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package main
import (
var statusCmd = &Command{
Name: "status",
Usage: "",
Summary: "dump the migration status for the current DB",
Help: `status extended help here...`,
Run: statusRun,
type StatusData struct {
Source string
Status string
func statusRun(cmd *Command, args ...string) {
conf, err := dbConfFromFlags()
if err != nil {
// collect all migrations
min := int64(0)
max := int64((1 << 63) - 1)
migrations, e := goose.CollectMigrations(conf.MigrationsDir, min, max)
if e != nil {
db, e := goose.OpenDBFromDBConf(conf)
if e != nil {
log.Fatal("couldn't open DB:", e)
defer db.Close()
// must ensure that the version table exists if we're running on a pristine DB
if _, e := goose.EnsureDBVersion(conf, db); e != nil {
fmt.Printf("goose: status for environment '%v'\n", conf.Env)
fmt.Println(" Applied At Migration")
fmt.Println(" =======================================")
for _, m := range migrations {
printMigrationStatus(db, m.Version, filepath.Base(m.Source))
func printMigrationStatus(db *sql.DB, version int64, script string) {
var row goose.MigrationRecord
q := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT tstamp, is_applied FROM goose_db_version WHERE version_id=%d ORDER BY tstamp DESC LIMIT 1", version)
e := db.QueryRow(q).Scan(&row.TStamp, &row.IsApplied)
if e != nil && e != sql.ErrNoRows {
var appliedAt string
if row.IsApplied {
appliedAt = row.TStamp.Format(time.ANSIC)
} else {
appliedAt = "Pending"
fmt.Printf(" %-24s -- %v\n", appliedAt, script)