Drone plugin to scan Docker images with Clair
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Andy b71fa6b455
trivial [SKIP CI]
6 роки тому
vendor initial commit 7 роки тому
.drone.yml trivial [SKIP CI] 6 роки тому
.gitignore Updated Dockerfile to ADD klar binary 7 роки тому
DOCS.md More updates to documentation 7 роки тому
Dockerfile bump alpine to 3.8 and klar to 2.2.0 6 роки тому
LICENSE initial commit 7 роки тому
README.md More updates to documentation 7 роки тому
main.go Add checks for required parameters 7 роки тому
plugin.go Properly set creds for DOCKER_USER for klar 7 роки тому



Drone plugin to scan docker images with Clair.

For the usage information and a listing of the available options please take a look at the docs.


Build the binary with the following commands:

go build
go test


Execute from the working directory:

docker run --rm \
  jmccann/drone-clair --url http://clair.company.com --username johndoe \
  --password mysecret --scan_image python:2.7