clair: database: # Database driver. type: pgsql options: # PostgreSQL Connection string. # {{- if .Values.config.postgresURI }} source: "{{ .Values.config.postgresURI }}" {{ else }} source: "host={{ template "postgresql.fullname" . }} port=5432 user={{ .Values.postgresql.postgresUser }} password={{ .Values.postgresql.postgresPassword }} dbname={{ .Values.postgresql.postgresDatabase }} sslmode=disable statement_timeout=60000" {{ end }} # Number of elements kept in the cache. # Values unlikely to change (e.g. namespaces) are cached in order to save prevent needless roundtrips to the database. cachesize: 16384 # 32-bit URL-safe base64 key used to encrypt pagination tokens. # If one is not provided, it will be generated. # Multiple clair instances in the same cluster need the same value. paginationkey: "{{ .Values.config.paginationKey }}" api: # v3 grpc/RESTful API server address. addr: "{{ .Values.service.internalApiPort }}" # Health server address. # This is an unencrypted endpoint useful for load balancers to check to healthiness of the clair server. healthaddr: "{{ .Values.service.internalHealthPort }}" # Deadline before an API request will respond with a 503. timeout: 900s # Optional PKI configuration. # If you want to easily generate client certificates and CAs, try the following projects: # # servername: cafile: keyfile: certfile: worker: namespace_detectors: {{- range $key, $value := .Values.config.enabledNamespaceDetectors }} - {{ $value }} {{- end }} feature_listers: {{- range $key, $value := .Values.config.enabledFeatureListers }} - {{ $value }} {{- end }} updater: # Frequency the database will be updated with vulnerabilities from the default data sources. # The value 0 disables the updater entirely. interval: "{{ .Values.config.updateInterval }}" enabledupdaters: {{- range $key, $value := .Values.config.enabledUpdaters }} - {{ $value }} {{- end }} notifier: # Number of attempts before the notification is marked as failed to be sent. attempts: 3 # Duration before a failed notification is retried. renotifyinterval: 2h http: # Optional endpoint that will receive notifications via POST requests. endpoint: "{{ .Values.config.notificationWebhookEndpoint }}" # Optional PKI configuration. # If you want to easily generate client certificates and CAs, try the following projects: # # servername: cafile: keyfile: certfile: # Optional HTTP Proxy: must be a valid URL (including the scheme). proxy: