==================== RFC2445 Deviations ==================== Most RFC2445 (iCalendar) implementations deviate from the specification in one form or another. These deviations may be a result of ambiguous or missing requirements, or just poor interpretation of the specification. Below we attempt to document known assumptions and deviations for specific RFC2445 implementations. MS Outlook: - allows DATE-TIME representation without specifying a VALUE=DATE-TIME parameter - Outlook will not read files that don't contain the mandatory UID and DTSTAMP properties in VEVENT, etc. components - provides quoted TZID parameters, and as such does not conform with RFC2445 - generates additional spaces in recurrence rules containing a BYDAY component Mozilla Calendar/Sunbird: - long content lines are folded with a single LF character (should be CRLF) - folds all property parameters and values - Generates non-standard "X" properties phpicalendar: - long content lines are folded with a single LF character (should be CRLF) KOrganizer: - long content lines are folded with a single LF character (should be CRLF) - folds all property parameters and values Apple iCal: - uses VALUE=TEXT on some X-properties (NOTE: this is valid behaviour) - iCal events don't include the mandatory DTSTAMP property - iCal 1.0 doesn't appear to include vtimezone definitions where applicable (this appears fixed as of 1.5) Google Calendar: - Generates DTSTART properties in DATE format without specifying the required VALUE=DATE parameter