* new StringLogger
* DavResourceFinder: log to StringLogger; if no collections are found, logs can be views
* DebugInfoActivity: show passed logs
* script to fetch translations from Transifex
* increase version to 0.9-beta2
* move address book settings from account user data to ContactsContract.SyncState
* remove "VCard4 capable?" setting (as it's detected at every sync)
* show user notification when updating settings version or when Android version was increased
* improve stack trace in DebugInfoActivity
* get rid of Guava (use Commons again)
* use VERSION_CODE and buildTime from BuildConfig
* new HTTP User-Agent, VCard PRODID values
* contact sync: store CTag in SyncState
* sync logic: upload contacts, check CTag, multiget
* ical4j update to 2.0-beta1 (fixes#509, fixes#606)
* only run sync adapters in :sync process, set thread context class loaders appropriately
* remove "class" attribute from XML requests (fixes#615)
We can't use a repository version because there's no release yet which
contains rev. 1652769. However, this revision is necessary to get SNI with Android <4.2, too.
To avoid packaging a pre-compiled jar, this source lib has been added as a subproject:
apache-httpclient, branch 4.3.5-android, revision 1652769
* new Settings activity
* Settings: display/change user name, password, preemptive auth.
* Settings: display/change sync. interval for contacts and calendars
* requires permission GET_ACCOUNTS to list accounts in Settings
* requires permission READ_SYNC_SETTINGS to display current sync intervals
* remove obsolete files from res/
* update copyright notices
* version bump to 0.7
* SSLConnectionSocketFactory is now SNI-capable, so there's no need
to manage SNI in DAVdroid
* keep secure protocol/cipher suite definitions
* use a patched jar until https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HTTPCLIENT-1591 is fixed
* moved all dependencies to gradle instead of shipping .jar files in the app/lib directory
* switched to official Android port of HttpClient instead of httpclientandroidlib
* new .gitignore and project files