Main Clair logic is changed in worker, updater, notifier for better adapting ancestry schema. Extensions are updated with the new model and feature lister and namespace detector drivers are able to specify the specific listers and detectors used to process layer's content. InRange and GetFixedIn interfaces are added to Version format for adapting ranged affected features and next available fixed in in the future. Tests for worker, updater and extensions are fixed.
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// Copyright 2015 clair authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package database
import "time"
// MockSession implements Session and enables overriding each available method.
// The default behavior of each method is to simply panic.
type MockSession struct {
FctCommit func() error
FctRollback func() error
FctUpsertAncestry func(Ancestry, []NamespacedFeature, Processors) error
FctFindAncestry func(name string) (Ancestry, Processors, bool, error)
FctFindAncestryFeatures func(name string) (AncestryWithFeatures, bool, error)
FctFindAffectedNamespacedFeatures func(features []NamespacedFeature) ([]NullableAffectedNamespacedFeature, error)
FctPersistNamespaces func([]Namespace) error
FctPersistFeatures func([]Feature) error
FctPersistNamespacedFeatures func([]NamespacedFeature) error
FctCacheAffectedNamespacedFeatures func([]NamespacedFeature) error
FctPersistLayer func(Layer) error
FctPersistLayerContent func(hash string, namespaces []Namespace, features []Feature, processedBy Processors) error
FctFindLayer func(name string) (Layer, Processors, bool, error)
FctFindLayerWithContent func(name string) (LayerWithContent, bool, error)
FctInsertVulnerabilities func([]VulnerabilityWithAffected) error
FctFindVulnerabilities func([]VulnerabilityID) ([]NullableVulnerability, error)
FctDeleteVulnerabilities func([]VulnerabilityID) error
FctInsertVulnerabilityNotifications func([]VulnerabilityNotification) error
FctFindNewNotification func(lastNotified time.Time) (NotificationHook, bool, error)
FctFindVulnerabilityNotification func(name string, limit int, oldPage PageNumber, newPage PageNumber) (
vuln VulnerabilityNotificationWithVulnerable, ok bool, err error)
FctMarkNotificationNotified func(name string) error
FctDeleteNotification func(name string) error
FctUpdateKeyValue func(key, value string) error
FctFindKeyValue func(key string) (string, bool, error)
FctLock func(name string, owner string, duration time.Duration, renew bool) (bool, time.Time, error)
FctUnlock func(name, owner string) error
FctFindLock func(name string) (string, time.Time, bool, error)
func (ms *MockSession) Commit() error {
if ms.FctCommit != nil {
return ms.FctCommit()
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) Rollback() error {
if ms.FctRollback != nil {
return ms.FctRollback()
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) UpsertAncestry(ancestry Ancestry, features []NamespacedFeature, processedBy Processors) error {
if ms.FctUpsertAncestry != nil {
return ms.FctUpsertAncestry(ancestry, features, processedBy)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindAncestry(name string) (Ancestry, Processors, bool, error) {
if ms.FctFindAncestry != nil {
return ms.FctFindAncestry(name)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindAncestryFeatures(name string) (AncestryWithFeatures, bool, error) {
if ms.FctFindAncestryFeatures != nil {
return ms.FctFindAncestryFeatures(name)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindAffectedNamespacedFeatures(features []NamespacedFeature) ([]NullableAffectedNamespacedFeature, error) {
if ms.FctFindAffectedNamespacedFeatures != nil {
return ms.FctFindAffectedNamespacedFeatures(features)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) PersistNamespaces(namespaces []Namespace) error {
if ms.FctPersistNamespaces != nil {
return ms.FctPersistNamespaces(namespaces)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) PersistFeatures(features []Feature) error {
if ms.FctPersistFeatures != nil {
return ms.FctPersistFeatures(features)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) PersistNamespacedFeatures(namespacedFeatures []NamespacedFeature) error {
if ms.FctPersistNamespacedFeatures != nil {
return ms.FctPersistNamespacedFeatures(namespacedFeatures)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) CacheAffectedNamespacedFeatures(namespacedFeatures []NamespacedFeature) error {
if ms.FctCacheAffectedNamespacedFeatures != nil {
return ms.FctCacheAffectedNamespacedFeatures(namespacedFeatures)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) PersistLayer(layer Layer) error {
if ms.FctPersistLayer != nil {
return ms.FctPersistLayer(layer)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) PersistLayerContent(hash string, namespaces []Namespace, features []Feature, processedBy Processors) error {
if ms.FctPersistLayerContent != nil {
return ms.FctPersistLayerContent(hash, namespaces, features, processedBy)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindLayer(name string) (Layer, Processors, bool, error) {
if ms.FctFindLayer != nil {
return ms.FctFindLayer(name)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindLayerWithContent(name string) (LayerWithContent, bool, error) {
if ms.FctFindLayerWithContent != nil {
return ms.FctFindLayerWithContent(name)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) InsertVulnerabilities(vulnerabilities []VulnerabilityWithAffected) error {
if ms.FctInsertVulnerabilities != nil {
return ms.FctInsertVulnerabilities(vulnerabilities)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindVulnerabilities(vulnerabilityIDs []VulnerabilityID) ([]NullableVulnerability, error) {
if ms.FctFindVulnerabilities != nil {
return ms.FctFindVulnerabilities(vulnerabilityIDs)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) DeleteVulnerabilities(VulnerabilityIDs []VulnerabilityID) error {
if ms.FctDeleteVulnerabilities != nil {
return ms.FctDeleteVulnerabilities(VulnerabilityIDs)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) InsertVulnerabilityNotifications(vulnerabilityNotifications []VulnerabilityNotification) error {
if ms.FctInsertVulnerabilityNotifications != nil {
return ms.FctInsertVulnerabilityNotifications(vulnerabilityNotifications)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindNewNotification(lastNotified time.Time) (NotificationHook, bool, error) {
if ms.FctFindNewNotification != nil {
return ms.FctFindNewNotification(lastNotified)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindVulnerabilityNotification(name string, limit int, oldPage PageNumber, newPage PageNumber) (
VulnerabilityNotificationWithVulnerable, bool, error) {
if ms.FctFindVulnerabilityNotification != nil {
return ms.FctFindVulnerabilityNotification(name, limit, oldPage, newPage)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) MarkNotificationNotified(name string) error {
if ms.FctMarkNotificationNotified != nil {
return ms.FctMarkNotificationNotified(name)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) DeleteNotification(name string) error {
if ms.FctDeleteNotification != nil {
return ms.FctDeleteNotification(name)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) UpdateKeyValue(key, value string) error {
if ms.FctUpdateKeyValue != nil {
return ms.FctUpdateKeyValue(key, value)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindKeyValue(key string) (string, bool, error) {
if ms.FctFindKeyValue != nil {
return ms.FctFindKeyValue(key)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) Lock(name string, owner string, duration time.Duration, renew bool) (bool, time.Time, error) {
if ms.FctLock != nil {
return ms.FctLock(name, owner, duration, renew)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) Unlock(name, owner string) error {
if ms.FctUnlock != nil {
return ms.FctUnlock(name, owner)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (ms *MockSession) FindLock(name string) (string, time.Time, bool, error) {
if ms.FctFindLock != nil {
return ms.FctFindLock(name)
panic("required mock function not implemented")
// MockDatastore implements Datastore and enables overriding each available method.
// The default behavior of each method is to simply panic.
type MockDatastore struct {
FctBegin func() (Session, error)
FctPing func() bool
FctClose func()
func (mds *MockDatastore) Begin() (Session, error) {
if mds.FctBegin != nil {
return mds.FctBegin()
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (mds *MockDatastore) Ping() bool {
if mds.FctPing != nil {
return mds.FctPing()
panic("required mock function not implemented")
func (mds *MockDatastore) Close() {
if mds.FctClose != nil {
panic("required mock function not implemented")