DAVdroid is free and open-source software, licensed under the [GPLv3 License](COPYING). If you like our project, please contribute to it. # How to contribute ## Reporting issues An issue might be a bug, an enhancement request or something in between. If you think you have found a bug or if you want to request some enhancement, please: 1. Read the [Configuration](http://davdroid.bitfire.at/configuration) and [FAQ](http://davdroid.bitfire.at/faq/) pages carefully. The most common issues/usage challenges are explained there. 2. Search the Web for the problem, maybe ask competent friends or in forums. 3. Browse through the [open issues](https://github.com/rfc2822/davdroid/issues). You can also search the issues in the search field on top of the page. Please have a look into the closed issues, too, because many requests have already been handled (and can't/won't be fixed, for instance). 4. **[Fetch verbose logs](https://github.com/rfc2822/davdroid/wiki/How-to-view-the-logs) and prepare them. Remove `Authorization: Basic xxxxxx` headers and other private data.** Extracting the logs may be cumbersome work in the first time, but it's absolutely necessary in order to handle your issue. 5. [Create a new issue](https://github.com/rfc2822/davdroid/issues/new), containing * a useful summary of the problem ("Crash when syncing contacts with large photos" instead of "CRASH PLEASE HELP"), * your DAVdroid version and source ("DAVdroid 0.5.10 from F-Droid"), * your Android version and device model ("Samsung Galaxy S2 running Android 4.4.2 (CyanogenMod 11-20140504-SNAPSHOT-M6-i9100)"), * your CalDAV/CardDAV server software, version and hosting information ("OwnCloud 6, hosted on virtual server"), * a problem description, including **instructions on how to reproduce the problem** (we need to reproduce the problem before we can fix it!), * **verbose logs including the network traffic** (see step before). Enquote the logs with three backticks ``` before and after, or post them onto http://gist.github.com and provide a link. ## Pull requests We're very happy about pull requests for * source code, * documentation, * translation (strings). However, if you want to contribute source code, please talk with us in the corresponding issue before because will only merge pull requests that * match our product goals, * have the necessary code quality, * don't interfere with other near-term future development. However, feel free to fork the repository and do your changes anyway (that's why it's open-source). Just don't expect your strategic changes to be merged if there's no consensus in the issue before. ## Donations If you want to support this project, please also consider [donating to DAVdroid](http://davdroid.bitfire.at/donate) or [purchasing it in one of the commercial stores](http://davdroid.bitfire.at/download).