The Hipchat plugin sends build status messages to users and rooms. The below pipeline configuration demonstrates simple usage: ```yaml pipeline: clair: image: Unikorn123/drone-clair url: username: johndoe password: mysecret scan_image: python:2.7 ``` # Secrets The Hipchat plugin supports reading credentials from the Drone secret store. This is strongly recommended instead of storing credentials in the pipeline configuration in plain text. ```diff pipeline: slack: image: jmccann/drone-hipchat room: my-room - auth_token: my-auth-token ``` The above `auth_token` Yaml attribute can be replaced with the `HIPCHAT_AUTH_TOKEN` secret environment variable. Use the command line utility to add secrets to the store: ```nohighlight drone secret add --image=jmccann/drone-hipchat \ octocat/hello-world HIPCHAT_AUTH_TOKEN abcd1234 ``` Don't forget to sign the Yaml after making changes: ```nohighlight drone sign octocat/hello-world ``` Please see the [Drone documentation]( to learn more about secrets. # Secret Reference HIPCHAT_AUTH_TOKEN : HipChat V2 API token # Parameter Reference url : HipChat server URL, defaults to `` auth_token : HipChat V2 API token; use a room or user token with the `Send Notification` scope room : ID or URL encoded name of the room from: drone : A label to be shown in addition to sender's name notify: false : Whether this message should trigger a user notification. See