Building HttpComponents Client for Android ============================ (1) Requisites -------------- Android SDK rev. 17 (4.2.2 or Jelly Bean MR1) or newer is required in order to compile HttpClient for Android. Android SDK can be downloaded either separately or bundled with Android Studio. HttpClient for Android utilizes Gradle as a building and packaging tool. Version 2.2.1 or later is recommended. Gradle installation and configuration instructions can be found here: (2) Building artifacts Set environmental variable ANDROID_HOME to the location of the Android SDK. Execute the following command in order to build binary, source and javadoc artifacts. gradle -q assemble Please note that when building a release version (project version does not have '-SNAPSHOT' qualifier) one must also provide signing key details in file in order to be able to sign the artifacts and successfully build the release. --- signing.keyId=AEAEAEAE signing.secretKeyRingFile=~/.gnupg/secring.gpg --- The artifacts can be found in the 'build/libs' folder build/libs/httpclient-android-.jar build/libs/httpclient-android--javadoc.jar build/libs/httpclient-android--sources.jar