You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

299 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2014 Ricki Hirner (bitfire web engineering).
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package at.bitfire.davdroid.resource;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.xbill.DNS.Lookup;
import org.xbill.DNS.Record;
import org.xbill.DNS.SRVRecord;
import org.xbill.DNS.TXTRecord;
import org.xbill.DNS.TextParseException;
import org.xbill.DNS.Type;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
import at.bitfire.davdroid.R;
import at.bitfire.davdroid.webdav.DavException;
import at.bitfire.davdroid.webdav.DavHttpClient;
import at.bitfire.davdroid.webdav.DavIncapableException;
import at.bitfire.davdroid.webdav.HttpPropfind.Mode;
import at.bitfire.davdroid.webdav.NotAuthorizedException;
import at.bitfire.davdroid.webdav.WebDavResource;
import org.apache.http.HttpException;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import ezvcard.VCardVersion;
public class DavResourceFinder implements Closeable {
private final static String TAG = "davdroid.DavResourceFinder";
protected Context context;
protected CloseableHttpClient httpClient;
public DavResourceFinder(Context context) {
this.context = context;
// disable compression and enable network logging for debugging purposes
httpClient = DavHttpClient.create(true, true);
public void close() throws IOException {
public void findResources(ServerInfo serverInfo) throws URISyntaxException, DavException, HttpException, IOException {
// CardDAV
WebDavResource principal = getCurrentUserPrincipal(serverInfo, "carddav");
if (principal != null) {
String pathAddressBooks = principal.getAddressbookHomeSet();
if (pathAddressBooks != null) {
Log.i(TAG, "Found address book home set: " + pathAddressBooks);
WebDavResource homeSetAddressBooks = new WebDavResource(principal, pathAddressBooks);
if (checkHomesetCapabilities(homeSetAddressBooks, "addressbook")) {
List<ServerInfo.ResourceInfo> addressBooks = new LinkedList<ServerInfo.ResourceInfo>();
if (homeSetAddressBooks.getMembers() != null)
for (WebDavResource resource : homeSetAddressBooks.getMembers())
if (resource.isAddressBook()) {
Log.i(TAG, "Found address book: " + resource.getLocation().getPath());
ServerInfo.ResourceInfo info = new ServerInfo.ResourceInfo(
resource.getDescription(), resource.getColor()
VCardVersion version = resource.getVCardVersion();
if (version == null)
version = VCardVersion.V3_0; // VCard 3.0 MUST be supported
} else
Log.w(TAG, "Found address-book home set, but it doesn't advertise CardDAV support");
// CalDAV
principal = getCurrentUserPrincipal(serverInfo, "caldav");
if (principal != null) {
String pathCalendars = principal.getCalendarHomeSet();
if (pathCalendars != null) {
Log.i(TAG, "Found calendar home set: " + pathCalendars);
WebDavResource homeSetCalendars = new WebDavResource(principal, pathCalendars);
if (checkHomesetCapabilities(homeSetCalendars, "calendar-access")) {
List<ServerInfo.ResourceInfo> calendars = new LinkedList<ServerInfo.ResourceInfo>();
if (homeSetCalendars.getMembers() != null)
for (WebDavResource resource : homeSetCalendars.getMembers())
if (resource.isCalendar()) {
Log.i(TAG, "Found calendar: " + resource.getLocation().getPath());
if (resource.getSupportedComponents() != null) {
// CALDAV:supported-calendar-component-set available
boolean supportsEvents = false;
for (String supportedComponent : resource.getSupportedComponents())
if (supportedComponent.equalsIgnoreCase("VEVENT"))
supportsEvents = true;
if (!supportsEvents) { // ignore collections without VEVENT support
Log.i(TAG, "Ignoring this calendar because of missing VEVENT support");
ServerInfo.ResourceInfo info = new ServerInfo.ResourceInfo(
resource.getDescription(), resource.getColor()
} else
Log.w(TAG, "Found calendar home set, but it doesn't advertise CalDAV support");
if (!serverInfo.isCalDAV() && !serverInfo.isCardDAV())
throw new DavIncapableException(context.getString(R.string.setup_neither_caldav_nor_carddav));
* Finds the initial service URL from a given base URI (HTTP[S] or mailto URI, user name, password)
* @param serverInfo User-given service information (including base URI, i.e. HTTP[S] URL+user name+password or mailto URI and password)
* @param serviceName Service name ("carddav" or "caldav")
* @return Initial service URL (HTTP/HTTPS), without user credentials
* @throws URISyntaxException when the user-given URI is invalid
* @throws MalformedURLException when the user-given URI is invalid
public URI getInitialContextURL(ServerInfo serverInfo, String serviceName) throws URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException {
String scheme = null,
domain = null;
int port = -1;
String path = "/";
URI baseURI = serverInfo.getBaseURI();
if ("mailto".equalsIgnoreCase(baseURI.getScheme())) {
// mailto URIs
String mailbox = serverInfo.getBaseURI().getSchemeSpecificPart();
// determine service FQDN
int pos = mailbox.lastIndexOf("@");
if (pos == -1)
throw new URISyntaxException(mailbox, "Missing @ sign");
scheme = "https";
domain = mailbox.substring(pos + 1);
if (domain.isEmpty())
throw new URISyntaxException(mailbox, "Missing domain name");
} else {
scheme = baseURI.getScheme();
domain = baseURI.getHost();
port = baseURI.getPort();
path = baseURI.getPath();
// try to determine FQDN and port number using SRV records
try {
String name = "_" + serviceName + "s._tcp." + domain;
Log.d(TAG, "Looking up SRV records for " + name);
Record[] records = new Lookup(name, Type.SRV).run();
if (records != null && records.length >= 1) {
SRVRecord srv = selectSRVRecord(records);
scheme = "https";
domain = srv.getTarget().toString(true);
port = srv.getPort();
Log.d(TAG, "Found " + serviceName + "s service for " + domain + " -> " + domain + ":" + port);
if (port == 443) // no reason to explicitly give the default port
port = -1;
// SRV record found, look for TXT record too (for initial context path)
records = new Lookup(name, Type.TXT).run();
if (records != null && records.length >= 1) {
TXTRecord txt = (TXTRecord)records[0];
for (Object o : txt.getStrings().toArray()) {
String segment = (String)o;
if (segment.startsWith("path=")) {
path = segment.substring(5);
Log.d(TAG, "Found initial context path for " + serviceName + " at " + domain + " -> " + path);
} catch (TextParseException e) {
throw new URISyntaxException(domain, "Invalid domain name");
return new URI(scheme, null, domain, port, path, null, null);
* Detects the current-user-principal for a given WebDavResource. At first, /.well-known/ is tried. Only
* if no current-user-principal can be detected for the .well-known location, the given location of the resource
* is tried.
* @param resource Location that will be queried
* @param serviceName Well-known service name ("carddav", "caldav")
* @return WebDavResource of current-user-principal for the given service, or null if it can't be found
* TODO: If a TXT record is given, always use it instead of trying .well-known first
WebDavResource getCurrentUserPrincipal(ServerInfo serverInfo, String serviceName) throws URISyntaxException, IOException, NotAuthorizedException {
URI initialURL = getInitialContextURL(serverInfo, serviceName);
if (initialURL != null) {
// determine base URL (host name and initial context path)
WebDavResource base = new WebDavResource(httpClient,
serverInfo.getUserName(), serverInfo.getPassword(), serverInfo.isAuthPreemptive());
// look for well-known service (RFC 5785)
try {
WebDavResource wellKnown = new WebDavResource(base, "/.well-known/" + serviceName);
if (wellKnown.getCurrentUserPrincipal() != null)
return new WebDavResource(wellKnown, wellKnown.getCurrentUserPrincipal());
} catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Not authorized for well-known " + serviceName + " service detection", e);
throw e;
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Well-known" + serviceName + " service detection failed because of invalid URIs", e);
} catch (HttpException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Well-known " + serviceName + " service detection failed with HTTP error", e);
} catch (DavException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Well-known " + serviceName + " service detection failed with unexpected DAV response", e);
// fall back to user-given initial context path
try {
if (base.getCurrentUserPrincipal() != null)
return new WebDavResource(base, base.getCurrentUserPrincipal());
} catch (NotAuthorizedException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Not authorized for querying principal", e);
throw e;
} catch (HttpException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "HTTP error when querying principal", e);
} catch (DavException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "DAV error when querying principal", e);
Log.i(TAG, "Couldn't find current-user-principal for service " + serviceName);
return null;
public static boolean checkHomesetCapabilities(WebDavResource resource, String davCapability) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
// check for necessary capabilities
try {
if (resource.supportsDAV(davCapability) &&
resource.supportsMethod("PROPFIND")) // check only for methods that MUST be available for home sets
return true;
} catch(HttpException e) {
// for instance, 405 Method not allowed
return false;
SRVRecord selectSRVRecord(Record[] records) {
if (records.length > 1)
Log.w(TAG, "Multiple SRV records not supported yet; using first one");
return (SRVRecord)records[0];