import json import os from contextlib import contextmanager from logging import info from pathlib import Path import pytest from plumbum import local from plumbum.cmd import docker DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME = os.environ.get("DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME", "docker-socket-proxy:local") def pytest_addoption(parser): """Allow prebuilding image for local testing.""" parser.addoption("--prebuild", action="store_const", const=True) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session") def prebuild_docker_image(request): """Build local docker image once before starting test suite.""" if request.config.getoption("--prebuild"): info(f"Building {DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}...") docker("build", "-t", DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME, Path(__file__).parent.parent) @contextmanager def proxy(**env_vars): """A context manager that starts the proxy with the specified env. While inside the block, `$DOCKER_HOST` will be modified to talk to the proxy instead of the raw docker socket. """ container_id = None env_list = [f"--env={key}={value}" for key, value in env_vars.items()] info(f"Starting {DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} container with: {env_list}") try: container_id = docker( "container", "run", "--detach", "--privileged", "--publish=2375", "--volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock", *env_list, DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME, ).strip() container_data = json.loads( docker("container", "inspect", container_id.strip()) ) socket_port = container_data[0]["NetworkSettings"]["Ports"]["2375/tcp"][0][ "HostPort" ] with local.env(DOCKER_HOST=f"tcp://localhost:{socket_port}"): yield container_id finally: if container_id: info(f"Removing {container_id}...") docker( "container", "rm", "-f", container_id, )