DAVdroid Help Manage accounts Please wait … Send Don\'t show again DAVdroid Preview Release This is a development version of DAVdroid. Be aware that things may not work as expected. Please give us constructive feedback to improve DAVdroid. Give feedback Open-Source Information We\'re happy that you use DAVdroid, which is open-source software (GPLv3). Because developing DAVdroid is hard work and took us thousands of working hours, please consider a donation. Show donation page Maybe later Play Store DRM bug information Under certain conditions, Play Store DRM may cause all DAVdroid accounts to be gone after a reboot or after upgrading DAVdroid. If you\'re affected by this problem (and only then), please install \"DAVdroid JB Workaround\" from Play Store. More information OpenTasks not installed The OpenTasks app is not available, so DAVdroid won\'t be able to synchronize task lists. After installing OpenTasks, you have to RE-INSTALL DAVdroid and add your accounts again (Android bug). Install OpenTasks License terms This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. DAVdroid file logging Logging to external storage: %s Delete logs as soon as possible! Couldn\'t create external log file: %s External storage not found Open navigation drawer Close navigation drawer CalDAV/CardDAV Sync Adapter About / License Settings News & updates External links Web site FAQ Community Donate Welcome to DAVdroid!\n\nYou can add a CalDAV/CardDAV account now. Service detection failed Couldn\'t refresh collection list Settings User interface Reset hints Re-enables hints which have been dismissed previously All hints will be shown again Security Reset trusted certificates Forgets all certificates which have been accepted previously Distrusted one certificate Distrusted %d certificates Debugging Log to external file Logging to external storage (if available) External file logging is disabled Show debug info View/share software and configuration details Synchronize now Synchronizing now Account settings Delete account Really delete account? All local copies of address books, calendars and task lists will be deleted. Refresh address book list Create new address book Refresh calendar list Create new calendar DAVdroid permissions Calendar permissions To synchronize CalDAV events with your local calendars, DAVdroid needs to access your calendars. Request calendar permissions Contacts permissions To synchronize CardDAV address books with your local contacts, DAVdroid needs to access your contacts. Request contacts permissions OpenTasks permissions To synchronize CalDAV tasks with your local task lists, DAVdroid needs to access OpenTasks. Request OpenTasks permissions Add account Login with email address Email address Valid email address required Password Password required Login with URL and user name URL must begin with http(s):// Host name required User name User name required Base URL Preemptive authentication (recommended, but incompatible with Digest auth) Login Back Create account Account name Use your email address as account name because Android will use the account name as ORGANIZER field for events you create. You can\'t have two accounts with the same name. Account name required Account could not be created Configuration detection Please wait, querying server… Couldn\'t find CalDAV or CardDAV service. View logs Settings: %s Authentication User name Enter user name: Password Update the password according to your server. Enter your password: Pre-emptive authentication Credentials are sent with every request (recommended) Credentials are sent after server requests them Synchronization Contacts sync. interval Only manually Every %d minutes + immediately on local changes Not available Calendars sync. interval Tasks sync. interval -1 300 600 900 3600 7200 14400 86400 Only manually Every 5 minutes Every 10 minutes Every 15 minutes Every hour Every 2 hours Every 4 hours Once a day Sync over WiFi only Synchronization is restricted to WiFi connections Connection type is not taken into consideration WiFi SSID restriction Will only synchronize over %s All WiFi connections may be used Enter the name of a WiFi network (SSID) to restrict synchronization to this network, or leave blank for all WiFi connections. CardDAV Contact group method AUTOMATIC VCARD3_CATEGORIES VCARD4 X_ADDRESSBOOK_SERVER Automatic (VCard3/VCard4) VCard3 only (CATEGORIES) VCard4 only (KIND/MEMBER) Apple (X-ADDRESSBOOK-SERVER) Use RFC6868 for VCards Double quotes can be used in parameter values Double quotes can\'t be used in parameter values CalDAV Past event time limit All events will be synchronized Events more than one day in the past will be ignored Events more than %d days in the past will be ignored Events which are more than this number of days in the past will be ignored (may be 0). Leave blank to synchronize all events. Manage calendar colors Calendar colors are managed by DAVdroid Calendar colors are not set by DAVdroid DAVdroid version update Internal settings have been updated. Problems? Uninstall DAVdroid, then re-install. Create address book My Address Book Create CalDAV collection My Calendar Time zone: Collection type: Calendar (only events) Task list (only tasks) Combined (events and tasks) Set a collection color Creating collection Display name (title) of this collection: Title is required Description (optional): Home set: Create Delete collection Are you sure? This collection (%s) and all its data will be removed from the server. Deleting collection An error has occurred. An HTTP error has occurred. An I/O error has occurred. Show details Debug info DAVdroid permissions Additional permissions required Calendar synchronization failed (%s) Address book synchronization failed (%s) Task synchronization failed (%s) Error while %s Server error while %s Database error while %s preparing synchronization querying capabilities processing locally deleted entries preparing created/modified entries uploading created/modified entries checking sync state listing local entries listing remote entries comparing local/remote entries downloading remote entries post-processing saving sync state User name/password wrong