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403 Forbidden

Request forbidden by administrative rules. The same will happen to any containers that use this proxy's `2375` port to access the Docker socket API. ## Grant or revoke access to certain API sections You grant and revoke access to certain features of the Docker API through environment variables. Normally the variables match the URL prefix (i.e. `AUTH` blocks access to `/auth/*` parts of the API, etc.). Possible values for these variables: - `0` to **revoke** access. - `1` to **grant** access. ### Access granted by default These API sections are mostly harmless and almost required for any service that uses the API, so they are granted by default. - `EVENTS` - `PING` - `VERSION` ### Access revoked by default #### Security-critical These API sections are considered security-critical, and thus access is revoked by default. Maximum caution when enabling these. - `AUTH` - `SECRETS` - `POST`: When disabled, only `GET` and `HEAD` operations are allowed, meaning any section of the API is read-only. #### Not always needed You will possibly need to grant access to some of these API sections, which are not so extremely critical but can expose some information that your service does not need. - `BUILD` - `COMMIT` - `CONFIGS` - `CONTAINERS` - `DISTRIBUTION` - `EXEC` - `GRPC` - `IMAGES` - `INFO` - `NETWORKS` - `NODES` - `PLUGINS` - `SERVICES` - `SESSION` - `SWARM` - `SYSTEM` - `TASKS` - `VOLUMES` ## Use a different Docker socket location If your OS stores its Docker socket in a different location and you are unable to bind mount it in your container specification, you can specify this via the `SOCKET_PATH` environment variable. For example, [balenaOS](https://www.balena.io/os/) exposes its socket at `/var/run/balena-engine.sock`. To accommodate this, merely set the `SOCKET_PATH` environment variable to `/var/run/balena-engine.sock`. ## Development All the dependencies you need to develop this project (apart from Docker itself) are managed with [poetry](https://python-poetry.org/). To set up your development environment, run: ``` poetry install ``` ### Testing To run the tests locally, add `--prebuild` to autobuild the image before testing: ```sh poetry run pytest --prebuild ``` By default, the image that the tests use (and optionally prebuild) is named `docker-socket-proxy:local`. If you prefer, you can build it separately before testing, and remove the `--prebuild` flag, to run the tests with that image you built: ```sh docker image build -t docker-socket-proxy:local . poetry run pytest ``` If you want to use a different image, export the `DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME` env variable with the name you want: ```sh # To build it automatically env DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=my_custom_image poetry run pytest --prebuild # To prebuild it separately docker image build -t my_custom_image . env DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=my_custom_image poetry run pytest ``` ## Logging You can set the logging level or severity level of the messages to be logged with the environment variable `LOG_LEVEL`. Defaul value is info. Possible values are: debug, info, notice, warning, err, crit, alert and emerg. ## Supported API versions - [1.27](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.27/) - [1.28](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.28/) - [1.29](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.29/) - [1.30](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.30/) - [1.37](https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.37/) ## Image tags Right now, the only supported tags in our container images are the ones following this rules: 1. Each individual git released version will result in an image being tagged with the correspondent `:{{version}}` 1. `:latest` will refer to the latest _released_ version in git. 1. `:edge` will be the version that is in the repo's master branch Any other tag you find in our [Docker Hub image][dh-img] is deprecated. We recommend using [GitHub Container Registry][ghcr-img] instead. ## Feedback Please send any issues to the [issue tracker][]. For other kind of feedback, you can use [our forum][]. [alpine]: https://alpinelinux.org/ [dh-img]: https://hub.docker.com/r/tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy [ghcr-img]: https://github.com/orgs/Tecnativa/packages/container/package/docker-socket-proxy [haproxy]: http://www.haproxy.org/ [issue tracker]: https://github.com/Tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy/issues [our forum]: https://github.com/Tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy/discussions