* write report to temporary file in external cache dir before sending
* don't delete the report file onActivityResult (because services like the email service may access it asynchronously)
* don't show label of installer (just the package name), because some use ambiguous strings like "App Store" etc.
* show sync. settings for all accounts again
* new Settings activity
* Settings: display/change user name, password, preemptive auth.
* Settings: display/change sync. interval for contacts and calendars
* requires permission GET_ACCOUNTS to list accounts in Settings
* requires permission READ_SYNC_SETTINGS to display current sync intervals
* remove obsolete files from res/
* update copyright notices
* version bump to 0.7
* moved all dependencies to gradle instead of shipping .jar files in the app/lib directory
* switched to official Android port of HttpClient instead of httpclientandroidlib
* new .gitignore and project files