. Ref #1377
* Fix wrong controller method call.
* Move appliance and template management code in their own classes.
* Try to delete saved VM state only if a snapshot has been saved.
* Set socket options SO_KEEPALIVE and TCP_NODELAY for embedded Telnet server. Ref #1335
* Fix issue with notification queue that prevented to properly close projects. Fix #1493
* Fix issue with "usage" variable for Dynamips VMs. Fixes #1495
* New node information dialog to display general, usage and command line information. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2662 https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2656
* Support "usage" field for Dynamips, IOU, VirtualBox and VMware. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2657
* Automatically create a symbolic link to the IOU image in the IOU working directory. Fixes #1484
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.1' into 2.1
* Fix link pause/filters only work for the first interface of Docker containers. Fixes #1482
* Fix ConnectionResetError issues and switch to aiohttp version 3.4.4. Fixes #1474.
* Fix server authentication.
* Fix issue when there is no gns3_controller.conf. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2644
* Fix non responsive console for Docker VMs. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2645
* Back to classic symbol theme. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2644
* docker_vm: fix x11vnc not starting
* Use "template" to name what we use to create new nodes.
* Use project instead of topology where appropriate.
* Make sure nothing is named "compute server".
* Allow usage property in Docker appliance.
* Use "node" instead of "appliance" for grid support.
* Telnet console resize support for Docker VM.
* Allow appliances to be loaded from file without the appliance id.
* Update schema to allow for drawing grid size to be part of project.
* Avoid _fix_permissions() to be called twice when stopping Docker VM. Ref #1428
* Fix _fix_permissions() garbles permissions in Docker VM. Ref #1428
* Fix "None is not of type 'integer'" when opening project containing a Qemu VM. Fixes #2610.
* Remove useless warning.
* Normalize symbol ID on Windows.
* Use POSIX path for symbol ID.
* Early support for symbol themes.
* Fix broken examples in API documentation.
* Add more information about appliances to the API documentation.
* Use Python3.6 to build the API documentation.
* Add missing files for API documentation.
* Restore previously removed test.
* Update API documentation for appliance endpoints. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2630
* Require privileged access for uBridge when using VMware VMs and Docker containers. Fixes #1461.
* Only require privileged access for uBridge when connecting a cloud to an Ethernet/TAP interface. Fixes #1461.
* Allow virtual machines to use files in project directory as disk images.
* Support to duplicate an appliance.
* Fix mac address schema validation for Qemu VM appliance. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2629
* Support "L1 keepalives" in IOU appliance schema.
* Remove problematic test when run on Travis.
* Change test that randomly fails on Travis.
* Fix small bugs when using the new appliance management API.
* Fix bug with custom adapters and categories for Docker VM. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2613
* Handle custom adapters in schemas.
* Reorganize how appliance creation is validated against JSON schemas. This allows for clearer error messages when validation fails.
* Use schema to set appliance default values and better schema validation error messages.
* Schema validation for appliance API. Ref #1427.
* Remove generic controller settings API endpoint.
* Working dedicated appliance management API. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1427
* Support Xtigervnc restart.
* Only require Xtigervnc or Xvfb+x11vnc for Docker with vnc console. Ref #1438
* Support tigervnc in Docker VM. Ref #1438
* Base for dedicated appliance management API. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1427
* Reorder routes in order to get working CORS
* Fix CORS response on node deletion, Fixes: #1446
* Disable CORS cache, Fixes: #1445
* Refactor how clients access PCAP capture files. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2438.
* Remove static dir configuration
* FIX PUT CORS for nodes, Fixes: #1434
* Fix installation with Python 3.7. Fixes #1414. Fix deprecated use of aiohttp.Timeout. Fixes #1296. Use "async with" with aiohttp.ClientSession(). Make sure websocket connections are properly closed, see https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/web_advanced.html#graceful-shutdown Finish to drop Python 3.4.
* Drop Python 3.4 and switch to async / await syntax for asyncio. Fixes #1425
* Added "/sbin" to init script PATH variable so that its possible to use more sophosticated dhcp clients (compared to the udhcpc that is provided by busybox) by installing them into the docker image in the normal way.
* Notify users if x11vnc process has crashed. Fix #1401.
* Return compute port information via API. Ref #1420.
* Fix platform.linux_distribution() is deprecated. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2578
* Update minimum VIX version requirements for VMware. Ref #1415.
* Disable static directory. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2558.
* Include HTTP error code when reporting an error while download appliance templates from GitHub repository.
* Optimize appliance templates update from GitHub repository by only downloading when the repository has been updated. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2490
* Fix appliance template tests.
* Update appliance templates from online registry. Ref #2490.
* Add missing doc pages.
* Update docs for controller_notifications and project_notifications.
* The server has now 2 notification streams * A new one for controller related events (compute, appliance templates etc.) * The existing one for project related events (links, nodes etc.)
* Allow custom symbols to be sub-directories.
* Add affinity symbols. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2488
* ACPI shutdown for GNS3 VM running on Hyper-V. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/763
* Hyper-V support for GNS3 VM. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/763
* Get IP address from guest Hyper-V VM. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/763
* Early Hyper-V support to run the GNS3 VM. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/763.
* Add appliance UUID added to the node data. Fixes #1334.
* Clean GNS3 close if one remote server is down. Fixes #1357.
* Mark VirtualBox support for running the GNS3 VM as deprecated. Ref #1377.
* Change default z value for nodes to 1
* Re-enable static directory
* Disable static/ dir, Ref: #2532
* Fix tests on Windows
* Use mocked dir for web-ui redirection test
* Use mocked dir of web-ui for tests
* Gitkeep for web-ui directory
* Serve WebUI handlers and update-bundled-web-ui script, Ref: #1362
* Support /static/ files serving, Ref: #1362
* Console support for clouds (to connect to external devices or services).
* Fix switching console type from telnet to VNC throws error. Fixes #2489.
* Fix saved VM state was not deleted correctly.
* Fix problem with VM saved stated.
* Returns the ports' adapter types and mac addresses when available.
* Support for console auto start.
* Possibility to customize port names and adapter types for Qemu, VirtualBox, VMware and Docker. Fixes #2361. MAC addresses can customized for Qemu as well.
* Allow to have projects with the same name in different locations.
* Save state feature for VirtualBox and VMware. New "On close" setting to select the action to execute when closing/stopping a Qemu/VirtualBox/VMware VM.
* Support for suspend to disk / resume (Qemu).
* Fix bug with 'none' console type for Ethernet switch. Fix some tests related to traceng.
* Allow to resize a Qemu VM disk (extend only).
* Allow to select the default NAT interface in preferences for local server.
* Spice with agent support for Qemu VMs.
* Check if the HAXM service is running when starting a Qemu VM with hardware acceleration. Ref #1242.
* Support for console type "none".
* Support for none console type (Qemu & Docker only)
* Fix bug and add optimizations when connecting and sending commands to QEMU monitor after starting a VM. Fixes #2336.
* Check if HAXM support is installed on macOS. Ref #1242.
* Fix some issues with hardware acceleration support for Qemu.
* Support Qemu with HAXM acceleration. Ref #1242.
* Fix packet filters for Dynamips.
* Fix link filters/suspend tests.
* Improve suspend a link for Qemu and VirtualBox VMs. A suspended link will be unplugged allowing the VMs to be notified of the change.
* Qemu VM support to detect when a link is plugged/unplugged.
* Allow to configure the interface to be used by the NAT node. Fixes #1175.
* Restrict the list of available Ethernet/TAP adapters. Fixes #352.
* Basic project stats.
* Filter snapshots directory during the snapshot, Fixes: #1297
* Calculate MD5 on thread and before json response, Ref. gui#2239
* Cancellable md5sum calculation on thread, Ref. gui#2239
* Compute md5sum on thread and don't block main server, Ref. gui#2239
* Replace asyncio.async with ensure_future because of deprecation, Fixes: #1269
* Implement #1153 into 2.2 branch.
* Pin prompt-toolkit to latest version 1.0.15
2019-02-27 07:58:52 +00:00
## 2.1.14 27/02/2019
* Fix issue when setting cpuid.corespersocket for the GNS3 VM. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2723
* Bump ACPI Shutdown Timeout to 120 seconds. Ref #1536
2019-02-26 09:46:02 +00:00
## 2.1.13 26/02/2019
* Force jsonschema dependency to 2.6.0
* Less aggressive connections to uBridge. Ref #1289
* Fix topology images (Pictures) disappearing from projects. Fixes #1514.
* Reset MAC addresses when duplicating a project. Fixes #1522
* Fix API call to create a node from an appliance doesn't return the new node data. Fixes #1527
* Detect invalid environment variable and send a warning when creating a Docker node. Ref #2683
* Do not export/import symlinks for projects. Fixes #2699
* Fix symlink not being created for duplicated IOU devices. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2699
* Configure coresPerSocket value in VMX file for the GNS3 VM. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2688
* Count logical CPUs to detect if the number of vCPUs is too high when configuring the GNS3 VM. Fixes #2688.
* Add explicit error when trying to pull a Docker image from Docker Hub without Internet access. Fixes #1506.
* Fixes double display output in GRUB in QEMU v3.1. Fixes #1516.
2019-01-23 07:40:38 +00:00
## 2.1.12 23/01/2019
* Tune how to get the size of SVG images. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2674.
* Automatically create a symbolic link to the IOU image in the IOU working directory. Fixes #1484
* Fix link pause/filters only work for the first interface of Docker containers. Fixes #1482
* Telnet console resize support for Docker VM.
* Fix _fix_permissions() garbles permissions in Docker VM. Ref #1428
* Fix "None is not of type 'integer'" when opening project containing a Qemu VM. Fixes #2610.
* Only require Xtigervnc or Xvfb+x11vnc for Docker with vnc console. Ref #1438
* Support tigervnc in Docker VM. Ref #1438
* Update minimum VIX version requirements for VMware. Ref #1415.
2018-09-28 18:47:44 +00:00
## 2.1.11 28/09/2018
* Catch some exceptions.
2018-09-15 09:19:55 +00:00
## 2.1.10 15/09/2018
* Include locale information and GNS3 VM version in crash reports.
* Fix small errors like unhandled exceptions etc.
* Import encodings.idna to avoid LookupError when standard library is in a zip file.
* Catch exceptions in various locations to fix small issues reported by Sentry.
* Check if serial pipe can be opened for VMware and VirtualBox VMs.
* Improve the invalid port format detection. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2580
* Update aiohttp verion requirement in order to support Python 3.7. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2566
* Update setup.py and fix minor issues.
* Catch asyncio.CancelledError when shutting down the server.
* Report GNS3 VM errors to the GUI server summary. Ref #1359.
* Replace vboxnet0 (if it does not exist) by the first available vboxnet interface on Windows. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-vm/issues/102
* Check if the VirtualBox host-only network exists when starting a GNS3 VM running on VirtualBox. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-vm/issues/102
* Change file timestamps if necessary because ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980. Fixes #1360.
* Add missing coroutine decorator Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2566
* Refactor asyncio locking system for Python 3.7 support. Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2566 Ref https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2568
* Use asyncio.ensure_future() instead of asyncio.async() with conservative approach to support Python < 3.4.4. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2566
* Forbid controller and computes to be different versions. Report last compute error to clients and display in the server summary.
2018-09-15 09:19:55 +00:00
* Fix exception with short names for Dynamips interfaces. Fixes #1386.
* Add missing Qemu boot priority values. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-server/issues/1385
2018-08-13 11:13:46 +00:00
## 2.1.9 13/08/2018
* Fix some more problems with interface short names. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2562
* Fix incorrect short port names in topology summary. Fixes https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/2562
* Set lower process priority when computing idle-pc value on Windows. Ref #2522.
* Catch exception: ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980. Ref #1360.
* Sync appliances
2018-06-14 13:17:08 +00:00
## 2.1.8 14/06/2018
* 'caplog.text()' syntax is deprecated, use 'caplog.text' property instead.
* Remove problematic pytest-capturelog dev dependency.
* Fix API status code for start/stop/suspend/reload a node. Fixes #1353. Fix issues with test. Update documentation.
* Don't send variables to computes where are empty, Ref: #1340
2018-06-12 09:12:59 +00:00
## 2.1.7 12/06/2018
* Don't release NIO UDP ports when updating docker container.
* Timeout for stream file.
* Fix switching console type from telnet to VNC throws error.
* Fix timeout error with "save as" for large projects.
* Update API documentation
* Add API endpoint to return all links attached to a node.
* Fix issue with some SVG symbols that could not be used in GNS3. This was due to the height and width values being percentages.
* Show correct free disk space value.
* Force prompt-toolkit to version 1.0.15
* Remove unwanted trailing characters and other white spaces when reading .md5sum files.
* Change order to find vnetlib on Windows (PATH -> Registry -> Default directories).
2018-05-22 12:11:48 +00:00
## 2.1.6 22/05/2018
* Locks down async-timeout<3.0.0 for P3.4 support; Fixes: #1331
* Create/update project on compute when variables changes
* Support for nested global variables
* Don't clean logo images when applied to the project
* Support of supplier and variables in topology
* Project global variables
* Add command information when uBridge has an error. Ref #1289
* Handle asyncio timeouts. Ref #1307.
* Fix bug with export project. Ref #1187 #1307.
* Offload slow file operations to threads for snapshots and project "save as". Ref #1187 #1307.
* support based on init.sh, Ref: #2482
* Fix exception from send_signal() on Windows.
* Add support of ExtraHosts for Docker, Ref. gns3-gui#2482
2018-04-18 09:29:02 +00:00
## 2.1.5 18/04/2018
* Set the first byte to 0C when generating a random MAC address for a Qemu VM. Ref #1267.
* Update appliance files.
* Do not use VMnet0 when allocating VMnet adapters.
* Use SO_REUSEADDR before calling bind() where missing. Fixes #1289.
* Do not fail a Dynamips project conversion if a file being used.
* Catch exceptions when using AsyncioTelnetServer. Fixes #1321.
* Grid size support for projects.
* Remove 'include INSTALL' from MANIFEST.
* Fix issue with start all.
* Check for valid IP address and prevent to run on non-Windows platforms.
* Enable UDP tunnel option and use ICMP probing by default.
* Use the configured IP address to trace.
* Have TraceNG start without needing cmd.exe
2018-03-12 08:19:18 +00:00
## 2.1.4 12/03/2018
* Add Juniper JunOS space appliance.
* Sync checkpoint gaia appliance template.
* Sync appliance templates.
* Make sure we use an IPv4 address in the remote install script.
* Delete old pcap file when starting a new packet capture.
* Fix bug preventing to export portable projects with IOU images.
* Ignore invalid BPF filters. Ref #1290.
* Different approach to handle no data returned by uBridge hypervisors. Fixes #1289.
* Do not raise exception if Dynamips or uBridge hypervisor don't return data and are still running. Fixes #1289
* Fix Dynamips private config not loaded into nvram when starting a router. Fixes #1313.
* Make sure we don't try to read when opening a file in binary more. Fixes #1301.
* Compatybility with controller, default_symbol and hover_symbol, Fixes: #2444
* Filter snapshots directory during the snapshot, Fixes: #1297
* Handle docker env with last empty line, Fixes: #2420
* Require uBridge version 0.9.14 on Linux
* Pywin32 instead of pypiwin32, Ref. #1276
* Fix missing 'locales' package in base image
* Implement a minimum interval between psutil calls. Fixes #2262
* Fix error when appliance template is broken (missing fields). Fixes #1287.
* Fix "Change of linked base VM doesn't work with templates migrated from 2.0"
* Fix "Unable to override non-custom VMware adapter".
* Let a project be opened when a port cannot be found (can happens if a project is corrupted).
* Add an error message when Docker container is not ready to be started. Ref #1281.
* Update documentation.
* Sync appliance files.
* Fix issue when running multiple project containing IOU nodes on the same server. Ref #1239.
* Set first byte to 52 when generating a random MAC address for a Qemu VM. Ref #1267.
* Update link state and save project when a link is suspended or filters are added/removed (without node properties set).
* More generic dependency for pypiwin32, Ref. #1276
2018-01-19 06:15:39 +00:00
## 2.1.3 19/01/2018
* Update appliance files.
* Suspend for Docker nodes.
* Unlock yarl version and multidict
* Fix same MAC address for duplicated Qemu nodes.
* Fix same base MAC for duplicated IOS routers. Fixes #1264.
* Fix "Creating multiple IOU nodes at once assigns the same application id". Fixes #1239.
* Fix "Transport selection via DSN is deprecated" message. Sync is configured with HTTPTransport.
* Refresh CPU/RAM info every 1 second. Ref #2262.
* Rename ethernet switch arp command to mac
* Fix error while getting appliance list. Fixes #1258.
* Fix UnboundLocalError: local variable 'node' referenced before assignment. Fixes #1256.
* Default symbol must be computer.svg
* Compatibility for old node templates (those with default_symbol and hover_symbol properties).
* Fix problem when searching for VBoxManage. Fixes #1261.
* Improve the search for VBoxManage.
* Fixing race condition when starting the GNS3 VM.
* Default VPCS name format is now PC-{0}.