Clair will now use a YAML configuration file instead of command line arguments as the number of parameters grows. Also, Clair now exposes a Boot() func that allows everyone to easily create their own project and load dynamically their own fetchers/updaters.
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// Copyright 2015 clair authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package database
import (
cerrors "github.com/coreos/clair/utils/errors"
func TestVulnerability(t *testing.T) {
Open(&config.DatabaseConfig{Type: "memstore"})
defer Close()
// Insert invalid vulnerabilities
for _, vulnerability := range []Vulnerability{
Vulnerability{ID: "", Link: "link1", Priority: types.Medium, FixedInNodes: []string{"pkg1"}},
Vulnerability{ID: "test1", Link: "", Priority: types.Medium, FixedInNodes: []string{"pkg1"}},
Vulnerability{ID: "test1", Link: "link1", Priority: "InvalidPriority", FixedInNodes: []string{"pkg1"}},
Vulnerability{ID: "test1", Link: "link1", Priority: types.Medium, FixedInNodes: []string{}},
} {
_, err := InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{&vulnerability})
assert.Error(t, err)
// Some data
vuln1 := &Vulnerability{ID: "test1", Link: "link1", Priority: types.Medium, Description: "testDescription1", FixedInNodes: []string{"pkg1"}}
vuln2 := &Vulnerability{ID: "test2", Link: "link2", Priority: types.High, Description: "testDescription2", FixedInNodes: []string{"pkg1", "pkg2"}}
vuln3 := &Vulnerability{ID: "test3", Link: "link3", Priority: types.High, FixedInNodes: []string{"pkg3"}} // Empty description
// Insert some vulnerabilities
_, err := InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln1, vuln2, vuln3})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
// Find one of the vulnerabilities we just inserted and verify its content
v1, err := FindOneVulnerability(vuln1.ID, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.NotNil(t, v1) {
assert.Equal(t, vuln1.ID, v1.ID)
assert.Equal(t, vuln1.Link, v1.Link)
assert.Equal(t, vuln1.Priority, v1.Priority)
assert.Equal(t, vuln1.Description, v1.Description)
if assert.Len(t, v1.FixedInNodes, 1) {
assert.Equal(t, vuln1.FixedInNodes[0], v1.FixedInNodes[0])
// Ensure that vulnerabilities with empty descriptions work as well
v3, err := FindOneVulnerability(vuln3.ID, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.NotNil(t, v3) {
assert.Equal(t, vuln3.Description, v3.Description)
// Find vulnerabilities by fixed packages
vulnsFixedInPkg1AndPkg3, err := FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn([]string{"pkg2", "pkg3"}, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Len(t, vulnsFixedInPkg1AndPkg3, 2)
// Delete vulnerability
if assert.Nil(t, DeleteVulnerability(vuln1.ID)) {
v1, err := FindOneVulnerability(vuln1.ID, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
assert.Equal(t, cerrors.ErrNotFound, err)
assert.Nil(t, v1)
// Update a vulnerability and verify its new content
pkg1 := &Package{OS: "testOS", Name: "testpkg1", Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.0")}
vuln5 := &Vulnerability{ID: "test5", Link: "link5", Priority: types.Medium, Description: "testDescription5", FixedInNodes: []string{pkg1.Node}}
_, err = InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln5})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
// Partial updates
// # Just a field update
vuln5b := &Vulnerability{ID: "test5", Priority: types.High}
_, err := InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln5b})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
v5b, err := FindOneVulnerability(vuln5b.ID, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.NotNil(t, v5b) {
assert.Equal(t, vuln5b.ID, v5b.ID)
assert.Equal(t, vuln5b.Priority, v5b.Priority)
if assert.Len(t, v5b.FixedInNodes, 1) {
assert.Contains(t, v5b.FixedInNodes, pkg1.Node)
// # Just a field update, twice in the same transaction
vuln5b1 := &Vulnerability{ID: "test5", Link: "http://foo.bar"}
vuln5b2 := &Vulnerability{ID: "test5", Link: "http://bar.foo"}
_, err = InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln5b1, vuln5b2})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
v5b2, err := FindOneVulnerability(vuln5b2.ID, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.NotNil(t, v5b2) {
assert.Equal(t, vuln5b2.Link, v5b2.Link)
// # All fields except fixedIn update
vuln5c := &Vulnerability{ID: "test5", Link: "link5c", Priority: types.Critical, Description: "testDescription5c"}
_, err = InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln5c})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
v5c, err := FindOneVulnerability(vuln5c.ID, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.NotNil(t, v5c) {
assert.Equal(t, vuln5c.ID, v5c.ID)
assert.Equal(t, vuln5c.Link, v5c.Link)
assert.Equal(t, vuln5c.Priority, v5c.Priority)
assert.Equal(t, vuln5c.Description, v5c.Description)
if assert.Len(t, v5c.FixedInNodes, 1) {
assert.Contains(t, v5c.FixedInNodes, pkg1.Node)
// Complete update
pkg2 := &Package{OS: "testOS", Name: "testpkg1", Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.1")}
pkg3 := &Package{OS: "testOS", Name: "testpkg2", Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.0")}
InsertPackages([]*Package{pkg2, pkg3})
vuln5d := &Vulnerability{ID: "test5", Link: "link5d", Priority: types.Low, Description: "testDescription5d", FixedInNodes: []string{pkg2.Node, pkg3.Node}}
_, err = InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln5d})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
v5d, err := FindOneVulnerability(vuln5d.ID, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.NotNil(t, v5d) {
assert.Equal(t, vuln5d.ID, v5d.ID)
assert.Equal(t, vuln5d.Link, v5d.Link)
assert.Equal(t, vuln5d.Priority, v5d.Priority)
assert.Equal(t, vuln5d.Description, v5d.Description)
// Here, we ensure that a vulnerability can only be fixed by one package of a given branch at a given time
// And that we can add new fixed packages as well
if assert.Len(t, v5d.FixedInNodes, 2) {
assert.NotContains(t, v5d.FixedInNodes, pkg1.Node)
// Create and update a vulnerability's packages (and from the same branch) in the same batch
pkg1 = &Package{OS: "testOS", Name: "testpkg1", Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.0")}
pkg1b := &Package{OS: "testOS", Name: "testpkg1", Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.1")}
InsertPackages([]*Package{pkg1, pkg1b})
// # Two updates of the same vulnerability in the same batch with packages of the same branch
pkg0 := &Package{OS: "testOS", Name: "testpkg0", Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.0")}
_, err = InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{&Vulnerability{ID: "test7", Link: "link7", Priority: types.Medium, Description: "testDescription7", FixedInNodes: []string{pkg0.Node}}})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
vuln7b := &Vulnerability{ID: "test7", FixedInNodes: []string{pkg1.Node}}
vuln7c := &Vulnerability{ID: "test7", FixedInNodes: []string{pkg1b.Node}}
_, err = InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln7b, vuln7c})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
v7, err := FindOneVulnerability("test7", FieldVulnerabilityAll)
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.Len(t, v7.FixedInNodes, 2) {
assert.Contains(t, v7.FixedInNodes, pkg0.Node)
assert.NotContains(t, v7.FixedInNodes, pkg1.Node)
assert.Contains(t, v7.FixedInNodes, pkg1b.Node)
func TestInsertVulnerabilityNotifications(t *testing.T) {
Open(&config.DatabaseConfig{Type: "memstore"})
defer Close()
pkg1 := &Package{OS: "testOS", Name: "testpkg1", Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.0")}
pkg1b := &Package{OS: "testOS", Name: "testpkg1", Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.2")}
pkg2 := &Package{OS: "testOS", Name: "testpkg2", Version: types.NewVersionUnsafe("1.0")}
InsertPackages([]*Package{pkg1, pkg1b, pkg2})
// NewVulnerabilityNotification
vuln1 := &Vulnerability{ID: "test1", Link: "link1", Priority: types.Medium, Description: "testDescription1", FixedInNodes: []string{pkg1.Node}}
vuln2 := &Vulnerability{ID: "test2", Link: "link2", Priority: types.High, Description: "testDescription2", FixedInNodes: []string{pkg1.Node, pkg2.Node}}
vuln1b := &Vulnerability{ID: "test1", Priority: types.High, FixedInNodes: []string{"pkg3"}}
notifications, err := InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln1, vuln2, vuln1b})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
// We should only have two NewVulnerabilityNotification notifications: one for test1 and one for test2
// We should not have a VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification or a VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification
// for test1 because it is in the same batch
if assert.Len(t, notifications, 2) {
for _, n := range notifications {
_, ok := n.(*NewVulnerabilityNotification)
assert.True(t, ok)
// VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification
vuln1c := &Vulnerability{ID: "test1", Priority: types.Critical}
notifications, err = InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln1c})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
if assert.Len(t, notifications, 1) {
if nn, ok := notifications[0].(*VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification); assert.True(t, ok) {
assert.Equal(t, vuln1b.Priority, nn.OldPriority)
assert.Equal(t, vuln1c.Priority, nn.NewPriority)
notifications, err = InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{&Vulnerability{ID: "test1", Priority: types.Low}})
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.Len(t, notifications, 0)
// VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification
vuln1e := &Vulnerability{ID: "test1", FixedInNodes: []string{pkg1b.Node}}
vuln1f := &Vulnerability{ID: "test1", FixedInNodes: []string{pkg2.Node}}
notifications, err = InsertVulnerabilities([]*Vulnerability{vuln1e, vuln1f})
if assert.Nil(t, err) {
if assert.Len(t, notifications, 1) {
if nn, ok := notifications[0].(*VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification); assert.True(t, ok) {
// Here, we say that pkg1b fixes the vulnerability, but as pkg1b is in
// the same branch as pkg1, pkg1 should be removed and pkg1b added
// We also add pkg2 as fixed
assert.Contains(t, nn.AddedFixedInNodes, pkg1b.Node)
assert.Contains(t, nn.RemovedFixedInNodes, pkg1.Node)
assert.Contains(t, nn.AddedFixedInNodes, pkg2.Node)