/* * Copyright © 2013 – 2015 Ricki Hirner (bitfire web engineering). * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ package at.bitfire.davdroid.syncadapter; import android.accounts.Account; import android.content.ContentProviderClient; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SyncResult; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.google.common.base.Charsets; import com.squareup.okhttp.HttpUrl; import com.squareup.okhttp.MediaType; import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; import com.squareup.okhttp.RequestBody; import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; import com.squareup.okhttp.ResponseBody; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import at.bitfire.dav4android.DavAddressBook; import at.bitfire.dav4android.DavResource; import at.bitfire.dav4android.exception.DavException; import at.bitfire.dav4android.exception.HttpException; import at.bitfire.dav4android.exception.PreconditionFailedException; import at.bitfire.dav4android.property.AddressData; import at.bitfire.dav4android.property.GetCTag; import at.bitfire.dav4android.property.GetContentType; import at.bitfire.dav4android.property.GetETag; import at.bitfire.dav4android.property.SupportedAddressData; import at.bitfire.davdroid.ArrayUtils; import at.bitfire.davdroid.Constants; import at.bitfire.davdroid.HttpClient; import at.bitfire.davdroid.resource.LocalAddressBook; import at.bitfire.davdroid.resource.LocalContact; import at.bitfire.vcard4android.Contact; import at.bitfire.vcard4android.ContactsStorageException; import ezvcard.VCardVersion; import ezvcard.util.IOUtils; import lombok.Cleanup; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; public class ContactsSyncManager extends SyncManager { protected static final int MAX_MULTIGET = 10, NOTIFICATION_ID = 1; protected HttpUrl addressBookURL; protected DavAddressBook davCollection; protected boolean hasVCard4; protected LocalAddressBook addressBook; String currentCTag; Map localContacts; Map remoteContacts; Set toDownload; public ContactsSyncManager(Context context, Account account, Bundle extras, ContentProviderClient provider, SyncResult result) { super(NOTIFICATION_ID, context, account, extras, provider, result); } @Override protected void prepare() { addressBookURL = HttpUrl.parse(settings.getAddressBookURL()); davCollection = new DavAddressBook(httpClient, addressBookURL); // prepare local address book addressBook = new LocalAddressBook(account, provider); } @Override protected void queryCapabilities() throws DavException, IOException, HttpException { // prepare remote address book hasVCard4 = false; davCollection.propfind(0, SupportedAddressData.NAME, GetCTag.NAME); SupportedAddressData supportedAddressData = (SupportedAddressData) davCollection.properties.get(SupportedAddressData.NAME); if (supportedAddressData != null) for (MediaType type : supportedAddressData.types) if ("text/vcard; version=4.0".equalsIgnoreCase(type.toString())) hasVCard4 = true; Constants.log.info("Server advertises VCard/4 support: " + hasVCard4); } @Override protected void processLocallyDeleted() throws ContactsStorageException { // Remove locally deleted contacts from server (if they have a name, i.e. if they were uploaded before), // but only if they don't have changed on the server. Then finally remove them from the local address book. LocalContact[] localList = addressBook.getDeleted(); for (LocalContact local : localList) { final String fileName = local.getFileName(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) { Constants.log.info(fileName + " has been deleted locally -> deleting from server"); try { new DavResource(httpClient, addressBookURL.newBuilder().addPathSegment(fileName).build()) .delete(local.eTag); } catch (IOException | HttpException e) { Constants.log.warn("Couldn't delete " + fileName + " from server"); } } else Constants.log.info("Removing local contact #" + local.getId() + " which has been deleted locally and was never uploaded"); local.delete(); syncResult.stats.numDeletes++; } } @Override protected void processLocallyCreated() throws ContactsStorageException { // assign file names and UIDs to new contacts so that we can use the file name as an index for (LocalContact local : addressBook.getWithoutFileName()) { String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Constants.log.info("Found local contact #" + local.getId() + " without file name; assigning name UID/name " + uuid + "[.vcf]"); local.updateFileNameAndUID(uuid); } } @Override protected void uploadDirty() throws ContactsStorageException, IOException, HttpException { // upload dirty contacts for (LocalContact local : addressBook.getDirty()) { final String fileName = local.getFileName(); DavResource remote = new DavResource(httpClient, addressBookURL.newBuilder().addPathSegment(fileName).build()); RequestBody vCard = RequestBody.create( hasVCard4 ? DavAddressBook.MIME_VCARD4 : DavAddressBook.MIME_VCARD3_UTF8, local.getContact().toStream(hasVCard4 ? VCardVersion.V4_0 : VCardVersion.V3_0).toByteArray() ); try { if (local.eTag == null) { Constants.log.info("Uploading new contact " + fileName); remote.put(vCard, null, true); // TODO handle 30x } else { Constants.log.info("Uploading locally modified contact " + fileName); remote.put(vCard, local.eTag, false); // TODO handle 30x } } catch (PreconditionFailedException e) { Constants.log.info("Contact has been modified on the server before upload, ignoring", e); } String eTag = null; GetETag newETag = (GetETag) remote.properties.get(GetETag.NAME); if (newETag != null) { eTag = newETag.eTag; Constants.log.debug("Received new ETag=" + eTag + " after uploading"); } else Constants.log.debug("Didn't receive new ETag after uploading, setting to null"); local.clearDirty(eTag); } } @Override protected boolean checkSyncState() throws ContactsStorageException { // check CTag (ignore on manual sync) currentCTag = null; GetCTag getCTag = (GetCTag) davCollection.properties.get(GetCTag.NAME); if (getCTag != null) currentCTag = getCTag.cTag; String localCTag = null; if (extras.containsKey(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL)) Constants.log.info("Manual sync, ignoring CTag"); else localCTag = addressBook.getCTag(); if (currentCTag != null && currentCTag.equals(localCTag)) { Constants.log.info("Remote address book didn't change (CTag=" + currentCTag + "), no need to list VCards"); return false; } else return true; } @Override protected void listLocal() throws ContactsStorageException { // fetch list of local contacts and build hash table to index file name LocalContact[] localList = addressBook.getAll(); localContacts = new HashMap<>(localList.length); for (LocalContact contact : localList) { Constants.log.debug("Found local contact: " + contact.getFileName()); localContacts.put(contact.getFileName(), contact); } } @Override protected void listRemote() throws IOException, HttpException, DavException, ContactsStorageException { // fetch list of remote VCards and build hash table to index file name Constants.log.info("Listing remote VCards"); davCollection.queryMemberETags(); remoteContacts = new HashMap<>(davCollection.members.size()); for (DavResource vCard : davCollection.members) { String fileName = vCard.fileName(); Constants.log.debug("Found remote VCard: " + fileName); remoteContacts.put(fileName, vCard); } } @Override protected void compareEntries() throws IOException, HttpException, DavException, ContactsStorageException { /* check which contacts 1. are not present anymore remotely -> delete immediately on local side 2. updated remotely -> add to downloadNames 3. added remotely -> add to downloadNames */ toDownload = new HashSet<>(); for (String localName : localContacts.keySet()) { DavResource remote = remoteContacts.get(localName); if (remote == null) { Constants.log.info(localName + " is not on server anymore, deleting"); localContacts.get(localName).delete(); syncResult.stats.numDeletes++; } else { // contact is still on server, check whether it has been updated remotely GetETag getETag = (GetETag) remote.properties.get(GetETag.NAME); if (getETag == null || getETag.eTag == null) throw new DavException("Server didn't provide ETag"); String localETag = localContacts.get(localName).eTag, remoteETag = getETag.eTag; if (remoteETag.equals(localETag)) syncResult.stats.numSkippedEntries++; else { Constants.log.info(localName + " has been changed on server (current ETag=" + remoteETag + ", last known ETag=" + localETag + ")"); toDownload.add(remote); } // remote entry has been seen, remove from list remoteContacts.remove(localName); } } // add all unseen (= remotely added) remote contacts if (!remoteContacts.isEmpty()) { Constants.log.info("New VCards have been found on the server: " + TextUtils.join(", ", remoteContacts.keySet())); toDownload.addAll(remoteContacts.values()); } } @Override protected void downloadRemote() throws IOException, HttpException, DavException, ContactsStorageException { Constants.log.info("Downloading " + toDownload.size() + " contacts (" + MAX_MULTIGET + " at once)"); // prepare downloader which may be used to download external resource like contact photos Contact.Downloader downloader = new ResourceDownloader(httpClient, addressBookURL); // download new/updated VCards from server for (DavResource[] bunch : ArrayUtils.partition(toDownload.toArray(new DavResource[toDownload.size()]), MAX_MULTIGET)) { Constants.log.info("Downloading " + TextUtils.join(" + ", bunch)); if (bunch.length == 1) { // only one contact, use GET DavResource remote = bunch[0]; ResponseBody body = remote.get("text/vcard;q=0.5, text/vcard;charset=utf-8;q=0.8, text/vcard;version=4.0"); String eTag = ((GetETag) remote.properties.get(GetETag.NAME)).eTag; @Cleanup InputStream stream = body.byteStream(); processVCard(syncResult, addressBook, localContacts, remote.fileName(), eTag, stream, body.contentType().charset(Charsets.UTF_8), downloader); } else { // multiple contacts, use multi-get List urls = new LinkedList<>(); for (DavResource remote : bunch) urls.add(remote.location); davCollection.multiget(urls.toArray(new HttpUrl[urls.size()]), hasVCard4); // process multiget results for (DavResource remote : davCollection.members) { String eTag; GetETag getETag = (GetETag) remote.properties.get(GetETag.NAME); if (getETag != null) eTag = getETag.eTag; else throw new DavException("Received multi-get response without ETag"); Charset charset = Charsets.UTF_8; GetContentType getContentType = (GetContentType) remote.properties.get(GetContentType.NAME); if (getContentType != null && getContentType.type != null) { MediaType type = MediaType.parse(getContentType.type); if (type != null) charset = type.charset(Charsets.UTF_8); } AddressData addressData = (AddressData) remote.properties.get(AddressData.NAME); if (addressData == null || addressData.vCard == null) throw new DavException("Received multi-get response without address data"); @Cleanup InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(addressData.vCard.getBytes()); processVCard(syncResult, addressBook, localContacts, remote.fileName(), eTag, stream, charset, downloader); } } } } @Override protected void saveSyncState() throws ContactsStorageException { /* Save sync state (CTag). It doesn't matter if it has changed during the sync process (for instance, because another client has uploaded changes), because this will simply cause all remote entries to be listed at the next sync. */ Constants.log.info("Saving sync state: CTag=" + currentCTag); addressBook.setCTag(currentCTag); } private void processVCard(SyncResult syncResult, LocalAddressBook addressBook, MaplocalContacts, String fileName, String eTag, InputStream stream, Charset charset, Contact.Downloader downloader) throws IOException, ContactsStorageException { Contact contacts[] = Contact.fromStream(stream, charset, downloader); if (contacts.length == 1) { Contact newData = contacts[0]; // delete local contact, if it exists LocalContact localContact = localContacts.get(fileName); if (localContact != null) { Constants.log.info("Updating " + fileName + " in local address book"); localContact.eTag = eTag; localContact.update(newData); syncResult.stats.numUpdates++; } else { Constants.log.info("Adding " + fileName + " to local address book"); localContact = new LocalContact(addressBook, newData, fileName, eTag); localContact.add(); syncResult.stats.numInserts++; } } else Constants.log.error("Received VCard with not exactly one VCARD, ignoring " + fileName); } @RequiredArgsConstructor static class ResourceDownloader implements Contact.Downloader { final HttpClient httpClient; final HttpUrl baseUrl; @Override public byte[] download(String url, String accepts) { HttpUrl httpUrl = HttpUrl.parse(url); HttpClient resourceClient = new HttpClient(httpClient, httpUrl.host()); try { Response response = resourceClient.newCall(new Request.Builder() .get() .url(httpUrl) .build()).execute(); ResponseBody body = response.body(); if (body != null) { @Cleanup InputStream stream = body.byteStream(); if (response.isSuccessful() && stream != null) { return IOUtils.toByteArray(stream); } else Constants.log.error("Couldn't download external resource"); } } catch(IOException e) { Constants.log.error("Couldn't download external resource", e); } return null; } } }