name: Build, Test & Deploy "on": pull_request: push: branches: - master tags: - "v*" schedule: - cron: "0 0 * * 0" # Midnight on Sunday workflow_dispatch: inputs: pytest_addopts: description: Extra options for pytest; use -vv for full details; see required: false env: LANG: "en_US.utf-8" LC_ALL: "en_US.utf-8" PIP_CACHE_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/.cache.~/pip PIPX_HOME: ${{ github.workspace }}/.cache.~/pipx POETRY_CACHE_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/.cache.~/pypoetry POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_IN_PROJECT: "true" PYTEST_ADDOPTS: ${{ github.event.inputs.pytest_addopts }} PYTHONIOENCODING: "UTF-8" jobs: build-test: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 strategy: matrix: python: - 3.8 steps: # Prepare environment - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Set up and run tests - name: Install python uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python }} - name: Generate cache key CACHE run: echo "CACHE=${{ secrets.CACHE_DATE }} ${{ runner.os }} $(python -VV | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1) ${{ hashFiles('pyproject.toml') }} ${{ hashFiles('poetry.lock') }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: | .cache.~ .venv ~/.local/bin key: venv ${{ env.CACHE }} - run: pip install poetry - name: Patch $PATH run: echo "$HOME/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH - run: poetry install # Run tests - run: poetry run pytest --prebuild build-push: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 services: registry: image: registry:2 ports: - 5000:5000 env: DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: ${{ github.repository }} DOCKERHUB_IMAGE_NAME: tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy PUSH: ${{ toJSON(github.event_name != 'pull_request') }} steps: # Set up Docker Environment - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/cache@v2 with: path: | /tmp/.buildx-cache key: buildx|${{ secrets.CACHE_DATE }}|${{ runner.os }} - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1 - name: Set up Docker Buildx id: buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1 with: driver-opts: network=host install: true # Build and push - name: Docker meta for local images id: docker_meta_local uses: crazy-max/ghaction-docker-meta@v1 with: images: localhost:5000/${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME }} tag-edge: true tag-semver: | {{version}} {{major}} {{major}}.{{minor}} - name: Build and push to local (test) registry uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: context: . file: ./Dockerfile platforms: | linux/386 linux/amd64 linux/arm/v6 linux/arm/v7 linux/arm/v8 linux/arm64 linux/ppc64le linux/s390x load: false push: true cache-from: type=local,src=/tmp/.buildx-cache cache-to: type=local,dest=/tmp/.buildx-cache,mode=max labels: ${{ steps.docker_meta_local.outputs.labels }} tags: ${{ steps.docker_meta_local.outputs.tags }} # Next jobs only happen outside of pull requests and on main branches - name: Login to DockerHub if: ${{ fromJSON(env.PUSH) }} uses: docker/login-action@v1 with: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_LOGIN }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Login to GitHub Container Registry if: ${{ fromJSON(env.PUSH) }} uses: docker/login-action@v1 with: registry: username: ${{ secrets.BOT_LOGIN }} password: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }} - name: Docker meta for public images if: ${{ fromJSON(env.PUSH) }} id: docker_meta_public uses: crazy-max/ghaction-docker-meta@v1 with: images: |${{ env.DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME }} ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_IMAGE_NAME }} tag-edge: true tag-semver: | {{version}} {{major}} {{major}}.{{minor}} - name: Build and push to public registry(s) if: ${{ fromJSON(env.PUSH) }} uses: docker/build-push-action@v2 with: context: . file: ./Dockerfile platforms: | linux/386 linux/amd64 linux/arm/v6 linux/arm/v7 linux/arm/v8 linux/arm64 linux/ppc64le linux/s390x load: false push: true cache-from: type=local,src=/tmp/.buildx-cache cache-to: type=local,dest=/tmp/.buildx-cache,mode=max labels: ${{ steps.docker_meta_public.outputs.labels }} tags: ${{ steps.docker_meta_public.outputs.tags }}