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2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
// Copyright 2015 clair authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package database
import (
cerrors ""
const (
FieldVulnerabilityID = "id"
FieldVulnerabilityLink = "link"
FieldVulnerabilityPriority = "priority"
FieldVulnerabilityDescription = "description"
FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn = "fixedIn"
// FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage only makes sense with FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn.
FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage = "causedByPackage"
// This field is not selectable and is for internal use only.
fieldVulnerabilityIsValue = "vulnerability"
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
var FieldVulnerabilityAll = []string{FieldVulnerabilityID, FieldVulnerabilityLink, FieldVulnerabilityPriority, FieldVulnerabilityDescription, FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn}
// Vulnerability represents a vulnerability that is fixed in some Packages
type Vulnerability struct {
Node string `json:"-"`
ID string
Link string
Priority types.Priority
Description string `json:",omitempty"`
FixedInNodes []string `json:"-"`
CausedByPackage string `json:",omitempty"`
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
// GetNode returns an unique identifier for the graph node
// Requires the key field: ID
func (v *Vulnerability) GetNode() string {
return fieldVulnerabilityIsValue + ":" + utils.Hash(v.ID)
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
// ToAbstractVulnerability converts a Vulnerability into an
// AbstractVulnerability.
func (v *Vulnerability) ToAbstractVulnerability() (*AbstractVulnerability, error) {
// Find FixedIn packages.
fixedInPackages, err := FindAllPackagesByNodes(v.FixedInNodes, []string{FieldPackageOS, FieldPackageName, FieldPackageVersion})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &AbstractVulnerability{
ID: v.ID,
Link: v.Link,
Priority: v.Priority,
Description: v.Description,
AffectedPackages: PackagesToAbstractPackages(fixedInPackages),
}, nil
// AbstractVulnerability represents a Vulnerability as it is defined in the database
// package but exposes directly a list of AbstractPackage instead of
// nodes to packages.
type AbstractVulnerability struct {
ID string
Link string
Priority types.Priority
Description string
AffectedPackages []*AbstractPackage
// ToVulnerability converts an abstractVulnerability into
// a Vulnerability
func (av *AbstractVulnerability) ToVulnerability(fixedInNodes []string) *Vulnerability {
return &Vulnerability{
ID: av.ID,
Link: av.Link,
Priority: av.Priority,
Description: av.Description,
FixedInNodes: fixedInNodes,
// InsertVulnerabilities inserts or updates several vulnerabilities in the database in one transaction
// During an update, if the vulnerability was previously fixed by a version in a branch and a new package of that branch is specified, the previous one is deleted
// Otherwise, it simply adds the defined packages, there is currently no way to delete affected packages.
// ID, Link, Priority and FixedInNodes fields have to be specified. Description is optionnal.
func InsertVulnerabilities(vulnerabilities []*Vulnerability) ([]Notification, error) {
if len(vulnerabilities) == 0 {
return []Notification{}, nil
// Create required data structure
var err error
t := cayley.NewTransaction()
cachedVulnerabilities := make(map[string]*Vulnerability)
var notifications []Notification
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
newVulnerabilityNotifications := make(map[string]*NewVulnerabilityNotification)
vulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotifications := make(map[string]*VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification)
vulnerabilityPackageChangedNotifications := make(map[string]*VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification)
// Iterate over all the vulnerabilities we need to insert/update
for _, vulnerability := range vulnerabilities {
// Check if the vulnerability already exists
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
existingVulnerability, _ := cachedVulnerabilities[vulnerability.ID]
if existingVulnerability == nil {
existingVulnerability, err = FindOneVulnerability(vulnerability.ID, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
if err != nil && err != cerrors.ErrNotFound {
return []Notification{}, err
if existingVulnerability != nil {
cachedVulnerabilities[vulnerability.ID] = existingVulnerability
// Insert/Update vulnerability
if existingVulnerability == nil {
// The vulnerability does not exist, create it
// Verify parameters
if vulnerability.ID == "" || vulnerability.Link == "" || vulnerability.Priority == "" {
log.Warningf("could not insert an incomplete vulnerability [ID: %s, Link: %s, Priority: %s]", vulnerability.ID, vulnerability.Link, vulnerability.Priority)
return []Notification{}, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("Could not insert an incomplete vulnerability")
if !vulnerability.Priority.IsValid() {
log.Warningf("could not insert a vulnerability which has an invalid priority [ID: %s, Link: %s, Priority: %s]. Valid priorities are: %v.", vulnerability.ID, vulnerability.Link, vulnerability.Priority, types.Priorities)
return []Notification{}, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("Could not insert a vulnerability which has an invalid priority")
if len(vulnerability.FixedInNodes) == 0 {
log.Warningf("could not insert a vulnerability which doesn't affect any package [ID: %s].", vulnerability.ID)
return []Notification{}, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("could not insert a vulnerability which doesn't affect any package")
// Insert it
vulnerability.Node = vulnerability.GetNode()
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, fieldIs, fieldVulnerabilityIsValue, ""))
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityID, vulnerability.ID, ""))
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityLink, vulnerability.Link, ""))
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityPriority, string(vulnerability.Priority), ""))
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityDescription, vulnerability.Description, ""))
for _, p := range vulnerability.FixedInNodes {
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn, p, ""))
// Add a notification
notification := &NewVulnerabilityNotification{VulnerabilityID: vulnerability.ID}
notifications = append(notifications, notification)
newVulnerabilityNotifications[vulnerability.ID] = notification
cachedVulnerabilities[vulnerability.ID] = vulnerability
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
} else {
// The vulnerability already exists, update it
if vulnerability.Link != "" && existingVulnerability.Link != vulnerability.Link {
t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityLink, existingVulnerability.Link, ""))
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityLink, vulnerability.Link, ""))
existingVulnerability.Link = vulnerability.Link
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
if vulnerability.Priority != "" && vulnerability.Priority != types.Unknown && existingVulnerability.Priority != vulnerability.Priority {
if !vulnerability.Priority.IsValid() {
log.Warningf("could not update a vulnerability which has an invalid priority [ID: %s, Link: %s, Priority: %s]. Valid priorities are: %v.", vulnerability.ID, vulnerability.Link, vulnerability.Priority, types.Priorities)
return []Notification{}, cerrors.NewBadRequestError("Could not update a vulnerability which has an invalid priority")
// Add a notification about the priority change if the new priority is higher and the vulnerability is not new
if vulnerability.Priority.Compare(existingVulnerability.Priority) > 0 {
if _, newVulnerabilityNotificationExists := newVulnerabilityNotifications[vulnerability.ID]; !newVulnerabilityNotificationExists {
// Any priorityChangeNotification already ?
if existingPriorityNotification, _ := vulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotifications[vulnerability.ID]; existingPriorityNotification != nil {
// There is a priority change notification, replace it but keep the old priority field
existingPriorityNotification.NewPriority = vulnerability.Priority
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
} else {
// No previous notification, just add a new one
notification := &VulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotification{OldPriority: existingVulnerability.Priority, NewPriority: vulnerability.Priority, VulnerabilityID: existingVulnerability.ID}
notifications = append(notifications, notification)
vulnerabilityPriorityIncreasedNotifications[vulnerability.ID] = notification
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityPriority, string(existingVulnerability.Priority), ""))
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityPriority, string(vulnerability.Priority), ""))
existingVulnerability.Priority = vulnerability.Priority
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
if vulnerability.Description != "" && existingVulnerability.Description != vulnerability.Description {
t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityDescription, existingVulnerability.Description, ""))
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityDescription, vulnerability.Description, ""))
existingVulnerability.Description = vulnerability.Description
newFixedInNodes := utils.CompareStringLists(vulnerability.FixedInNodes, existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes)
if len(newFixedInNodes) > 0 {
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
var removedNodes []string
var addedNodes []string
existingVulnerabilityFixedInPackages, err := FindAllPackagesByNodes(existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes, []string{FieldPackageOS, FieldPackageName, FieldPackageVersion})
if err != nil {
return []Notification{}, err
newFixedInPackages, err := FindAllPackagesByNodes(newFixedInNodes, []string{FieldPackageOS, FieldPackageName, FieldPackageVersion})
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
if err != nil {
return []Notification{}, err
for _, p := range newFixedInPackages {
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
for _, ep := range existingVulnerabilityFixedInPackages {
if p.Branch() == ep.Branch() {
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
// A link to this package branch already exist and is not the same version, we will delete it
t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn, ep.Node, ""))
var index int
for i, n := range existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes {
if n == ep.Node {
index = i
existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes = append(existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes[index:], existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes[index+1:]...)
removedNodes = append(removedNodes, ep.Node)
t.AddQuad(cayley.Quad(existingVulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn, p.Node, ""))
existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes = append(existingVulnerability.FixedInNodes, p.Node)
addedNodes = append(addedNodes, p.Node)
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
// Add notification about the FixedIn modification if the vulnerability is not new
if _, newVulnerabilityNotificationExists := newVulnerabilityNotifications[vulnerability.ID]; !newVulnerabilityNotificationExists {
// Any VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification already ?
if existingPackageNotification, _ := vulnerabilityPackageChangedNotifications[vulnerability.ID]; existingPackageNotification != nil {
// There is a priority change notification, add the packages modifications to it
existingPackageNotification.AddedFixedInNodes = append(existingPackageNotification.AddedFixedInNodes, addedNodes...)
existingPackageNotification.RemovedFixedInNodes = append(existingPackageNotification.RemovedFixedInNodes, removedNodes...)
} else {
// No previous notification, just add a new one
notification := &VulnerabilityPackageChangedNotification{VulnerabilityID: vulnerability.ID, AddedFixedInNodes: addedNodes, RemovedFixedInNodes: removedNodes}
notifications = append(notifications, notification)
vulnerabilityPackageChangedNotifications[vulnerability.ID] = notification
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
// Apply transaction
if err = store.ApplyTransaction(t); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed transaction (InsertVulnerabilities): %s", err)
return []Notification{}, ErrTransaction
return notifications, nil
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
// DeleteVulnerability deletes the vulnerability having the given ID
func DeleteVulnerability(id string) error {
vulnerability, err := FindOneVulnerability(id, FieldVulnerabilityAll)
if err != nil {
return err
t := cayley.NewTransaction()
t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityID, vulnerability.ID, ""))
t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityLink, vulnerability.Link, ""))
t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityPriority, string(vulnerability.Priority), ""))
t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityDescription, vulnerability.Description, ""))
for _, p := range vulnerability.FixedInNodes {
t.RemoveQuad(cayley.Quad(vulnerability.Node, FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn, p, ""))
if err := store.ApplyTransaction(t); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed transaction (DeleteVulnerability): %s", err)
return ErrTransaction
return nil
// FindOneVulnerability finds and returns a single vulnerability having the given ID selecting the specified fields
func FindOneVulnerability(id string, selectedFields []string) (*Vulnerability, error) {
t := &Vulnerability{ID: id}
v, err := toVulnerabilities(cayley.StartPath(store, t.GetNode()).Has(fieldIs, fieldVulnerabilityIsValue), selectedFields)
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if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(v) == 1 {
return v[0], nil
if len(v) > 1 {
log.Errorf("found multiple vulnerabilities with identical ID [ID: %s]", id)
return nil, ErrInconsistent
return nil, cerrors.ErrNotFound
// FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn finds and returns all vulnerabilities that are fixed in the given packages (speficied by their nodes), selecting the specified fields
func FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn(nodes []string, selectedFields []string) ([]*Vulnerability, error) {
if len(nodes) == 0 {
log.Warning("Could not FindAllVulnerabilitiesByFixedIn with an empty nodes array.")
return []*Vulnerability{}, nil
// Construct path, potentially saving FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage
path := cayley.StartPath(store, nodes...)
if utils.Contains(FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage, selectedFields) {
path = path.Save(FieldPackageName, FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage)
path = path.In(FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn)
return toVulnerabilities(path, selectedFields)
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
// toVulnerabilities converts a path leading to one or multiple vulnerabilities to Vulnerability structs, selecting the specified fields
func toVulnerabilities(path *path.Path, selectedFields []string) ([]*Vulnerability, error) {
var vulnerabilities []*Vulnerability
saveFields(path, selectedFields, []string{FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn, FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage})
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
it, _ := path.BuildIterator().Optimize()
defer it.Close()
for cayley.RawNext(it) {
tags := make(map[string]graph.Value)
vulnerability := Vulnerability{Node: store.NameOf(it.Result())}
for _, selectedField := range selectedFields {
switch selectedField {
case FieldVulnerabilityID:
vulnerability.ID = store.NameOf(tags[FieldVulnerabilityID])
case FieldVulnerabilityLink:
vulnerability.Link = store.NameOf(tags[FieldVulnerabilityLink])
case FieldVulnerabilityPriority:
vulnerability.Priority = types.Priority(store.NameOf(tags[FieldVulnerabilityPriority]))
case FieldVulnerabilityDescription:
vulnerability.Description = store.NameOf(tags[FieldVulnerabilityDescription])
case FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn:
var err error
vulnerability.FixedInNodes, err = toValues(cayley.StartPath(store, vulnerability.Node).Out(FieldVulnerabilityFixedIn))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not get fixedIn on vulnerability %s: %s.", vulnerability.Node, err.Error())
return []*Vulnerability{}, err
case FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage:
vulnerability.CausedByPackage = store.NameOf(tags[FieldVulnerabilityCausedByPackage])
2015-11-13 19:11:28 +00:00
panic("unknown selectedField")
vulnerabilities = append(vulnerabilities, &vulnerability)
if it.Err() != nil {
log.Errorf("failed query in toVulnerabilities: %s", it.Err())
return []*Vulnerability{}, ErrBackendException
return vulnerabilities, nil