Main Clair logic is changed in worker, updater, notifier for better adapting ancestry schema. Extensions are updated with the new model and feature lister and namespace detector drivers are able to specify the specific listers and detectors used to process layer's content. InRange and GetFixedIn interfaces are added to Version format for adapting ranged affected features and next available fixed in in the future. Tests for worker, updater and extensions are fixed.
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// Copyright 2017 clair authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package debian implements a vulnerability source updater using the Debian
// Security Tracker.
package debian
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const (
url = "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/data/json"
cveURLPrefix = "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker"
updaterFlag = "debianUpdater"
type jsonData map[string]map[string]jsonVuln
type jsonVuln struct {
Description string `json:"description"`
Releases map[string]jsonRel `json:"releases"`
type jsonRel struct {
FixedVersion string `json:"fixed_version"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Urgency string `json:"urgency"`
type updater struct{}
func init() {
vulnsrc.RegisterUpdater("debian", &updater{})
func (u *updater) Update(datastore database.Datastore) (resp vulnsrc.UpdateResponse, err error) {
log.WithField("package", "Debian").Info("Start fetching vulnerabilities")
tx, err := datastore.Begin()
if err != nil {
return resp, err
// Get the SHA-1 of the latest update's JSON data
latestHash, ok, err := tx.FindKeyValue(updaterFlag)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
// NOTE(sida): The transaction won't mutate the database and I want the
// transaction to be short.
if err := tx.Rollback(); err != nil {
return resp, err
if !ok {
latestHash = ""
// Download JSON.
r, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("could not download Debian's update")
return resp, commonerr.ErrCouldNotDownload
// Parse the JSON.
resp, err = buildResponse(r.Body, latestHash)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
return resp, nil
func (u *updater) Clean() {}
func buildResponse(jsonReader io.Reader, latestKnownHash string) (resp vulnsrc.UpdateResponse, err error) {
hash := latestKnownHash
// Defer the addition of flag information to the response.
defer func() {
if err == nil {
resp.FlagName = updaterFlag
resp.FlagValue = hash
// Create a TeeReader so that we can unmarshal into JSON and write to a SHA-1
// digest at the same time.
jsonSHA := sha1.New()
teedJSONReader := io.TeeReader(jsonReader, jsonSHA)
// Unmarshal JSON.
var data jsonData
err = json.NewDecoder(teedJSONReader).Decode(&data)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("could not unmarshal Debian's JSON")
return resp, commonerr.ErrCouldNotParse
// Calculate the hash and skip updating if the hash has been seen before.
hash = hex.EncodeToString(jsonSHA.Sum(nil))
if latestKnownHash == hash {
log.WithField("package", "Debian").Debug("no update")
return resp, nil
// Extract vulnerability data from Debian's JSON schema.
var unknownReleases map[string]struct{}
resp.Vulnerabilities, unknownReleases = parseDebianJSON(&data)
// Log unknown releases
for k := range unknownReleases {
note := fmt.Sprintf("Debian %s is not mapped to any version number (eg. Jessie->8). Please update me.", k)
resp.Notes = append(resp.Notes, note)
return resp, nil
func parseDebianJSON(data *jsonData) (vulnerabilities []database.VulnerabilityWithAffected, unknownReleases map[string]struct{}) {
mvulnerabilities := make(map[string]*database.VulnerabilityWithAffected)
unknownReleases = make(map[string]struct{})
for pkgName, pkgNode := range *data {
for vulnName, vulnNode := range pkgNode {
for releaseName, releaseNode := range vulnNode.Releases {
// Attempt to detect the release number.
if _, isReleaseKnown := database.DebianReleasesMapping[releaseName]; !isReleaseKnown {
unknownReleases[releaseName] = struct{}{}
// Skip if the status is not determined or the vulnerability is a temporary one.
// TODO: maybe add "undetermined" as Unknown severity.
if !strings.HasPrefix(vulnName, "CVE-") || releaseNode.Status == "undetermined" {
// Get or create the vulnerability.
vulnerability, vulnerabilityAlreadyExists := mvulnerabilities[vulnName]
if !vulnerabilityAlreadyExists {
vulnerability = &database.VulnerabilityWithAffected{
Vulnerability: database.Vulnerability{
Name: vulnName,
Link: strings.Join([]string{cveURLPrefix, "/", vulnName}, ""),
Severity: database.UnknownSeverity,
Description: vulnNode.Description,
// Set the priority of the vulnerability.
// In the JSON, a vulnerability has one urgency per package it affects.
severity := SeverityFromUrgency(releaseNode.Urgency)
if severity.Compare(vulnerability.Severity) > 0 {
// The highest urgency should be the one set.
vulnerability.Severity = severity
// Determine the version of the package the vulnerability affects.
var version string
var err error
if releaseNode.Status == "open" {
// Open means that the package is currently vulnerable in the latest
// version of this Debian release.
version = versionfmt.MaxVersion
} else if releaseNode.Status == "resolved" {
// Resolved means that the vulnerability has been fixed in
// "fixed_version" (if affected).
err = versionfmt.Valid(dpkg.ParserName, releaseNode.FixedVersion)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithField("version", version).Warning("could not parse package version. skipping")
// FixedVersion = "0" means that the vulnerability affecting
// current feature is not that important
if releaseNode.FixedVersion != "0" {
version = releaseNode.FixedVersion
if version == "" {
var fixedInVersion string
if version != versionfmt.MaxVersion {
fixedInVersion = version
// Create and add the feature version.
pkg := database.AffectedFeature{
FeatureName: pkgName,
AffectedVersion: version,
FixedInVersion: fixedInVersion,
Namespace: database.Namespace{
Name: "debian:" + database.DebianReleasesMapping[releaseName],
VersionFormat: dpkg.ParserName,
vulnerability.Affected = append(vulnerability.Affected, pkg)
// Store the vulnerability.
mvulnerabilities[vulnName] = vulnerability
// Convert the vulnerabilities map to a slice
for _, v := range mvulnerabilities {
vulnerabilities = append(vulnerabilities, *v)
// SeverityFromUrgency converts the urgency scale used by the Debian Security
// Bug Tracker into a database.Severity.
func SeverityFromUrgency(urgency string) database.Severity {
switch urgency {
case "not yet assigned":
return database.UnknownSeverity
case "end-of-life", "unimportant":
return database.NegligibleSeverity
case "low", "low*", "low**":
return database.LowSeverity
case "medium", "medium*", "medium**":
return database.MediumSeverity
case "high", "high*", "high**":
return database.HighSeverity
log.WithField("urgency", urgency).Warning("could not determine vulnerability severity from urgency")
return database.UnknownSeverity