/* * Copyright © 2013 – 2015 Ricki Hirner (bitfire web engineering). * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ package com.etesync.syncadapter.resource import android.accounts.Account import android.accounts.AccountManager import android.annotation.TargetApi import android.content.* import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.os.RemoteException import android.provider.ContactsContract import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership import android.provider.ContactsContract.Groups import android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts import at.bitfire.vcard4android.* import com.etesync.syncadapter.App import com.etesync.syncadapter.log.Logger import com.etesync.syncadapter.model.CollectionInfo import com.etesync.syncadapter.model.JournalEntity import java.io.FileNotFoundException import java.util.* import java.util.logging.Level class LocalAddressBook( private val context: Context, account: Account, provider: ContentProviderClient? ): AndroidAddressBook(account, provider, LocalContact.Factory, LocalGroup.Factory), LocalCollection { companion object { val USER_DATA_MAIN_ACCOUNT_TYPE = "real_account_type" val USER_DATA_MAIN_ACCOUNT_NAME = "real_account_name" val USER_DATA_URL = "url" const val USER_DATA_READ_ONLY = "read_only" fun create(context: Context, provider: ContentProviderClient, mainAccount: Account, journalEntity: JournalEntity): LocalAddressBook { val info = journalEntity.info val accountManager = AccountManager.get(context) val account = Account(accountName(mainAccount, info), App.addressBookAccountType) val userData = initialUserData(mainAccount, info.uid!!) Logger.log.log(Level.INFO, "Creating local address book $account", userData) if (!accountManager.addAccountExplicitly(account, null, userData)) throw IllegalStateException("Couldn't create address book account") if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { // Android < 7 seems to lose the initial user data sometimes, so set it a second time // https://forums.bitfire.at/post/11644 userData.keySet().forEach { key -> accountManager.setUserData(account, key, userData.getString(key)) } } val addressBook = LocalAddressBook(context, account, provider) ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically(account, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, true) val values = ContentValues(2) values.put(ContactsContract.Settings.SHOULD_SYNC, 1) values.put(ContactsContract.Settings.UNGROUPED_VISIBLE, 1) addressBook.settings = values return addressBook } fun find(context: Context, provider: ContentProviderClient?, mainAccount: Account?) = AccountManager.get(context) .getAccountsByType(App.addressBookAccountType) .map { LocalAddressBook(context, it, provider) } .filter { mainAccount == null || it.mainAccount == mainAccount } .toList() fun findByUid(context: Context, provider: ContentProviderClient, mainAccount: Account?, uid: String): LocalAddressBook? { val accountManager = AccountManager.get(context) for (account in accountManager.getAccountsByType(App.addressBookAccountType)) { val addressBook = LocalAddressBook(context, account, provider) if (addressBook.url == uid && (mainAccount == null || addressBook.mainAccount == mainAccount)) return addressBook } return null } // HELPERS fun accountName(mainAccount: Account, info: CollectionInfo): String { val displayName = info.displayName ?: info.uid!! val sb = StringBuilder(displayName) sb.append(" (") .append(mainAccount.name) .append(" ") .append(info.uid!!.substring(0, 4)) .append(")") return sb.toString() } fun initialUserData(mainAccount: Account, url: String): Bundle { val bundle = Bundle(3) bundle.putString(USER_DATA_MAIN_ACCOUNT_NAME, mainAccount.name) bundle.putString(USER_DATA_MAIN_ACCOUNT_TYPE, mainAccount.type) bundle.putString(USER_DATA_URL, url) return bundle } } /** * Whether contact groups (LocalGroup resources) are included in query results for * [.getDeleted], [.getDirty] and * [.getWithoutFileName]. */ var includeGroups = true private var _mainAccount: Account? = null var mainAccount: Account get() { _mainAccount?.let { return it } AccountManager.get(context).let { accountManager -> val name = accountManager.getUserData(account, USER_DATA_MAIN_ACCOUNT_NAME) val type = accountManager.getUserData(account, USER_DATA_MAIN_ACCOUNT_TYPE) if (name != null && type != null) return Account(name, type) else throw IllegalStateException("No main account assigned to address book account") } } set(newMainAccount) { AccountManager.get(context).let { accountManager -> accountManager.setUserData(account, USER_DATA_MAIN_ACCOUNT_NAME, newMainAccount.name) accountManager.setUserData(account, USER_DATA_MAIN_ACCOUNT_TYPE, newMainAccount.type) } _mainAccount = newMainAccount } override var url: String get() = AccountManager.get(context).getUserData(account, USER_DATA_URL) ?: throw IllegalStateException("Address book has no URL") set(url) = AccountManager.get(context).setUserData(account, USER_DATA_URL, url) override var readOnly: Boolean get() = AccountManager.get(context).getUserData(account, USER_DATA_READ_ONLY) != null set(readOnly) = AccountManager.get(context).setUserData(account, USER_DATA_READ_ONLY, if (readOnly) "1" else null) fun update(journalEntity: JournalEntity) { val info = journalEntity.info val newAccountName = accountName(mainAccount, info) @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) if (account.name != newAccountName && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { val accountManager = AccountManager.get(context) val future = accountManager.renameAccount(account, newAccountName, { try { // update raw contacts to new account name if (provider != null) { val values = ContentValues(1) values.put(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME, newAccountName) provider.update(syncAdapterURI(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI), values, RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME + "=? AND " + RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE + "=?", arrayOf(account.name, account.type)) } } catch (e: RemoteException) { Logger.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Couldn't re-assign contacts to new account name", e) } }, null) account = future.result } Logger.log.info("Address book write permission? = ${!journalEntity.isReadOnly}") readOnly = journalEntity.isReadOnly // make sure it will still be synchronized when contacts are updated ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically(account, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, true) } fun delete() { val accountManager = AccountManager.get(context) @Suppress("DEPRECATION") @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22) accountManager.removeAccountExplicitly(account) else accountManager.removeAccount(account, null, null) } override fun findAll(): List = if (includeGroups) findAllContacts() + findAllGroups() else findAllContacts() fun findAllContacts() = queryContacts("${RawContacts.DELETED}==0", null) fun findAllGroups() = queryGroups("${Groups.DELETED}==0", null) /** * Returns an array of local contacts/groups which have been deleted locally. (DELETED != 0). * @throws RemoteException on content provider errors */ override fun findDeleted() = if (includeGroups) findDeletedContacts() + findDeletedGroups() else findDeletedContacts() fun findDeletedContacts() = queryContacts("${RawContacts.DELETED}!=0", null) fun findDeletedGroups() = queryGroups("${Groups.DELETED}!=0", null) /** * Returns an array of local contacts/groups which have been changed locally (DIRTY != 0). * @throws RemoteException on content provider errors */ override fun findDirty(limit: Int?) = if (includeGroups) findDirtyContacts(limit) + findDirtyGroups(limit) // FIXME: Doesn't rspect limit correctly, but not a big deal for now else findDirtyContacts(limit) fun findDirtyContacts(limit: Int? = null) = queryContacts("${RawContacts.DIRTY}!=0 AND ${RawContacts.DELETED}==0", null, if (limit != null) "${RawContacts._ID} ASC LIMIT $limit" else null) fun findDirtyGroups(limit: Int? = null) = queryGroups("${Groups.DIRTY}!=0 AND ${Groups.DELETED}==0", null, if (limit != null) "${Groups._ID} ASC LIMIT $limit" else null) /** * Returns an array of local contacts which don't have a file name yet. */ override fun findWithoutFileName() = if (includeGroups) findWithoutFileNameContacts() + findWithoutFileNameGroups() else findWithoutFileNameContacts() fun findWithoutFileNameContacts() = queryContacts("${AndroidContact.COLUMN_FILENAME} IS NULL", null) fun findWithoutFileNameGroups() = queryGroups("${AndroidGroup.COLUMN_FILENAME} IS NULL", null) /** * Queries all contacts with DIRTY flag and checks whether their data checksum has changed, i.e. * if they're "really dirty" (= data has changed, not only metadata, which is not hashed). * The DIRTY flag is removed from contacts which are not "really dirty", i.e. from contacts * whose contact data checksum has not changed. * @return number of "really dirty" contacts */ fun verifyDirty(): Int { if (!LocalContact.HASH_HACK) throw IllegalStateException("verifyDirty() should not be called on Android != 7") var reallyDirty = 0 for (contact in findDirtyContacts()) { val lastHash = contact.getLastHashCode() val currentHash = contact.dataHashCode() if (lastHash == currentHash) { // hash is code still the same, contact is not "really dirty" (only metadata been have changed) Logger.log.log(Level.FINE, "Contact data hash has not changed, resetting dirty flag", contact) contact.resetDirty() } else { Logger.log.log(Level.FINE, "Contact data has changed from hash $lastHash to $currentHash", contact) reallyDirty++ } } if (includeGroups) reallyDirty += findDirtyGroups().size return reallyDirty } override fun findByUid(uid: String): LocalAddress? { val found = findContactByUID(uid) if (found != null) { return found } else { return queryGroups("${AndroidGroup.COLUMN_UID}=?", arrayOf(uid)).firstOrNull() } } fun findGroupById(id: Long): LocalGroup = queryGroups("${Groups._ID}=?", arrayOf(id.toString())).firstOrNull() ?: throw FileNotFoundException() override fun count(): Long { try { val cursor = provider?.query(syncAdapterURI(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI), null, null, null, null) try { return cursor?.count?.toLong()!! } finally { cursor?.close() } } catch (e: RemoteException) { throw ContactsStorageException("Couldn't query contacts", e) } } fun deleteAll() { try { provider?.delete(syncAdapterURI(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI), null, null) provider?.delete(syncAdapterURI(Groups.CONTENT_URI), null, null) } catch (e: RemoteException) { throw ContactsStorageException("Couldn't delete all local contacts and groups", e) } } /* special group operations */ fun getByGroupMembership(groupID: Long): List { val ids = HashSet() provider!!.query(syncAdapterURI(ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI), arrayOf(RawContacts.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID), "(${GroupMembership.MIMETYPE}=? AND ${GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID}=?) OR (${CachedGroupMembership.MIMETYPE}=? AND ${CachedGroupMembership.GROUP_ID}=?)", arrayOf(GroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, groupID.toString(), CachedGroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, groupID.toString()), null)?.use { cursor -> while (cursor.moveToNext()) ids += cursor.getLong(0) } return ids.map { findContactByID(it) } } /* special group operations */ /** * Finds the first group with the given title. If there is no group with this * title, a new group is created. * @param title title of the group to look for * @return id of the group with given title * @throws RemoteException on content provider errors */ fun findOrCreateGroup(title: String): Long { provider!!.query(syncAdapterURI(Groups.CONTENT_URI), arrayOf(Groups._ID), "${Groups.TITLE}=?", arrayOf(title), null)?.use { cursor -> if (cursor.moveToNext()) return cursor.getLong(0) } val values = ContentValues(1) values.put(Groups.TITLE, title) val uri = provider.insert(syncAdapterURI(Groups.CONTENT_URI), values) return ContentUris.parseId(uri) } fun removeEmptyGroups() { // find groups without members /** should be done using {@link Groups.SUMMARY_COUNT}, but it's not implemented in Android yet */ queryGroups(null, null).filter { it.getMembers().isEmpty() }.forEach { group -> Logger.log.log(Level.FINE, "Deleting group", group) group.delete() } } /** Fix all of the etags of all of the non-dirty contacts to be non-null. * Currently set to all ones. */ fun fixEtags() { val newEtag = "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" val where = ContactsContract.RawContacts.DIRTY + "=0 AND " + AndroidContact.COLUMN_ETAG + " IS NULL" val values = ContentValues(1) values.put(AndroidContact.COLUMN_ETAG, newEtag) try { val fixed = provider?.update(syncAdapterURI(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI), values, where, null) Logger.log.info("Fixed entries: " + fixed.toString()) } catch (e: RemoteException) { throw ContactsStorageException("Couldn't query contacts", e) } } }