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import logging
import pytest
from conftest import proxy
from plumbum import ProcessExecutionError
from plumbum.cmd import docker
logger = logging.getLogger()
def _check_permissions(allowed_calls, forbidden_calls):
for args in allowed_calls:
for args in forbidden_calls:
with pytest.raises(ProcessExecutionError):
def test_default_permissions():
with proxy() as test_container:
allowed_calls = (("version",),)
forbidden_calls = (
("pull", "alpine"),
("--rm", "alpine", "--name", test_container),
("logs", test_container),
("wait", test_container),
("rm", "-f", test_container),
("restart", test_container),
("network", "ls"),
("config", "ls"),
("service", "ls"),
("stack", "ls"),
("secret", "ls"),
("plugin", "ls"),
("system", "info"),
("build", "."),
("swarm", "init"),
_check_permissions(allowed_calls, forbidden_calls)
def test_container_permissions():
with proxy(CONTAINERS=1) as test_container:
allowed_calls = [
("logs", test_container),
("inspect", test_container),
forbidden_calls = [
("wait", test_container),
("run", "--rm", "alpine"),
("rm", "-f", test_container),
("restart", test_container),
_check_permissions(allowed_calls, forbidden_calls)
def test_post_permissions():
with proxy(POST=1) as test_container:
allowed_calls = []
forbidden_calls = [
("rm", "-f", test_container),
("pull", "alpine"),
("run", "--rm", "alpine"),
("network", "create", "foobar"),
_check_permissions(allowed_calls, forbidden_calls)
def test_network_post_permissions():
with proxy(POST=1, NETWORKS=1):
allowed_calls = [
("network", "ls"),
("network", "create", "foo"),
("network", "rm", "foo"),
forbidden_calls = []
_check_permissions(allowed_calls, forbidden_calls)