* build.xml for Ant
* necessary library re-organization
* compatiblity changes to code
* now buildable via Ant and Eclipse ADT
* eclipse-libs has to be included for ADT building only
* ready for Fdroid
* fixed annoying bug where all imported contacts where starred
* checkbox for preemptive authentication in setup
* support for (non-preemptive) Digest authentication
* add UID when received entities don't contain one
* version bump to 0.3.2-alpha
* build.xml for ant/Fdroid
* added server path to account name to allow Baïkal CalDAV+CardDAV setup as two accounts
* enabled relaxed iCal parsing/unfolding for better compatibility
* fixed crash bug for .ics files that don't contain events
* fixed bug where all events where deleted locally when using multiple calendars