# # This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.12 # by the following command: # # pip-compile --output-file=requirements-dev.txt requirements.in/development.txt # asgiref==3.8.1 # via # django # django-stubs build==1.2.1 # via pip-tools click==8.1.7 # via pip-tools coverage==7.5.3 # via -r requirements.in/development.txt django==5.0.6 # via # django-stubs # django-stubs-ext django-stubs==5.0.2 # via -r requirements.in/development.txt django-stubs-ext==5.0.2 # via django-stubs mypy==1.10.0 # via -r requirements.in/development.txt mypy-extensions==1.0.0 # via mypy packaging==24.0 # via build pip-tools==7.4.1 # via -r requirements.in/development.txt pyproject-hooks==1.1.0 # via # build # pip-tools pywatchman==2.0.0 # via -r requirements.in/development.txt ruff==0.4.8 # via -r requirements.in/development.txt sqlparse==0.5.0 # via django types-pyyaml== # via django-stubs typing-extensions==4.12.2 # via # django-stubs # django-stubs-ext # mypy wheel==0.43.0 # via pip-tools # The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file: # pip # setuptools