Main Clair logic is changed in worker, updater, notifier for better adapting
ancestry schema. Extensions are updated with the new model and feature lister
and namespace detector drivers are able to specify the specific listers and
detectors used to process layer's content. InRange and GetFixedIn interfaces
are added to Version format for adapting ranged affected features and next
available fixed in in the future. Tests for worker, updater and extensions
are fixed.
Newly designed API defines Ancestry as a set of layers
and shrinked the api to only the most used apis:
post ancestry, get layer, get notification, delete notification
When opening the URL in the browser the section about "Connection Strings" is directly displayed. This way there's no need to scroll to it. (Also use HTTPS)
Clair will now use a YAML configuration file instead of command line
arguments as the number of parameters grows.
Also, Clair now exposes a Boot() func that allows everyone to easily
create their own project and load dynamically their own fetchers/updaters.