Handle scanning of openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise images. Signed-off-by: Flavio Castelli <fcastelli@suse.com>
479 lines
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479 lines
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// Copyright 2017 clair authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package suse implements a vulnerability source updater using the
// SUSE Linux and openSUSE OVAL Database.
package suse
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const (
ovalURI = "http://ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/security/oval/"
// "Thu, 30 Nov 2017 03:07:57 GMT
timeFormatLastModified = "Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST"
// timestamp format 2017-10-23T04:07:14
timeFormatOVAL = "2006-1-2T15:04:05"
var (
ignoredCriterions []string
suseOpenSUSEInstalledCommentRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(SUSE Linux Enterprise |openSUSE ).*is installed`)
suseInstalledCommentRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`SUSE Linux Enterprise[A-Za-z\s]*? (\d+)[\w\s]*?(SP(\d+))? is installed`)
type oval struct {
Timestamp string `xml:"generator>timestamp"`
Definitions []definition `xml:"definitions>definition"`
type definition struct {
Title string `xml:"metadata>title"`
Description string `xml:"metadata>description"`
References []reference `xml:"metadata>reference"`
Criteria criteria `xml:"criteria"`
type reference struct {
Source string `xml:"source,attr"`
URI string `xml:"ref_url,attr"`
type criteria struct {
Operator string `xml:"operator,attr"`
Criterias []*criteria `xml:"criteria"`
Criterions []criterion `xml:"criterion"`
type criterion struct {
Comment string `xml:"comment,attr"`
type flavor int
const (
SUSE flavor = iota
type updater struct {
Name string
NamespaceName string
FilePrefix string
UpdaterFlag string
FileRegexp *regexp.Regexp
func newUpdater(f flavor) updater {
var up updater
switch f {
case SUSE:
up.Name = "SUSE Linux"
up.NamespaceName = "sles"
up.FilePrefix = "suse.linux.enterprise."
up.UpdaterFlag = "SUSEUpdater"
up.FileRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`suse.linux.enterprise.(\d+).xml`)
case OpenSUSE:
up.Name = "openSUSE"
up.NamespaceName = "opensuse"
up.FilePrefix = "opensuse.leap."
up.UpdaterFlag = "openSUSEUpdater"
up.FileRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`opensuse.leap.(\d+\.*\d*).xml`)
panic("tried to create an updater for an unrecognized flavor of openSUSE/SUSE")
return up
func init() {
suseUpdater := newUpdater(SUSE)
openSUSEUpdater := newUpdater(OpenSUSE)
vulnsrc.RegisterUpdater("suse", &suseUpdater)
vulnsrc.RegisterUpdater("opensuse", &openSUSEUpdater)
func (u *updater) Update(datastore database.Datastore) (resp vulnsrc.UpdateResponse, err error) {
log.WithField("package", u.Name).Info("Start fetching vulnerabilities")
tx, err := datastore.Begin()
if err != nil {
return resp, err
defer tx.Rollback()
// openSUSE and SUSE have one single xml file for all the products, there are no incremental
// xml files. We store into the database the value of the generation timestamp
// of the latest file we parsed.
flagValue, ok, err := tx.FindKeyValue(u.UpdaterFlag)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
log.WithField("flagvalue", flagValue).Debug("Generation timestamp of latest parsed file")
if !ok {
flagValue = "0"
// this contains the modification time of the most recent
// file expressed as unix time (int64)
latestOval, err := strconv.ParseInt(flagValue, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
// something went wrong, force parsing of all files
latestOval = 0
// Fetch the update list.
r, err := http.Get(ovalURI)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Cannot download SUSE update list: %v", err)
return resp, err
defer r.Body.Close()
var ovalFiles []string
var generationTimes []int64
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r.Body)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
r := u.FileRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(r) != 2 {
ovalFile := ovalURI + u.FilePrefix + r[1] + ".xml"
"ovalFile": ovalFile,
"updater": u.Name,
}).Debug("file to check")
// Do not fetch the entire file to get the value of the
// creation time. Rely on the "latest modified time"
// value of the file hosted on the remote server.
timestamp, err := getLatestModifiedTime(ovalFile)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithField("ovalFile", ovalFile).Warning("Ignoring OVAL file")
if timestamp > latestOval {
ovalFiles = append(ovalFiles, ovalFile)
for _, oval := range ovalFiles {
// Download the oval XML file.
r, err := http.Get(oval)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("could not download", u.Name, "update list")
return resp, commonerr.ErrCouldNotDownload
defer r.Body.Close()
match := u.FileRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(oval)
if len(match) != 2 {
log.Error("Skipping ", oval, "because it's not possible to extract osVersion")
osVersion := match[1]
// Parse the XML.
vs, generationTime, err := parseOval(r.Body, u.NamespaceName, osVersion)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
generationTimes = append(generationTimes, generationTime)
// Collect vulnerabilities.
resp.Vulnerabilities = append(resp.Vulnerabilities, vs...)
// Set the flag if we found anything.
if len(generationTimes) > 0 {
resp.FlagName = u.UpdaterFlag
resp.FlagValue = strconv.FormatInt(latest(generationTimes), 10)
} else {
log.WithField("package", u.Name).Debug("no update")
return resp, nil
// Get the latest modification time of a remote file
// expressed as unix time
func getLatestModifiedTime(url string) (int64, error) {
resp, err := http.Head(url)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
last_modified := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified")
if len(last_modified) == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("last modified header missing")
timestamp, err := time.Parse(timeFormatLastModified, last_modified)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return timestamp.Unix(), nil
func latest(values []int64) (ret int64) {
for _, element := range values {
if element > ret {
ret = element
func (u *updater) Clean() {}
func parseOval(ovalReader io.Reader, osFlavor, osVersion string) (vulnerabilities []database.VulnerabilityWithAffected, generationTime int64, err error) {
// Decode the XML.
var ov oval
err = xml.NewDecoder(ovalReader).Decode(&ov)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("could not decode XML")
err = commonerr.ErrCouldNotParse
timestamp, err := time.Parse(timeFormatOVAL, ov.Timestamp)
if err != nil {
generationTime = timestamp.Unix()
// Iterate over the definitions and collect any vulnerabilities that affect
// at least one package.
for _, definition := range ov.Definitions {
pkgs := toFeatureVersions(definition.Criteria, osFlavor, osVersion)
if len(pkgs) > 0 {
vulnerability := database.VulnerabilityWithAffected{
Vulnerability: database.Vulnerability{
Name: name(definition),
Link: link(definition),
Severity: severity(definition),
Description: description(definition),
vulnerability.Affected = append(vulnerability.Affected, pkgs...)
vulnerabilities = append(vulnerabilities, vulnerability)
func getCriterions(node criteria) [][]criterion {
// Filter useless criterions.
var criterions []criterion
for _, c := range node.Criterions {
ignored := false
for _, ignoredItem := range ignoredCriterions {
if strings.Contains(c.Comment, ignoredItem) {
ignored = true
if !ignored {
criterions = append(criterions, c)
if node.Operator == "AND" {
return [][]criterion{criterions}
} else if node.Operator == "OR" {
var possibilities [][]criterion
for _, c := range criterions {
possibilities = append(possibilities, []criterion{c})
return possibilities
return [][]criterion{}
func getPossibilities(node criteria) [][]criterion {
if len(node.Criterias) == 0 {
return getCriterions(node)
var possibilitiesToCompose [][][]criterion
for _, criteria := range node.Criterias {
possibilitiesToCompose = append(possibilitiesToCompose, getPossibilities(*criteria))
if len(node.Criterions) > 0 {
possibilitiesToCompose = append(possibilitiesToCompose, getCriterions(node))
var possibilities [][]criterion
if node.Operator == "AND" {
for _, possibility := range possibilitiesToCompose[0] {
possibilities = append(possibilities, possibility)
for _, possibilityGroup := range possibilitiesToCompose[1:] {
var newPossibilities [][]criterion
for _, possibility := range possibilities {
for _, possibilityInGroup := range possibilityGroup {
var p []criterion
p = append(p, possibility...)
p = append(p, possibilityInGroup...)
newPossibilities = append(newPossibilities, p)
possibilities = newPossibilities
} else if node.Operator == "OR" {
for _, possibilityGroup := range possibilitiesToCompose {
for _, possibility := range possibilityGroup {
possibilities = append(possibilities, possibility)
return possibilities
func toFeatureVersions(criteria criteria, osFlavor, osVersion string) []database.AffectedFeature {
// There are duplicates in SUSE .xml files.
// This map is for deduplication.
featureVersionParameters := make(map[string]database.AffectedFeature)
possibilities := getPossibilities(criteria)
for _, criterions := range possibilities {
var featureVersion database.AffectedFeature
// Attempt to parse package data from trees of criterions.
for _, c := range criterions {
if match := suseInstalledCommentRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(c.Comment); match != nil {
if len(match) == 4 {
osVersion = match[1]
if match[3] != "" {
osVersion = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", osVersion, match[3])
} else {
log.WithField("comment", c.Comment).Warning("could not extract sles name and version from comment")
if suseOpenSUSEInstalledCommentRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(c.Comment) == nil && strings.HasSuffix(c.Comment, " is installed") {
name, version, err := splitPackageNameAndVersion(c.Comment[:len(c.Comment)-len(" is installed")])
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithField("comment", c.Comment).Warning("Could not extract package name and version from comment")
} else {
featureVersion.FeatureName = name
version := version
err := versionfmt.Valid(rpm.ParserName, version)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).WithField("version", version).Warning("could not parse package version. skipping")
} else {
featureVersion.AffectedVersion = version
if version != versionfmt.MaxVersion {
featureVersion.FixedInVersion = version
featureVersion.Namespace.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", osFlavor, osVersion)
featureVersion.Namespace.VersionFormat = rpm.ParserName
if featureVersion.Namespace.Name != "" && featureVersion.FeatureName != "" && featureVersion.AffectedVersion != "" && featureVersion.FixedInVersion != "" {
featureVersionParameters[featureVersion.Namespace.Name+":"+featureVersion.FeatureName] = featureVersion
} else {
log.WithField("criterions", fmt.Sprintf("%v", criterions)).Warning("could not determine a valid package from criterions")
// Convert the map to slice.
var featureVersionParametersArray []database.AffectedFeature
for _, fv := range featureVersionParameters {
featureVersionParametersArray = append(featureVersionParametersArray, fv)
return featureVersionParametersArray
func description(def definition) (desc string) {
// It is much more faster to proceed like this than using a Replacer.
desc = strings.Replace(def.Description, "\n\n\n", " ", -1)
desc = strings.Replace(desc, "\n\n", " ", -1)
desc = strings.Replace(desc, "\n", " ", -1)
func name(def definition) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(def.Title)
func link(def definition) (link string) {
for _, reference := range def.References {
if reference.Source == "CVE" {
link = reference.URI
func severity(def definition) (severity database.Severity) {
//TODO: handle that once openSUSE/SLE OVAL files have severity info
return database.UnknownSeverity
func splitPackageNameAndVersion(fullname string) (name, version string, err error) {
re := regexp.MustCompile(`-\d+\.`)
matches := re.FindStringSubmatchIndex(fullname)
if matches == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Cannot extract package name and version from %s", fullname)
} else {
name = fullname[:matches[0]]
version = fullname[matches[0]+1:]