// Copyright 2015 clair authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package pgsql import ( "fmt" "strings" "github.com/lib/pq" ) const ( lockVulnerabilityAffects = `LOCK vulnerability_affected_namespaced_feature IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE` // keyvalue.go searchKeyValue = `SELECT value FROM KeyValue WHERE key = $1` upsertKeyValue = ` INSERT INTO KeyValue(key, value) VALUES ($1, $2) ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT keyvalue_key_key DO UPDATE SET key=$1, value=$2` // namespace.go searchNamespaceID = `SELECT id FROM Namespace WHERE name = $1 AND version_format = $2` // feature.go soiNamespacedFeature = ` WITH new_feature_ns AS ( INSERT INTO namespaced_feature(feature_id, namespace_id) SELECT CAST ($1 AS INTEGER), CAST ($2 AS INTEGER) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM namespaced_feature WHERE namespaced_feature.feature_id = $1 AND namespaced_feature.namespace_id = $2) RETURNING id ) SELECT id FROM namespaced_feature WHERE namespaced_feature.feature_id = $1 AND namespaced_feature.namespace_id = $2 UNION SELECT id FROM new_feature_ns` searchPotentialAffectingVulneraibilities = ` SELECT nf.id, v.id, vaf.affected_version, vaf.id FROM vulnerability_affected_feature AS vaf, vulnerability AS v, namespaced_feature AS nf, feature AS f WHERE nf.id = ANY($1) AND nf.feature_id = f.id AND nf.namespace_id = v.namespace_id AND vaf.feature_name = f.name AND vaf.vulnerability_id = v.id AND v.deleted_at IS NULL` searchNamespacedFeaturesVulnerabilities = ` SELECT vanf.namespaced_feature_id, v.name, v.description, v.link, v.severity, v.metadata, vaf.fixedin, n.name, n.version_format FROM vulnerability_affected_namespaced_feature AS vanf, Vulnerability AS v, vulnerability_affected_feature AS vaf, namespace AS n WHERE vanf.namespaced_feature_id = ANY($1) AND vaf.id = vanf.added_by AND v.id = vanf.vulnerability_id AND n.id = v.namespace_id AND v.deleted_at IS NULL` // layer.go searchLayerIDs = `SELECT id, hash FROM layer WHERE hash = ANY($1);` searchLayerFeatures = ` SELECT feature.Name, feature.Version, feature.version_format FROM feature, layer_feature WHERE layer_feature.layer_id = $1 AND layer_feature.feature_id = feature.id` searchLayerNamespaces = ` SELECT namespace.Name, namespace.version_format FROM namespace, layer_namespace WHERE layer_namespace.layer_id = $1 AND layer_namespace.namespace_id = namespace.id` searchLayer = `SELECT id FROM layer WHERE hash = $1` searchLayerDetectors = `SELECT detector FROM layer_detector WHERE layer_id = $1` searchLayerListers = `SELECT lister FROM layer_lister WHERE layer_id = $1` // lock.go soiLock = `INSERT INTO lock(name, owner, until) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)` searchLock = `SELECT owner, until FROM Lock WHERE name = $1` updateLock = `UPDATE Lock SET until = $3 WHERE name = $1 AND owner = $2` removeLock = `DELETE FROM Lock WHERE name = $1 AND owner = $2` removeLockExpired = `DELETE FROM LOCK WHERE until < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP` // vulnerability.go searchVulnerability = ` SELECT v.id, v.description, v.link, v.severity, v.metadata, n.version_format FROM vulnerability AS v, namespace AS n WHERE v.namespace_id = n.id AND v.name = $1 AND n.name = $2 AND v.deleted_at IS NULL ` insertVulnerabilityAffected = ` INSERT INTO vulnerability_affected_feature(vulnerability_id, feature_name, affected_version, fixedin) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING ID ` searchVulnerabilityAffected = ` SELECT vulnerability_id, feature_name, affected_version, fixedin FROM vulnerability_affected_feature WHERE vulnerability_id = ANY($1) ` searchVulnerabilityByID = ` SELECT v.name, v.description, v.link, v.severity, v.metadata, n.name, n.version_format FROM vulnerability AS v, namespace AS n WHERE v.namespace_id = n.id AND v.id = $1` searchVulnerabilityPotentialAffected = ` WITH req AS ( SELECT vaf.id AS vaf_id, n.id AS n_id, vaf.feature_name AS name, v.id AS vulnerability_id FROM vulnerability_affected_feature AS vaf, vulnerability AS v, namespace AS n WHERE vaf.vulnerability_id = ANY($1) AND v.id = vaf.vulnerability_id AND n.id = v.namespace_id ) SELECT req.vulnerability_id, nf.id, f.version, req.vaf_id AS added_by FROM feature AS f, namespaced_feature AS nf, req WHERE f.name = req.name AND nf.namespace_id = req.n_id AND nf.feature_id = f.id` insertVulnerabilityAffectedNamespacedFeature = ` INSERT INTO vulnerability_affected_namespaced_feature(vulnerability_id, namespaced_feature_id, added_by) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)` insertVulnerability = ` WITH ns AS ( SELECT id FROM namespace WHERE name = $6 AND version_format = $7 ) INSERT INTO Vulnerability(namespace_id, name, description, link, severity, metadata, created_at) VALUES((SELECT id FROM ns), $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) RETURNING id` removeVulnerability = ` UPDATE Vulnerability SET deleted_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE namespace_id = (SELECT id FROM Namespace WHERE name = $1) AND name = $2 AND deleted_at IS NULL RETURNING id` // notification.go insertNotification = ` INSERT INTO Vulnerability_Notification(name, created_at, old_vulnerability_id, new_vulnerability_id) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)` updatedNotificationNotified = ` UPDATE Vulnerability_Notification SET notified_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE name = $1` removeNotification = ` UPDATE Vulnerability_Notification SET deleted_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE name = $1 AND deleted_at IS NULL` searchNotificationAvailable = ` SELECT name, created_at, notified_at, deleted_at FROM Vulnerability_Notification WHERE (notified_at IS NULL OR notified_at < $1) AND deleted_at IS NULL AND name NOT IN (SELECT name FROM Lock) ORDER BY Random() LIMIT 1` searchNotification = ` SELECT created_at, notified_at, deleted_at, old_vulnerability_id, new_vulnerability_id FROM Vulnerability_Notification WHERE name = $1` searchNotificationVulnerableAncestry = ` SELECT DISTINCT ON (a.id) a.id, a.name FROM vulnerability_affected_namespaced_feature AS vanf, ancestry_layer AS al, ancestry_feature AS af WHERE vanf.vulnerability_id = $1 AND al.ancestry_id >= $2 AND al.id = af.ancestry_layer_id AND af.namespaced_feature_id = vanf.namespaced_feature_id ORDER BY a.id ASC LIMIT $3;` // ancestry.go persistAncestryLister = ` INSERT INTO ancestry_lister (ancestry_id, lister) SELECT CAST ($1 AS INTEGER), CAST ($2 AS TEXT) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM ancestry_lister WHERE ancestry_id = $1 AND lister = $2) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING` persistAncestryDetector = ` INSERT INTO ancestry_detector (ancestry_id, detector) SELECT CAST ($1 AS INTEGER), CAST ($2 AS TEXT) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM ancestry_detector WHERE ancestry_id = $1 AND detector = $2) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING` insertAncestry = `INSERT INTO ancestry (name) VALUES ($1) RETURNING id` searchAncestryLayer = ` SELECT layer.hash, layer.id, ancestry_layer.ancestry_index FROM layer, ancestry_layer WHERE ancestry_layer.ancestry_id = $1 AND ancestry_layer.layer_id = layer.id ORDER BY ancestry_layer.ancestry_index ASC` searchAncestryFeatures = ` SELECT namespace.name, namespace.version_format, feature.name, feature.version, feature.version_format, ancestry_layer.ancestry_index FROM namespace, feature, namespaced_feature, ancestry_layer, ancestry_feature WHERE ancestry_layer.ancestry_id = $1 AND ancestry_feature.ancestry_layer_id = ancestry_layer.id AND ancestry_feature.namespaced_feature_id = namespaced_feature.id AND namespaced_feature.feature_id = feature.id AND namespaced_feature.namespace_id = namespace.id` searchAncestry = `SELECT id FROM ancestry WHERE name = $1` searchAncestryDetectors = `SELECT detector FROM ancestry_detector WHERE ancestry_id = $1` searchAncestryListers = `SELECT lister FROM ancestry_lister WHERE ancestry_id = $1` removeAncestry = `DELETE FROM ancestry WHERE name = $1` insertAncestryLayer = `INSERT INTO ancestry_layer(ancestry_id, ancestry_index, layer_id) VALUES($1,$2, (SELECT layer.id FROM layer WHERE hash = $3 LIMIT 1)) RETURNING id` insertAncestryLayerFeature = `INSERT INTO ancestry_feature(ancestry_layer_id, namespaced_feature_id) VALUES ($1, $2)` ) // NOTE(Sida): Every search query can only have count less than postgres set // stack depth. IN will be resolved to nested OR_s and the parser might exceed // stack depth. TODO(Sida): Generate different queries for different count: if // count < 5120, use IN; for count > 5120 and < 65536, use temporary table; for // count > 65535, use is expected to split data into batches. func querySearchLastDeletedVulnerabilityID(count int) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT vid, vname, nname FROM ( SELECT v.id AS vid, v.name AS vname, n.name AS nname, row_number() OVER ( PARTITION by (v.name, n.name) ORDER BY v.deleted_at DESC ) AS rownum FROM vulnerability AS v, namespace AS n WHERE v.namespace_id = n.id AND (v.name, n.name) IN ( %s ) AND v.deleted_at IS NOT NULL ) tmp WHERE rownum <= 1`, queryString(2, count)) } func querySearchNotDeletedVulnerabilityID(count int) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT v.id, v.name, n.name FROM vulnerability AS v, namespace AS n WHERE v.namespace_id = n.id AND (v.name, n.name) IN (%s) AND v.deleted_at IS NULL`, queryString(2, count)) } func querySearchFeatureID(featureCount int) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT id, name, version, version_format FROM Feature WHERE (name, version, version_format) IN (%s)`, queryString(3, featureCount), ) } func querySearchNamespacedFeature(nsfCount int) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT nf.id, f.name, f.version, f.version_format, n.name FROM namespaced_feature AS nf, feature AS f, namespace AS n WHERE nf.feature_id = f.id AND nf.namespace_id = n.id AND n.version_format = f.version_format AND (f.name, f.version, f.version_format, n.name) IN (%s)`, queryString(4, nsfCount), ) } func querySearchNamespace(nsCount int) string { return fmt.Sprintf( `SELECT id, name, version_format FROM namespace WHERE (name, version_format) IN (%s)`, queryString(2, nsCount), ) } func queryInsert(count int, table string, columns ...string) string { base := `INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s` t := pq.QuoteIdentifier(table) cols := make([]string, len(columns)) for i, c := range columns { cols[i] = pq.QuoteIdentifier(c) } colsQuoted := strings.Join(cols, ",") return fmt.Sprintf(base, t, colsQuoted, queryString(len(columns), count)) } func queryPersist(count int, table, constraint string, columns ...string) string { ct := "" if constraint != "" { ct = fmt.Sprintf("ON CONSTRAINT %s", constraint) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s ON CONFLICT %s DO NOTHING", queryInsert(count, table, columns...), ct) } func queryInsertNotifications(count int) string { return queryInsert(count, "vulnerability_notification", "name", "created_at", "old_vulnerability_id", "new_vulnerability_id", ) } func queryPersistFeature(count int) string { return queryPersist(count, "feature", "feature_name_version_version_format_key", "name", "version", "version_format") } func queryPersistLayerFeature(count int) string { return queryPersist(count, "layer_feature", "layer_feature_layer_id_feature_id_key", "layer_id", "feature_id") } func queryPersistNamespace(count int) string { return queryPersist(count, "namespace", "namespace_name_version_format_key", "name", "version_format") } func queryPersistLayerListers(count int) string { return queryPersist(count, "layer_lister", "layer_lister_layer_id_lister_key", "layer_id", "lister") } func queryPersistLayerDetectors(count int) string { return queryPersist(count, "layer_detector", "layer_detector_layer_id_detector_key", "layer_id", "detector") } func queryPersistLayerNamespace(count int) string { return queryPersist(count, "layer_namespace", "layer_namespace_layer_id_namespace_id_key", "layer_id", "namespace_id") } // size of key and array should be both greater than 0 func queryString(keySize, arraySize int) string { if arraySize <= 0 || keySize <= 0 { panic("Bulk Query requires size of element tuple and number of elements to be greater than 0") } keys := make([]string, 0, arraySize) for i := 0; i < arraySize; i++ { key := make([]string, keySize) for j := 0; j < keySize; j++ { key[j] = fmt.Sprintf("$%d", i*keySize+j+1) } keys = append(keys, fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", strings.Join(key, ","))) } return strings.Join(keys, ",") } func queryPersistNamespacedFeature(count int) string { return queryPersist(count, "namespaced_feature", "namespaced_feature_namespace_id_feature_id_key", "feature_id", "namespace_id") } func queryPersistVulnerabilityAffectedNamespacedFeature(count int) string { return queryPersist(count, "vulnerability_affected_namespaced_feature", "vulnerability_affected_namesp_vulnerability_id_namespaced_f_key", "vulnerability_id", "namespaced_feature_id", "added_by") } func queryPersistLayer(count int) string { return queryPersist(count, "layer", "", "hash") } func queryInvalidateVulnerabilityCache(count int) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`DELETE FROM vulnerability_affected_feature WHERE vulnerability_id IN (%s)`, queryString(1, count)) }