*: fix several tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,38 +49,3 @@ func RegisterFetcher(name string, f Fetcher) {
fetchers[name] = f
// DoVulnerabilityNamespacing is an helper function for fetchers.
// It takes a Vulnerability that doesn't have a Namespace and split it into
// potentially multiple vulnerabilities that have a Namespace and only contains the FixedIn
// FeatureVersions corresponding to their Namespace.
// It helps simplifying the fetchers that share the same metadata about a Vulnerability regardless
// of their actual namespace (ie. same vulnerability information for every version of a distro).
func DoVulnerabilityNamespacing(v database.Vulnerability) []database.Vulnerability {
vulnerabilitiesMap := make(map[string]*database.Vulnerability)
featureVersions := v.FixedIn
v.FixedIn = []database.FeatureVersion{}
for _, fv := range featureVersions {
if vulnerability, ok := vulnerabilitiesMap[fv.Feature.Namespace.Name]; !ok {
newVulnerability := v
newVulnerability.Namespace.Name = fv.Feature.Namespace.Name
newVulnerability.FixedIn = []database.FeatureVersion{fv}
vulnerabilitiesMap[fv.Feature.Namespace.Name] = &newVulnerability
} else {
vulnerability.FixedIn = append(vulnerability.FixedIn, fv)
// Convert map into a slice.
var vulnerabilities []database.Vulnerability
for _, vulnerability := range vulnerabilitiesMap {
vulnerabilities = append(vulnerabilities, *vulnerability)
return vulnerabilities
@ -149,13 +149,10 @@ func parseDebianJSON(data *jsonData) (vulnerabilities []database.Vulnerability,
// Get or create the vulnerability.
namespaceName := "debian:" + database.DebianReleasesMapping[releaseName]
index := namespaceName + ":" + vulnName
vulnerability, vulnerabilityAlreadyExists := mvulnerabilities[index]
vulnerability, vulnerabilityAlreadyExists := mvulnerabilities[vulnName]
if !vulnerabilityAlreadyExists {
vulnerability = &database.Vulnerability{
Name: vulnName,
Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: namespaceName},
Link: strings.Join([]string{cveURLPrefix, "/", vulnName}, ""),
Severity: types.Unknown,
Description: vulnNode.Description,
@ -192,13 +189,18 @@ func parseDebianJSON(data *jsonData) (vulnerabilities []database.Vulnerability,
// Create and add the feature version.
pkg := database.FeatureVersion{
Feature: database.Feature{Name: pkgName},
Feature: database.Feature{
Name: pkgName,
Namespace: database.Namespace{
Name: "debian:" + database.DebianReleasesMapping[releaseName],
Version: version,
vulnerability.FixedIn = append(vulnerability.FixedIn, pkg)
// Store the vulnerability.
mvulnerabilities[index] = vulnerability
mvulnerabilities[vulnName] = vulnerability
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func TestDebianParser(t *testing.T) {
// Test parsing testdata/fetcher_debian_test.json
testFile, _ := os.Open(path.Join(path.Dir(filename)) + "/testdata/fetcher_debian_test.json")
response, err := buildResponse(testFile, "")
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.Len(t, response.Vulnerabilities, 2) {
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.Len(t, response.Vulnerabilities, 3) {
for _, vulnerability := range response.Vulnerabilities {
if vulnerability.Name == "CVE-2015-1323" {
assert.Equal(t, "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2015-1323", vulnerability.Link)
@ -88,6 +88,24 @@ func TestDebianParser(t *testing.T) {
for _, expectedFeatureVersion := range expectedFeatureVersions {
assert.Contains(t, vulnerability.FixedIn, expectedFeatureVersion)
} else if vulnerability.Name == "CVE-2013-2685" {
assert.Equal(t, "https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2013-2685", vulnerability.Link)
assert.Equal(t, types.Negligible, vulnerability.Severity)
assert.Equal(t, "Un-affected packages.", vulnerability.Description)
expectedFeatureVersions := []database.FeatureVersion{
Feature: database.Feature{
Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: "debian:8"},
Name: "asterisk",
Version: types.MinVersion,
for _, expectedFeatureVersion := range expectedFeatureVersions {
assert.Contains(t, vulnerability.FixedIn, expectedFeatureVersion)
@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
"asterisk": {
"CVE-2013-2685": {
"description": "Un-affected packages",
"_comment": "This CVE has a non-affected (anymore?) package.",
"description": "Un-affected packages.",
"releases": {
"jessie": {
"fixed_version": "0",
@ -63,21 +64,6 @@
"status": "resolved",
"urgency": "unimportant"
"wheezy": {
"repositories": {
"sid": "1:13.1.0~dfsg-1.1"
"status": "undetermined",
"urgency": "unimportant"
"sid": {
"fixed_version": "0",
"repositories": {
"sid": "1:13.1.0~dfsg-1.1"
"status": "resolved",
"urgency": "unimportant"
@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ func (f *RHELFetcher) FetchUpdate(datastore database.Datastore) (resp updater.Fe
return resp, err
// Collect vulnerabilities, splitting them by Namespaces.
// Collect vulnerabilities.
for _, v := range vs {
resp.Vulnerabilities = append(resp.Vulnerabilities, updater.DoVulnerabilityNamespacing(v)...)
resp.Vulnerabilities = append(resp.Vulnerabilities, v)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func TestRHELParser(t *testing.T) {
testFile, _ := os.Open(path + "/testdata/fetcher_rhel_test.1.xml")
vulnerabilities, err := parseRHSA(testFile)
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.Len(t, vulnerabilities, 1) {
assert.Equal(t, "RHSA-2015:1193", vulnerabilities[0].ID)
assert.Equal(t, "RHSA-2015:1193", vulnerabilities[0].Name)
assert.Equal(t, "https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2015-1193.html", vulnerabilities[0].Link)
assert.Equal(t, types.Medium, vulnerabilities[0].Severity)
assert.Equal(t, `Xerces-C is a validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++. A flaw was found in the way the Xerces-C XML parser processed certain XML documents. A remote attacker could provide specially crafted XML input that, when parsed by an application using Xerces-C, would cause that application to crash.`, vulnerabilities[0].Description)
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ func TestRHELParser(t *testing.T) {
testFile, _ = os.Open(path + "/testdata/fetcher_rhel_test.2.xml")
vulnerabilities, err = parseRHSA(testFile)
if assert.Nil(t, err) && assert.Len(t, vulnerabilities, 1) {
assert.Equal(t, "RHSA-2015:1207", vulnerabilities[0].ID)
assert.Equal(t, "RHSA-2015:1207", vulnerabilities[0].Name)
assert.Equal(t, "https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2015-1207.html", vulnerabilities[0].Link)
assert.Equal(t, types.Critical, vulnerabilities[0].Severity)
assert.Equal(t, `Mozilla Firefox is an open source web browser. XULRunner provides the XUL Runtime environment for Mozilla Firefox. Several flaws were found in the processing of malformed web content. A web page containing malicious content could cause Firefox to crash or, potentially, execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running Firefox.`, vulnerabilities[0].Description)
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ func (fetcher *UbuntuFetcher) FetchUpdate(datastore database.Datastore) (resp up
return resp, err
// Add the vulnerability to the response, splitting it by Namespaces.
resp.Vulnerabilities = append(resp.Vulnerabilities, updater.DoVulnerabilityNamespacing(v)...)
// Add the vulnerability to the response.
resp.Vulnerabilities = append(resp.Vulnerabilities, v)
// Store any unknown releases as notes.
for k := range unknownReleases {
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ func fetch(datastore database.Datastore) (bool, []database.Vulnerability, map[st
for i := 0; i < len(fetchers); i++ {
resp := <-responseC
if resp != nil {
vulnerabilities = append(vulnerabilities, resp.Vulnerabilities...)
vulnerabilities = append(vulnerabilities, doVulnerabilitiesNamespacing(resp.Vulnerabilities)...)
notes = append(notes, resp.Notes...)
if resp.FlagName != "" && resp.FlagValue != "" {
flags[resp.FlagName] = resp.FlagValue
@ -239,3 +239,40 @@ func getLastUpdate(datastore database.Datastore) time.Time {
return time.Time{}
// doVulnerabilitiesNamespacing takes Vulnerabilities that don't have a Namespace and split them
// into multiple vulnerabilities that have a Namespace and only contains the FixedIn
// FeatureVersions corresponding to their Namespace.
// It helps simplifying the fetchers that share the same metadata about a Vulnerability regardless
// of their actual namespace (ie. same vulnerability information for every version of a distro).
func doVulnerabilitiesNamespacing(vulnerabilities []database.Vulnerability) []database.Vulnerability {
vulnerabilitiesMap := make(map[string]*database.Vulnerability)
for _, v := range vulnerabilities {
featureVersions := v.FixedIn
v.FixedIn = []database.FeatureVersion{}
for _, fv := range featureVersions {
index := fv.Feature.Namespace.Name + ":" + v.Name
if vulnerability, ok := vulnerabilitiesMap[index]; !ok {
newVulnerability := v
newVulnerability.Namespace.Name = fv.Feature.Namespace.Name
newVulnerability.FixedIn = []database.FeatureVersion{fv}
vulnerabilitiesMap[index] = &newVulnerability
} else {
vulnerability.FixedIn = append(vulnerability.FixedIn, fv)
// Convert map into a slice.
var response []database.Vulnerability
for _, vulnerability := range vulnerabilitiesMap {
response = append(response, *vulnerability)
return response
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package updater
import (
@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ import (
func TestDoVulnerabilityNamespacing(t *testing.T) {
func TestDoVulnerabilitiesNamespacing(t *testing.T) {
fv1 := database.FeatureVersion{
Feature: database.Feature{
Namespace: database.Namespace{Name: "Namespace1"},
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ func TestDoVulnerabilityNamespacing(t *testing.T) {
FixedIn: []database.FeatureVersion{fv1, fv2, fv3},
vulnerabilities := DoVulnerabilityNamespacing(vulnerability)
vulnerabilities := doVulnerabilitiesNamespacing([]database.Vulnerability{vulnerability})
for _, vulnerability := range vulnerabilities {
switch vulnerability.Namespace.Name {
case fv1.Feature.Namespace.Name:
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ func TestDoVulnerabilityNamespacing(t *testing.T) {
assert.Contains(t, vulnerability.FixedIn, fv3)
t.Errorf("Should not have a Vulnerability with '%s' as its Namespace.", vulnerability.Namespace.Name)
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", vulnerability)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ var dpkgPackagesTests = []feature.FeatureVersionTest{
Data: map[string][]byte{
"var/lib/dpkg/status": feature.LoadFileForTest("testdata/dpkg_status"),
"var/lib/dpkg/status": feature.LoadFileForTest("dpkg/testdata/status"),
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ var rpmPackagesTests = []feature.FeatureVersionTest{
Data: map[string][]byte{
"var/lib/rpm/Packages": feature.LoadFileForTest("testdata/rpm_Packages"),
"var/lib/rpm/Packages": feature.LoadFileForTest("rpm/testdata/Packages"),
@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ var (
// Process detects the Namespace of a layer, the features it adds/removes, and
// then stores everything in the database.
// TODO(Quentin-M): We could have a goroutine that looks for layers that have been analyzed with an
// older engine version and that processes them.
func Process(datastore database.Datastore, name, parentName, path, imageFormat string) error {
// Verify parameters.
if name == "" {
@ -222,74 +224,3 @@ func detectFeatures(name string, data map[string][]byte, namespace *database.Nam
// // detectAndInsertInstalledAndRemovedPackages finds the installed and removed
// // package nodes and inserts the installed packages into the database.
// func detectAndInsertInstalledAndRemovedPackages(detectedOS string, packageList []database.FeatureVersion, parent *database.Layer) (installedNodes, removedNodes []string, err error) {
// // Get the parent layer's packages.
// parentPackageNodes, err := parent.AllPackages()
// if err != nil {
// return nil, nil, err
// }
// parentPackages, err := database.FindAllPackagesByNodes(parentPackageNodes, []string{database.FieldPackageName, database.FieldPackageVersion})
// if err != nil {
// return nil, nil, err
// }
// // Map detected packages (name:version) string to packages.
// packagesNVMapToPackage := make(map[string]*database.Package)
// for _, p := range packageList {
// packagesNVMapToPackage[p.Name+":"+p.Version.String()] = p
// }
// // Map parent's packages (name:version) string to nodes.
// parentPackagesNVMapToNodes := make(map[string]string)
// for _, p := range parentPackages {
// parentPackagesNVMapToNodes[p.Name+":"+p.Version.String()] = p.Node
// }
// // Build a list of the parent layer's packages' node values.
// var parentPackagesNV []string
// for _, p := range parentPackages {
// parentPackagesNV = append(parentPackagesNV, p.Name+":"+p.Version.String())
// }
// // Build a list of the layer packages' node values.
// var layerPackagesNV []string
// for _, p := range packageList {
// layerPackagesNV = append(layerPackagesNV, p.Name+":"+p.Version.String())
// }
// // Calculate the installed and removed packages.
// removedPackagesNV := utils.CompareStringLists(parentPackagesNV, layerPackagesNV)
// installedPackagesNV := utils.CompareStringLists(layerPackagesNV, parentPackagesNV)
// // Build a list of all the installed packages.
// var installedPackages []database.FeatureVersion
// for _, nv := range installedPackagesNV {
// p, _ := packagesNVMapToPackage[nv]
// p.OS = detectedOS
// installedPackages = append(installedPackages, p)
// }
// // Insert that list into the database.
// err = database.InsertPackages(installedPackages)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, nil, err
// }
// // Build the list of installed package nodes.
// for _, p := range installedPackages {
// if p.Node != "" {
// installedNodes = append(installedNodes, p.Node)
// }
// }
// // Build the list of removed package nodes.
// for _, nv := range removedPackagesNV {
// node, _ := parentPackagesNVMapToNodes[nv]
// removedNodes = append(removedNodes, node)
// }
// return
// }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user