You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright 2016 CoreOS Inc
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package progressutil
import (
var (
// ErrorProgressOutOfBounds is returned if the progress is set to a value
// not between 0 and 1.
ErrorProgressOutOfBounds = fmt.Errorf("progress is out of bounds (0 to 1)")
// ErrorNoBarsAdded is returned when no progress bars have been added to a
// ProgressBarPrinter before PrintAndWait is called.
ErrorNoBarsAdded = fmt.Errorf("AddProgressBar hasn't been called yet")
// ProgressBar represents one progress bar in a ProgressBarPrinter. Should not
// be created directly, use the AddProgressBar on a ProgressBarPrinter to
// create these.
type ProgressBar struct {
lock sync.Mutex
currentProgress float64
printBefore string
printAfter string
done bool
func (pb *ProgressBar) clone() *ProgressBar {
pbClone := &ProgressBar{
currentProgress: pb.currentProgress,
printBefore: pb.printBefore,
printAfter: pb.printAfter,
done: pb.done,
return pbClone
func (pb *ProgressBar) GetCurrentProgress() float64 {
val := pb.currentProgress
return val
// SetCurrentProgress sets the progress of this ProgressBar. The progress must
// be between 0 and 1 inclusive.
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetCurrentProgress(progress float64) error {
if progress < 0 || progress > 1 {
return ErrorProgressOutOfBounds
pb.currentProgress = progress
return nil
// GetDone returns whether or not this progress bar is done
func (pb *ProgressBar) GetDone() bool {
val := pb.done
return val
// SetDone sets whether or not this progress bar is done
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetDone(val bool) {
pb.done = val
// GetPrintBefore gets the text printed on the line before the progress bar.
func (pb *ProgressBar) GetPrintBefore() string {
val := pb.printBefore
return val
// SetPrintBefore sets the text printed on the line before the progress bar.
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetPrintBefore(before string) {
pb.printBefore = before
// GetPrintAfter gets the text printed on the line after the progress bar.
func (pb *ProgressBar) GetPrintAfter() string {
val := pb.printAfter
return val
// SetPrintAfter sets the text printed on the line after the progress bar.
func (pb *ProgressBar) SetPrintAfter(after string) {
pb.printAfter = after
// ProgressBarPrinter will print out the progress of some number of
// ProgressBars.
type ProgressBarPrinter struct {
lock sync.Mutex
// DisplayWidth can be set to influence how large the progress bars are.
// The bars will be scaled to attempt to produce lines of this number of
// characters, but lines of different lengths may still be printed. When
// this value is 0 (aka unset), 80 character columns are assumed.
DisplayWidth int
// PadToBeEven, when set to true, will make Print pad the printBefore text
// with trailing spaces and the printAfter text with leading spaces to make
// the progress bars the same length.
PadToBeEven bool
numLinesInLastPrint int
progressBars []*ProgressBar
maxBefore int
maxAfter int
// printToTTYAlways forces this ProgressBarPrinter to always behave as if
// in a tty. Used for tests.
printToTTYAlways bool
// AddProgressBar will create a new ProgressBar, register it with this
// ProgressBarPrinter, and return it. This must be called at least once before
// PrintAndWait is called.
func (pbp *ProgressBarPrinter) AddProgressBar() *ProgressBar {
pb := &ProgressBar{}
pbp.progressBars = append(pbp.progressBars, pb)
return pb
// Print will print out progress information for each ProgressBar that has been
// added to this ProgressBarPrinter. The progress will be written to printTo,
// and if printTo is a terminal it will draw progress bars. AddProgressBar
// must be called at least once before Print is called. If printing to a
// terminal, all draws after the first one will move the cursor up to draw over
// the previously printed bars.
func (pbp *ProgressBarPrinter) Print(printTo io.Writer) (bool, error) {
var bars []*ProgressBar
for _, bar := range pbp.progressBars {
bars = append(bars, bar.clone())
numColumns := pbp.DisplayWidth
if len(bars) == 0 {
return false, ErrorNoBarsAdded
if numColumns == 0 {
numColumns = 80
if pbp.isTerminal(printTo) {
moveCursorUp(printTo, pbp.numLinesInLastPrint)
for _, bar := range bars {
beforeSize := len(bar.GetPrintBefore())
afterSize := len(bar.GetPrintAfter())
if beforeSize > pbp.maxBefore {
pbp.maxBefore = beforeSize
if afterSize > pbp.maxAfter {
pbp.maxAfter = afterSize
allDone := true
for _, bar := range bars {
if pbp.isTerminal(printTo) {
bar.printToTerminal(printTo, numColumns, pbp.PadToBeEven, pbp.maxBefore, pbp.maxAfter)
} else {
allDone = allDone && bar.GetCurrentProgress() == 1
pbp.numLinesInLastPrint = len(bars)
return allDone, nil
// moveCursorUp moves the cursor up numLines in the terminal
func moveCursorUp(printTo io.Writer, numLines int) {
if numLines > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(printTo, "\033[%dA", numLines)
func (pb *ProgressBar) printToTerminal(printTo io.Writer, numColumns int, padding bool, maxBefore, maxAfter int) {
before := pb.GetPrintBefore()
after := pb.GetPrintAfter()
if padding {
before = before + strings.Repeat(" ", maxBefore-len(before))
after = strings.Repeat(" ", maxAfter-len(after)) + after
progressBarSize := numColumns - (len(fmt.Sprintf("%s [] %s", before, after)))
progressBar := ""
if progressBarSize > 0 {
currentProgress := int(pb.GetCurrentProgress() * float64(progressBarSize))
progressBar = fmt.Sprintf("[%s%s] ",
strings.Repeat("=", currentProgress),
strings.Repeat(" ", progressBarSize-currentProgress))
} else {
// If we can't fit the progress bar, better to not pad the before/after.
before = pb.GetPrintBefore()
after = pb.GetPrintAfter()
fmt.Fprintf(printTo, "%s %s%s\n", before, progressBar, after)
func (pb *ProgressBar) printToNonTerminal(printTo io.Writer) {
if !pb.GetDone() {
fmt.Fprintf(printTo, "%s %s\n", pb.printBefore, pb.printAfter)
if pb.GetCurrentProgress() == 1 {
// isTerminal returns True when w is going to a tty, and false otherwise.
func (pbp *ProgressBarPrinter) isTerminal(w io.Writer) bool {
if pbp.printToTTYAlways {
return true
if f, ok := w.(*os.File); ok {
return terminal.IsTerminal(int(f.Fd()))
return false