You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

366 lines
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// Copyright 2015 The Prometheus Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package log
import (
type levelFlag string
// String implements flag.Value.
func (f levelFlag) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", origLogger.Level.String())
// Set implements flag.Value.
func (f levelFlag) Set(level string) error {
l, err := logrus.ParseLevel(level)
if err != nil {
return err
origLogger.Level = l
return nil
// setSyslogFormatter is nil if the target architecture does not support syslog.
var setSyslogFormatter func(string, string) error
// setEventlogFormatter is nil if the target OS does not support Eventlog (i.e., is not Windows).
var setEventlogFormatter func(string, bool) error
func setJSONFormatter() {
origLogger.Formatter = &logrus.JSONFormatter{}
type logFormatFlag url.URL
// String implements flag.Value.
func (f logFormatFlag) String() string {
u := url.URL(f)
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", u.String())
// Set implements flag.Value.
func (f logFormatFlag) Set(format string) error {
u, err := url.Parse(format)
if err != nil {
return err
if u.Scheme != "logger" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid scheme %s", u.Scheme)
jsonq := u.Query().Get("json")
if jsonq == "true" {
switch u.Opaque {
case "syslog":
if setSyslogFormatter == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("system does not support syslog")
appname := u.Query().Get("appname")
facility := u.Query().Get("local")
return setSyslogFormatter(appname, facility)
case "eventlog":
if setEventlogFormatter == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("system does not support eventlog")
name := u.Query().Get("name")
debugAsInfo := false
debugAsInfoRaw := u.Query().Get("debugAsInfo")
if parsedDebugAsInfo, err := strconv.ParseBool(debugAsInfoRaw); err == nil {
debugAsInfo = parsedDebugAsInfo
return setEventlogFormatter(name, debugAsInfo)
case "stdout":
origLogger.Out = os.Stdout
case "stderr":
origLogger.Out = os.Stderr
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported logger %q", u.Opaque)
return nil
func init() {
// AddFlags adds the flags used by this package to the given FlagSet. That's
// useful if working with a custom FlagSet. The init function of this package
// adds the flags to flag.CommandLine anyway. Thus, it's usually enough to call
// flag.Parse() to make the logging flags take effect.
func AddFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
"Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]",
logFormatFlag(url.URL{Scheme: "logger", Opaque: "stderr"}),
`Set the log target and format. Example: "logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7" or "logger:stdout?json=true"`,
// Logger is the interface for loggers used in the Prometheus components.
type Logger interface {
Debugf(string, ...interface{})
Infof(string, ...interface{})
Warnf(string, ...interface{})
Errorf(string, ...interface{})
Fatalf(string, ...interface{})
With(key string, value interface{}) Logger
type logger struct {
entry *logrus.Entry
func (l logger) With(key string, value interface{}) Logger {
return logger{l.entry.WithField(key, value)}
// Debug logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Debug(args ...interface{}) {
// Debug logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Debugln(args ...interface{}) {
// Debugf logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
l.sourced().Debugf(format, args...)
// Info logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Info(args ...interface{}) {
// Info logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Infoln(args ...interface{}) {
// Infof logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {
l.sourced().Infof(format, args...)
// Warn logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Warn(args ...interface{}) {
// Warn logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Warnln(args ...interface{}) {
// Warnf logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Warnf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
l.sourced().Warnf(format, args...)
// Error logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Error(args ...interface{}) {
// Error logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Errorln(args ...interface{}) {
// Errorf logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
l.sourced().Errorf(format, args...)
// Fatal logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatal logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Fatalln(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatalf logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func (l logger) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
l.sourced().Fatalf(format, args...)
// sourced adds a source field to the logger that contains
// the file name and line where the logging happened.
func (l logger) sourced() *logrus.Entry {
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(2)
if !ok {
file = "<???>"
line = 1
} else {
slash := strings.LastIndex(file, "/")
file = file[slash+1:]
return l.entry.WithField("source", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line))
var origLogger = logrus.New()
var baseLogger = logger{entry: logrus.NewEntry(origLogger)}
// Base returns the default Logger logging to
func Base() Logger {
return baseLogger
// NewLogger returns a new Logger logging to out.
func NewLogger(w io.Writer) Logger {
l := logrus.New()
l.Out = w
return logger{entry: logrus.NewEntry(l)}
// NewNopLogger returns a logger that discards all log messages.
func NewNopLogger() Logger {
l := logrus.New()
l.Out = ioutil.Discard
return logger{entry: logrus.NewEntry(l)}
// With adds a field to the logger.
func With(key string, value interface{}) Logger {
return baseLogger.With(key, value)
// Debug logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func Debug(args ...interface{}) {
// Debugln logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func Debugln(args ...interface{}) {
// Debugf logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
func Debugf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
baseLogger.sourced().Debugf(format, args...)
// Info logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func Info(args ...interface{}) {
// Infoln logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func Infoln(args ...interface{}) {
// Infof logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
func Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {
baseLogger.sourced().Infof(format, args...)
// Warn logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func Warn(args ...interface{}) {
// Warnln logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func Warnln(args ...interface{}) {
// Warnf logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
func Warnf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
baseLogger.sourced().Warnf(format, args...)
// Error logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func Error(args ...interface{}) {
// Errorln logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func Errorln(args ...interface{}) {
// Errorf logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
baseLogger.sourced().Errorf(format, args...)
// Fatal logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatalln logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func Fatalln(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatalf logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
func Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
baseLogger.sourced().Fatalf(format, args...)
type errorLogWriter struct{}
func (errorLogWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return len(b), nil
// NewErrorLogger returns a log.Logger that is meant to be used
// in the ErrorLog field of an http.Server to log HTTP server errors.
func NewErrorLogger() *log.Logger {
return log.New(&errorLogWriter{}, "", 0)