You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1288 lines
42 KiB

// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package norm
import (
var (
testn = flag.Int("testn", -1, "specific test number to run or -1 for all")
// pc replaces any rune r that is repeated n times, for n > 1, with r{n}.
func pc(s string) []byte {
b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, len(s)))
for i := 0; i < len(s); {
r, sz := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
n := 0
if sz == 1 {
// Special-case one-byte case to handle repetition for invalid UTF-8.
for c := s[i]; i+n < len(s) && s[i+n] == c; n++ {
} else {
for _, r2 := range s[i:] {
if r2 != r {
b.WriteString(s[i : i+sz])
if n > 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "{%d}", n)
i += sz * n
return b.Bytes()
// pidx finds the index from which two strings start to differ, plus context.
// It returns the index and ellipsis if the index is greater than 0.
func pidx(a, b string) (i int, prefix string) {
for ; i < len(a) && i < len(b) && a[i] == b[i]; i++ {
if i < 8 {
return 0, ""
i -= 3 // ensure taking at least one full rune before the difference.
for k := i - 7; i > k && !utf8.RuneStart(a[i]); i-- {
return i, "..."
type PositionTest struct {
input string
pos int
buffer string // expected contents of reorderBuffer, if applicable
type positionFunc func(rb *reorderBuffer, s string) (int, []byte)
func runPosTests(t *testing.T, name string, f Form, fn positionFunc, tests []PositionTest) {
rb := reorderBuffer{}
rb.init(f, nil)
for i, test := range tests {
rb.src = inputString(test.input)
rb.nsrc = len(test.input)
pos, out := fn(&rb, test.input)
if pos != test.pos {
t.Errorf("%s:%d: position is %d; want %d", name, i, pos, test.pos)
if outs := string(out); outs != test.buffer {
k, pfx := pidx(outs, test.buffer)
t.Errorf("%s:%d: buffer \nwas %s%+q; \nwant %s%+q", name, i, pfx, pc(outs[k:]), pfx, pc(test.buffer[k:]))
func grave(n int) string {
return rep(0x0300, n)
func rep(r rune, n int) string {
return strings.Repeat(string(r), n)
const segSize = maxByteBufferSize
var cgj = GraphemeJoiner
var decomposeSegmentTests = []PositionTest{
// illegal runes
{"\xC2", 0, ""},
{"\xC0", 1, "\xC0"},
{"\u00E0\x80", 2, "\u0061\u0300"},
// starter
{"a", 1, "a"},
{"ab", 1, "a"},
// starter + composing
{"a\u0300", 3, "a\u0300"},
{"a\u0300b", 3, "a\u0300"},
// with decomposition
{"\u00C0", 2, "A\u0300"},
{"\u00C0b", 2, "A\u0300"},
// long
{grave(31), 60, grave(30) + cgj},
{"a" + grave(31), 61, "a" + grave(30) + cgj},
// Stability tests: see
// U+0B47 ORIYA VOWEL SIGN E;Mc;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
// U+0B3E ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AA;Mc;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
// U+1100 HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
// U+1161 HANGUL JUNGSEONG A;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
{"\u0B47\u0300\u0B3E", 8, "\u0B47\u0300\u0B3E"},
{"\u1100\u0300\u1161", 8, "\u1100\u0300\u1161"},
{"\u0B47\u0B3E", 6, "\u0B47\u0B3E"},
{"\u1100\u1161", 6, "\u1100\u1161"},
// U+04DA MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN O;Mc;0;L;0D46 0D3E;;;;N;;;;;
// Sequence of decomposing characters that are starters and modifiers.
{"\u0d4a" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 31), 90, "\u0d46" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 30) + cgj},
{grave(30), 60, grave(30)},
// U+FF9E is a starter, but decomposes to U+3099, which is not.
{grave(30) + "\uff9e", 60, grave(30) + cgj},
// ends with incomplete UTF-8 encoding
{"\xCC", 0, ""},
{"\u0300\xCC", 2, "\u0300"},
func decomposeSegmentF(rb *reorderBuffer, s string) (int, []byte) {
rb.initString(NFD, s)
rb.setFlusher(nil, appendFlush)
p := decomposeSegment(rb, 0, true)
return p, rb.out
func TestDecomposeSegment(t *testing.T) {
runPosTests(t, "TestDecomposeSegment", NFC, decomposeSegmentF, decomposeSegmentTests)
var firstBoundaryTests = []PositionTest{
// no boundary
{"", -1, ""},
{"\u0300", -1, ""},
{"\x80\x80", -1, ""},
// illegal runes
{"\xff", 0, ""},
{"\u0300\xff", 2, ""},
{"\u0300\xc0\x80\x80", 2, ""},
// boundaries
{"a", 0, ""},
{"\u0300a", 2, ""},
// Hangul
{"\u1103\u1161", 0, ""},
{"\u110B\u1173\u11B7", 0, ""},
{"\u1161\u110B\u1173\u11B7", 3, ""},
{"\u1173\u11B7\u1103\u1161", 6, ""},
// too many combining characters.
{grave(maxNonStarters - 1), -1, ""},
{grave(maxNonStarters), 60, ""},
{grave(maxNonStarters + 1), 60, ""},
func firstBoundaryF(rb *reorderBuffer, s string) (int, []byte) {
return rb.f.form.FirstBoundary([]byte(s)), nil
func firstBoundaryStringF(rb *reorderBuffer, s string) (int, []byte) {
return rb.f.form.FirstBoundaryInString(s), nil
func TestFirstBoundary(t *testing.T) {
runPosTests(t, "TestFirstBoundary", NFC, firstBoundaryF, firstBoundaryTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestFirstBoundaryInString", NFC, firstBoundaryStringF, firstBoundaryTests)
func TestNextBoundary(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
input string
atEOF bool
want int
// no boundary
{"", true, 0},
{"", false, -1},
{"\u0300", true, 2},
{"\u0300", false, -1},
{"\x80\x80", true, 1},
{"\x80\x80", false, 1},
// illegal runes
{"\xff", false, 1},
{"\u0300\xff", false, 2},
{"\u0300\xc0\x80\x80", false, 2},
{"\xc2\x80\x80", false, 2},
{"\xc2", false, -1},
{"\xc2", true, 1},
{"a\u0300\xc2", false, -1},
{"a\u0300\xc2", true, 3},
// boundaries
{"a", true, 1},
{"a", false, -1},
{"aa", false, 1},
{"\u0300", true, 2},
{"\u0300", false, -1},
{"\u0300a", false, 2},
// Hangul
{"\u1103\u1161", true, 6},
{"\u1103\u1161", false, -1},
{"\u110B\u1173\u11B7", false, -1},
{"\u110B\u1173\u11B7\u110B\u1173\u11B7", false, 9},
{"\u1161\u110B\u1173\u11B7", false, 3},
{"\u1173\u11B7\u1103\u1161", false, 6},
// too many combining characters.
{grave(maxNonStarters - 1), false, -1},
{grave(maxNonStarters), false, 60},
{grave(maxNonStarters + 1), false, 60},
for _, tc := range testCases {
if got := NFC.NextBoundary([]byte(tc.input), tc.atEOF); got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("NextBoundary(%+q, %v) = %d; want %d", tc.input, tc.atEOF, got, tc.want)
if got := NFC.NextBoundaryInString(tc.input, tc.atEOF); got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("NextBoundaryInString(%+q, %v) = %d; want %d", tc.input, tc.atEOF, got, tc.want)
var decomposeToLastTests = []PositionTest{
// ends with inert character
{"Hello!", 6, ""},
{"\u0632", 2, ""},
{"a\u0301\u0635", 5, ""},
// ends with non-inert starter
{"a", 0, "a"},
{"a\u0301a", 3, "a"},
{"a\u0301\u03B9", 3, "\u03B9"},
{"a\u0327", 0, "a\u0327"},
// illegal runes
{"\xFF", 1, ""},
{"aa\xFF", 3, ""},
{"\xC0\x80\x80", 3, ""},
{"\xCC\x80\x80", 3, ""},
// ends with incomplete UTF-8 encoding
{"a\xCC", 2, ""},
// ends with combining characters
{"\u0300\u0301", 0, "\u0300\u0301"},
{"a\u0300\u0301", 0, "a\u0300\u0301"},
{"a\u0301\u0308", 0, "a\u0301\u0308"},
{"a\u0308\u0301", 0, "a\u0308\u0301"},
{"aaaa\u0300\u0301", 3, "a\u0300\u0301"},
{"\u0300a\u0300\u0301", 2, "a\u0300\u0301"},
{"\u00C0", 0, "A\u0300"},
{"a\u00C0", 1, "A\u0300"},
// decomposing
{"a\u0300\u00E0", 3, "a\u0300"},
// multisegment decompositions (flushes leading segments)
{"a\u0300\uFDC0", 7, "\u064A"},
{"\uFDC0" + grave(29), 4, "\u064A" + grave(29)},
{"\uFDC0" + grave(30), 4, "\u064A" + grave(30)},
{"\uFDC0" + grave(31), 5, grave(30)},
{"\uFDFA" + grave(14), 31, "\u0645" + grave(14)},
// Overflow
{"\u00E0" + grave(29), 0, "a" + grave(30)},
{"\u00E0" + grave(30), 2, grave(30)},
// Hangul
{"a\u1103", 1, "\u1103"},
{"a\u110B", 1, "\u110B"},
{"a\u110B\u1173", 1, "\u110B\u1173"},
// See comment in composition.go:compBoundaryAfter.
{"a\u110B\u1173\u11B7", 1, "\u110B\u1173\u11B7"},
{"a\uC73C", 1, "\u110B\u1173"},
{"다음", 3, "\u110B\u1173\u11B7"},
{"다", 0, "\u1103\u1161"},
{"\u1103\u1161\u110B\u1173\u11B7", 6, "\u110B\u1173\u11B7"},
{"\u110B\u1173\u11B7\u1103\u1161", 9, "\u1103\u1161"},
{"다음음", 6, "\u110B\u1173\u11B7"},
{"음다다", 6, "\u1103\u1161"},
// maximized buffer
{"a" + grave(30), 0, "a" + grave(30)},
// Buffer overflow
{"a" + grave(31), 3, grave(30)},
// weird UTF-8
{"a\u0300\u11B7", 0, "a\u0300\u11B7"},
func decomposeToLast(rb *reorderBuffer, s string) (int, []byte) {
rb.setFlusher([]byte(s), appendFlush)
buf := rb.flush(nil)
return len(rb.out), buf
func TestDecomposeToLastBoundary(t *testing.T) {
runPosTests(t, "TestDecomposeToLastBoundary", NFKC, decomposeToLast, decomposeToLastTests)
var lastBoundaryTests = []PositionTest{
// ends with inert character
{"Hello!", 6, ""},
{"\u0632", 2, ""},
// ends with non-inert starter
{"a", 0, ""},
// illegal runes
{"\xff", 1, ""},
{"aa\xff", 3, ""},
{"a\xff\u0300", 1, ""}, // TODO: should probably be 2.
{"\xc0\x80\x80", 3, ""},
{"\xc0\x80\x80\u0300", 3, ""},
// ends with incomplete UTF-8 encoding
{"\xCC", -1, ""},
{"\xE0\x80", -1, ""},
{"\xF0\x80\x80", -1, ""},
{"a\xCC", 0, ""},
{"\x80\xCC", 1, ""},
{"\xCC\xCC", 1, ""},
// ends with combining characters
{"a\u0300\u0301", 0, ""},
{"aaaa\u0300\u0301", 3, ""},
{"\u0300a\u0300\u0301", 2, ""},
{"\u00C2", 0, ""},
{"a\u00C2", 1, ""},
// decomposition may recombine
{"\u0226", 0, ""},
// no boundary
{"", -1, ""},
{"\u0300\u0301", -1, ""},
{"\u0300", -1, ""},
{"\x80\x80", -1, ""},
{"\x80\x80\u0301", -1, ""},
// Hangul
{"다음", 3, ""},
{"다", 0, ""},
{"\u1103\u1161\u110B\u1173\u11B7", 6, ""},
{"\u110B\u1173\u11B7\u1103\u1161", 9, ""},
// too many combining characters.
{grave(maxNonStarters - 1), -1, ""},
// May still be preceded with a non-starter.
{grave(maxNonStarters), -1, ""},
// May still need to insert a cgj after the last combiner.
{grave(maxNonStarters + 1), 2, ""},
{grave(maxNonStarters + 2), 4, ""},
{"a" + grave(maxNonStarters-1), 0, ""},
{"a" + grave(maxNonStarters), 0, ""},
// May still need to insert a cgj after the last combiner.
{"a" + grave(maxNonStarters+1), 3, ""},
{"a" + grave(maxNonStarters+2), 5, ""},
func lastBoundaryF(rb *reorderBuffer, s string) (int, []byte) {
return rb.f.form.LastBoundary([]byte(s)), nil
func TestLastBoundary(t *testing.T) {
runPosTests(t, "TestLastBoundary", NFC, lastBoundaryF, lastBoundaryTests)
type spanTest struct {
input string
atEOF bool
n int
err error
var quickSpanTests = []spanTest{
{"", true, 0, nil},
// starters
{"a", true, 1, nil},
{"abc", true, 3, nil},
{"\u043Eb", true, 3, nil},
// incomplete last rune.
{"\xCC", true, 1, nil},
{"\xCC", false, 0, transform.ErrShortSrc},
{"a\xCC", true, 2, nil},
{"a\xCC", false, 0, transform.ErrShortSrc}, // TODO: could be 1 for NFD
// incorrectly ordered combining characters
{"\u0300\u0316", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"\u0300\u0316", false, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"\u0300\u0316cd", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"\u0300\u0316cd", false, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
// have a maximum number of combining characters.
{rep(0x035D, 30) + "\u035B", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"a" + rep(0x035D, 30) + "\u035B", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"Ɵ" + rep(0x035D, 30) + "\u035B", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"aa" + rep(0x035D, 30) + "\u035B", true, 1, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{rep(0x035D, 30) + cgj + "\u035B", true, 64, nil},
{"a" + rep(0x035D, 30) + cgj + "\u035B", true, 65, nil},
{"Ɵ" + rep(0x035D, 30) + cgj + "\u035B", true, 66, nil},
{"aa" + rep(0x035D, 30) + cgj + "\u035B", true, 66, nil},
{"a" + rep(0x035D, 30) + cgj + "\u035B", false, 61, transform.ErrShortSrc},
{"Ɵ" + rep(0x035D, 30) + cgj + "\u035B", false, 62, transform.ErrShortSrc},
{"aa" + rep(0x035D, 30) + cgj + "\u035B", false, 62, transform.ErrShortSrc},
var quickSpanNFDTests = []spanTest{
// needs decomposing
{"\u00C0", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"abc\u00C0", true, 3, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
// correctly ordered combining characters
{"\u0300", true, 2, nil},
{"ab\u0300", true, 4, nil},
{"ab\u0300cd", true, 6, nil},
{"\u0300cd", true, 4, nil},
{"\u0316\u0300", true, 4, nil},
{"ab\u0316\u0300", true, 6, nil},
{"ab\u0316\u0300cd", true, 8, nil},
{"ab\u0316\u0300\u00C0", true, 6, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"\u0316\u0300cd", true, 6, nil},
{"\u043E\u0308b", true, 5, nil},
// incorrectly ordered combining characters
{"ab\u0300\u0316", true, 1, transform.ErrEndOfSpan}, // TODO: we could skip 'b' as well.
{"ab\u0300\u0316cd", true, 1, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
// Hangul
{"같은", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
var quickSpanNFCTests = []spanTest{
// okay composed
{"\u00C0", true, 2, nil},
{"abc\u00C0", true, 5, nil},
// correctly ordered combining characters
// TODO: b may combine with modifiers, which is why this fails. We could
// make a more precise test that that actually checks whether last
// characters combines. Probably not worth it.
{"ab\u0300", true, 1, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"ab\u0300cd", true, 1, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"ab\u0316\u0300", true, 1, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"ab\u0316\u0300cd", true, 1, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"\u00C0\u035D", true, 4, nil},
// we do not special case leading combining characters
{"\u0300cd", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"\u0300", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"\u0316\u0300", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"\u0316\u0300cd", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
// incorrectly ordered combining characters
{"ab\u0300\u0316", true, 1, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{"ab\u0300\u0316cd", true, 1, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
// Hangul
{"같은", true, 6, nil},
{"같은", false, 3, transform.ErrShortSrc},
// We return the start of the violating segment in case of overflow.
{grave(30) + "\uff9e", true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
{grave(30), true, 0, transform.ErrEndOfSpan},
func runSpanTests(t *testing.T, name string, f Form, testCases []spanTest) {
for i, tc := range testCases {
s := fmt.Sprintf("Bytes/%s/%d=%+q/atEOF=%v", name, i, pc(tc.input), tc.atEOF)
ok := testtext.Run(t, s, func(t *testing.T) {
n, err := f.Span([]byte(tc.input), tc.atEOF)
if n != tc.n || err != tc.err {
t.Errorf("\n got %d, %v;\nwant %d, %v", n, err, tc.n, tc.err)
if !ok {
continue // Don't do the String variant if the Bytes variant failed.
s = fmt.Sprintf("String/%s/%d=%+q/atEOF=%v", name, i, pc(tc.input), tc.atEOF)
testtext.Run(t, s, func(t *testing.T) {
n, err := f.SpanString(tc.input, tc.atEOF)
if n != tc.n || err != tc.err {
t.Errorf("\n got %d, %v;\nwant %d, %v", n, err, tc.n, tc.err)
func TestSpan(t *testing.T) {
runSpanTests(t, "NFD", NFD, quickSpanTests)
runSpanTests(t, "NFD", NFD, quickSpanNFDTests)
runSpanTests(t, "NFC", NFC, quickSpanTests)
runSpanTests(t, "NFC", NFC, quickSpanNFCTests)
var isNormalTests = []PositionTest{
{"", 1, ""},
// illegal runes
{"\xff", 1, ""},
// starters
{"a", 1, ""},
{"abc", 1, ""},
{"\u043Eb", 1, ""},
// incorrectly ordered combining characters
{"\u0300\u0316", 0, ""},
{"ab\u0300\u0316", 0, ""},
{"ab\u0300\u0316cd", 0, ""},
{"\u0300\u0316cd", 0, ""},
var isNormalNFDTests = []PositionTest{
// needs decomposing
{"\u00C0", 0, ""},
{"abc\u00C0", 0, ""},
// correctly ordered combining characters
{"\u0300", 1, ""},
{"ab\u0300", 1, ""},
{"ab\u0300cd", 1, ""},
{"\u0300cd", 1, ""},
{"\u0316\u0300", 1, ""},
{"ab\u0316\u0300", 1, ""},
{"ab\u0316\u0300cd", 1, ""},
{"\u0316\u0300cd", 1, ""},
{"\u043E\u0308b", 1, ""},
// Hangul
{"같은", 0, ""},
var isNormalNFCTests = []PositionTest{
// okay composed
{"\u00C0", 1, ""},
{"abc\u00C0", 1, ""},
// need reordering
{"a\u0300", 0, ""},
{"a\u0300cd", 0, ""},
{"a\u0316\u0300", 0, ""},
{"a\u0316\u0300cd", 0, ""},
// correctly ordered combining characters
{"ab\u0300", 1, ""},
{"ab\u0300cd", 1, ""},
{"ab\u0316\u0300", 1, ""},
{"ab\u0316\u0300cd", 1, ""},
{"\u00C0\u035D", 1, ""},
{"\u0300", 1, ""},
{"\u0316\u0300cd", 1, ""},
// Hangul
{"같은", 1, ""},
var isNormalNFKXTests = []PositionTest{
// Special case.
{"\u00BC", 0, ""},
func isNormalF(rb *reorderBuffer, s string) (int, []byte) {
if rb.f.form.IsNormal([]byte(s)) {
return 1, nil
return 0, nil
func isNormalStringF(rb *reorderBuffer, s string) (int, []byte) {
if rb.f.form.IsNormalString(s) {
return 1, nil
return 0, nil
func TestIsNormal(t *testing.T) {
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFD1", NFD, isNormalF, isNormalTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFD2", NFD, isNormalF, isNormalNFDTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFC1", NFC, isNormalF, isNormalTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFC2", NFC, isNormalF, isNormalNFCTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFKD1", NFKD, isNormalF, isNormalTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFKD2", NFKD, isNormalF, isNormalNFDTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFKD3", NFKD, isNormalF, isNormalNFKXTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFKC1", NFKC, isNormalF, isNormalTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFKC2", NFKC, isNormalF, isNormalNFCTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFKC3", NFKC, isNormalF, isNormalNFKXTests)
func TestIsNormalString(t *testing.T) {
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFD1", NFD, isNormalStringF, isNormalTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFD2", NFD, isNormalStringF, isNormalNFDTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFC1", NFC, isNormalStringF, isNormalTests)
runPosTests(t, "TestIsNormalNFC2", NFC, isNormalStringF, isNormalNFCTests)
type AppendTest struct {
left string
right string
out string
type appendFunc func(f Form, out []byte, s string) []byte
var fstr = []string{"NFC", "NFD", "NFKC", "NFKD"}
func runNormTests(t *testing.T, name string, fn appendFunc) {
for f := NFC; f <= NFKD; f++ {
runAppendTests(t, name, f, fn, normTests[f])
func runAppendTests(t *testing.T, name string, f Form, fn appendFunc, tests []AppendTest) {
for i, test := range tests {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", fstr[f], i), func(t *testing.T) {
id := pc(test.left + test.right)
if *testn >= 0 && i != *testn {
t.Run("fn", func(t *testing.T) {
out := []byte(test.left)
have := string(fn(f, out, test.right))
if len(have) != len(test.out) {
t.Errorf("%+q: length is %d; want %d (%+q vs %+q)", id, len(have), len(test.out), pc(have), pc(test.out))
if have != test.out {
k, pf := pidx(have, test.out)
t.Errorf("%+q:\nwas %s%+q; \nwant %s%+q", id, pf, pc(have[k:]), pf, pc(test.out[k:]))
// Bootstrap by normalizing input. Ensures that the various variants
// behave the same.
for g := NFC; g <= NFKD; g++ {
if f == g {
t.Run(fstr[g], func(t *testing.T) {
want := g.String(test.left + test.right)
have := string(fn(g, g.AppendString(nil, test.left), test.right))
if len(have) != len(want) {
t.Errorf("%+q: length is %d; want %d (%+q vs %+q)", id, len(have), len(want), pc(have), pc(want))
if have != want {
k, pf := pidx(have, want)
t.Errorf("%+q:\nwas %s%+q; \nwant %s%+q", id, pf, pc(have[k:]), pf, pc(want[k:]))
var normTests = [][]AppendTest{
var appendTestsNFC = []AppendTest{
{"", ascii, ascii},
{"", txt_all, txt_all},
{"\uff9e", grave(30), "\uff9e" + grave(29) + cgj + grave(1)},
{grave(30), "\uff9e", grave(30) + cgj + "\uff9e"},
// Tests designed for Iter.
{ // ordering of non-composing combining characters
{ // segment overflow
"a" + rep(0x0305, maxNonStarters+4) + "\u0316",
"a" + rep(0x0305, maxNonStarters) + cgj + "\u0316" + rep(0x305, 4),
{ // Combine across non-blocking non-starters.
"", "a\u0327\u0325", "\u1e01\u0327",
{ // Jamo V+T does not combine.
// Stability tests: see
{"", "\u0b47\u0300\u0b3e", "\u0b47\u0300\u0b3e"},
{"", "\u1100\u0300\u1161", "\u1100\u0300\u1161"},
{"", "\u0b47\u0b3e", "\u0b4b"},
{"", "\u1100\u1161", "\uac00"},
// U+04DA MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN O;Mc;0;L;0D46 0D3E;;;;N;;;;;
{ // 0d4a starts a new segment.
"\u0d4a" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 15) + "\u0d4a" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 15),
"\u0d4a" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 15) + "\u0d4a" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 15),
{ // Split combining characters.
// TODO: don't insert CGJ before starters.
"\u0d46" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 31),
"\u0d4a" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 29) + cgj + "\u0d3e",
{ // Split combining characters.
"\u0d4a" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 30),
"\u0d4a" + strings.Repeat("\u0d3e", 29) + cgj + "\u0d3e",
{ //
{ //
"\uac00" + strings.Repeat("\u0300", 30),
"\uac00" + strings.Repeat("\u0300", 29) + "\u034f\u0300",
{ //
"\xeb" + strings.Repeat("\u0300", 31),
"\xeb" + strings.Repeat("\u0300", 30) + "\u034f\u0300",
var appendTestsNFD = []AppendTest{
// TODO: Move some of the tests here.
var appendTestsNFKC = []AppendTest{
// empty buffers
{"", "", ""},
{"a", "", "a"},
{"", "a", "a"},
{"", "\u0041\u0307\u0304", "\u01E0"},
// segment split across buffers
{"", "a\u0300b", "\u00E0b"},
{"a", "\u0300b", "\u00E0b"},
{"a", "\u0300\u0316", "\u00E0\u0316"},
{"a", "\u0316\u0300", "\u00E0\u0316"},
{"a", "\u0300a\u0300", "\u00E0\u00E0"},
{"a", "\u0300a\u0300a\u0300", "\u00E0\u00E0\u00E0"},
{"a", "\u0300aaa\u0300aaa\u0300", "\u00E0aa\u00E0aa\u00E0"},
{"a\u0300", "\u0327", "\u00E0\u0327"},
{"a\u0327", "\u0300", "\u00E0\u0327"},
{"a\u0316", "\u0300", "\u00E0\u0316"},
{"\u0041\u0307", "\u0304", "\u01E0"},
// Hangul
{"", "\u110B\u1173", "\uC73C"},
{"", "\u1103\u1161", "\uB2E4"},
{"", "\u110B\u1173\u11B7", "\uC74C"},
{"", "\u320E", "\x28\uAC00\x29"},
{"", "\x28\u1100\u1161\x29", "\x28\uAC00\x29"},
{"\u1103", "\u1161", "\uB2E4"},
{"\u110B", "\u1173\u11B7", "\uC74C"},
{"\u110B\u1173", "\u11B7", "\uC74C"},
{"\uC73C", "\u11B7", "\uC74C"},
// UTF-8 encoding split across buffers
{"a\xCC", "\x80", "\u00E0"},
{"a\xCC", "\x80b", "\u00E0b"},
{"a\xCC", "\x80a\u0300", "\u00E0\u00E0"},
{"a\xCC", "\x80\x80", "\u00E0\x80"},
{"a\xCC", "\x80\xCC", "\u00E0\xCC"},
{"a\u0316\xCC", "\x80a\u0316\u0300", "\u00E0\u0316\u00E0\u0316"},
// ending in incomplete UTF-8 encoding
{"", "\xCC", "\xCC"},
{"a", "\xCC", "a\xCC"},
{"a", "b\xCC", "ab\xCC"},
{"\u0226", "\xCC", "\u0226\xCC"},
// illegal runes
{"", "\x80", "\x80"},
{"", "\x80\x80\x80", "\x80\x80\x80"},
{"", "\xCC\x80\x80\x80", "\xCC\x80\x80\x80"},
{"", "a\x80", "a\x80"},
{"", "a\x80\x80\x80", "a\x80\x80\x80"},
{"", "a\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80", "a\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80"},
{"a", "\x80\x80\x80", "a\x80\x80\x80"},
// overflow
{"", strings.Repeat("\x80", 33), strings.Repeat("\x80", 33)},
{strings.Repeat("\x80", 33), "", strings.Repeat("\x80", 33)},
{strings.Repeat("\x80", 33), strings.Repeat("\x80", 33), strings.Repeat("\x80", 66)},
// overflow of combining characters
{"", grave(34), grave(30) + cgj + grave(4)},
{"", grave(36), grave(30) + cgj + grave(6)},
{grave(29), grave(5), grave(30) + cgj + grave(4)},
{grave(30), grave(4), grave(30) + cgj + grave(4)},
{grave(30), grave(3), grave(30) + cgj + grave(3)},
{grave(30) + "\xCC", "\x80", grave(30) + cgj + grave(1)},
{"", "\uFDFA" + grave(14), "\u0635\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u0639\u0644\u064a\u0647 \u0648\u0633\u0644\u0645" + grave(14)},
{"", "\uFDFA" + grave(28) + "\u0316", "\u0635\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0647 \u0639\u0644\u064a\u0647 \u0648\u0633\u0644\u0645\u0316" + grave(28)},
// - First rune has a trailing non-starter.
{"\u00d5", grave(30), "\u00d5" + grave(29) + cgj + grave(1)},
// - U+FF9E decomposes into a non-starter in compatibility mode. A CGJ must be
// inserted even when FF9E starts a new segment.
{"\uff9e", grave(30), "\u3099" + grave(29) + cgj + grave(1)},
{grave(30), "\uff9e", grave(30) + cgj + "\u3099"},
// - Many non-starter decompositions in a row causing overflow.
{"", rep(0x340, 31), rep(0x300, 30) + cgj + "\u0300"},
{"", rep(0xFF9E, 31), rep(0x3099, 30) + cgj + "\u3099"},
{"", "\u0644\u0625" + rep(0x300, 31), "\u0644\u0625" + rep(0x300, 29) + cgj + "\u0300\u0300"},
{"", "\ufef9" + rep(0x300, 31), "\u0644\u0625" + rep(0x300, 29) + cgj + rep(0x0300, 2)},
{"", "\ufef9" + rep(0x300, 31), "\u0644\u0625" + rep(0x300, 29) + cgj + rep(0x0300, 2)},
// U+0F81 TIBETAN VOWEL SIGN REVERSED II splits into two modifiers.
{"", "\u0f7f" + rep(0xf71, 29) + "\u0f81", "\u0f7f" + rep(0xf71, 29) + cgj + "\u0f71\u0f80"},
{"", "\u0f7f" + rep(0xf71, 28) + "\u0f81", "\u0f7f" + rep(0xf71, 29) + "\u0f80"},
{"", "\u0f7f" + rep(0xf81, 16), "\u0f7f" + rep(0xf71, 15) + rep(0xf80, 15) + cgj + "\u0f71\u0f80"},
// weird UTF-8
{"\u00E0\xE1", "\x86", "\u00E0\xE1\x86"},
{"a\u0300\u11B7", "\u0300", "\u00E0\u11B7\u0300"},
{"a\u0300\u11B7\u0300", "\u0300", "\u00E0\u11B7\u0300\u0300"},
{"\u0300", "\xF8\x80\x80\x80\x80\u0300", "\u0300\xF8\x80\x80\x80\x80\u0300"},
{"\u0300", "\xFC\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\u0300", "\u0300\xFC\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\u0300"},
{"\xF8\x80\x80\x80\x80\u0300", "\u0300", "\xF8\x80\x80\x80\x80\u0300\u0300"},
{"\xFC\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\u0300", "\u0300", "\xFC\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\u0300\u0300"},
{"\xF8\x80\x80\x80", "\x80\u0300\u0300", "\xF8\x80\x80\x80\x80\u0300\u0300"},
{"", strings.Repeat("a\u0316\u0300", 6), strings.Repeat("\u00E0\u0316", 6)},
// large input.
{"", strings.Repeat("a\u0300\u0316", 31), strings.Repeat("\u00E0\u0316", 31)},
{"", strings.Repeat("a\u0300\u0316", 4000), strings.Repeat("\u00E0\u0316", 4000)},
{"", strings.Repeat("\x80\x80", 4000), strings.Repeat("\x80\x80", 4000)},
{"", "\u0041\u0307\u0304", "\u01E0"},
var appendTestsNFKD = []AppendTest{
{"", "a" + grave(64), "a" + grave(30) + cgj + grave(30) + cgj + grave(4)},
{ // segment overflow on unchanged character
"a" + grave(64) + "\u0316",
"a" + grave(30) + cgj + grave(30) + cgj + "\u0316" + grave(4),
{ // segment overflow on unchanged character + start value
"a" + grave(98) + "\u0316",
"a" + grave(30) + cgj + grave(30) + cgj + grave(30) + cgj + "\u0316" + grave(8),
{ // segment overflow on decomposition. (U+0340 decomposes to U+0300.)
"a" + grave(59) + "\u0340",
"a" + grave(30) + cgj + grave(30),
{ // segment overflow on non-starter decomposition
"a" + grave(33) + "\u0340" + grave(30) + "\u0320",
"a" + grave(30) + cgj + grave(30) + cgj + "\u0320" + grave(4),
{ // start value after ASCII overflow
rep('a', segSize) + grave(32) + "\u0320",
rep('a', segSize) + grave(30) + cgj + "\u0320" + grave(2),
{ // Jamo overflow
"\u1100\u1161" + grave(30) + "\u0320" + grave(2),
"\u1100\u1161" + grave(29) + cgj + "\u0320" + grave(3),
{ // Hangul
{ // Hangul overflow
"\uac00" + grave(32) + "\u0320",
"\u1100\u1161" + grave(29) + cgj + "\u0320" + grave(3),
{ // Hangul overflow in Hangul mode.
"\uac00\uac00" + grave(32) + "\u0320",
"\u1100\u1161\u1100\u1161" + grave(29) + cgj + "\u0320" + grave(3),
{ // Hangul overflow in Hangul mode.
strings.Repeat("\uac00", 3) + grave(32) + "\u0320",
strings.Repeat("\u1100\u1161", 3) + grave(29) + cgj + "\u0320" + grave(3),
{ // start value after cc=0
"您您" + grave(34) + "\u0320",
"您您" + grave(30) + cgj + "\u0320" + grave(4),
{ // start value after normalization
"\u0300\u0320a" + grave(34) + "\u0320",
"\u0320\u0300a" + grave(30) + cgj + "\u0320" + grave(4),
// U+0F81 TIBETAN VOWEL SIGN REVERSED II splits into two modifiers.
"a\u0f7f" + rep(0xf71, 29) + "\u0f81",
"a\u0f7f" + rep(0xf71, 29) + cgj + "\u0f71\u0f80",
func TestAppend(t *testing.T) {
runNormTests(t, "Append", func(f Form, out []byte, s string) []byte {
return f.Append(out, []byte(s)...)
func TestAppendString(t *testing.T) {
runNormTests(t, "AppendString", func(f Form, out []byte, s string) []byte {
return f.AppendString(out, s)
func TestBytes(t *testing.T) {
runNormTests(t, "Bytes", func(f Form, out []byte, s string) []byte {
buf := []byte{}
buf = append(buf, out...)
buf = append(buf, s...)
return f.Bytes(buf)
func TestString(t *testing.T) {
runNormTests(t, "String", func(f Form, out []byte, s string) []byte {
outs := string(out) + s
return []byte(f.String(outs))
func TestLinking(t *testing.T) {
const prog = `
package main
import "fmt"
import ""
func main() { fmt.Println(norm.%s) }
baseline, errB := testtext.CodeSize(fmt.Sprintf(prog, "MaxSegmentSize"))
withTables, errT := testtext.CodeSize(fmt.Sprintf(prog, `NFC.String("")`))
if errB != nil || errT != nil {
t.Skipf("code size failed: %v and %v", errB, errT)
// Tables are at least 50K
if d := withTables - baseline; d < 50*1024 {
t.Errorf("tables appear not to be dropped: %d - %d = %d",
withTables, baseline, d)
func appendBench(f Form, in []byte) func() {
buf := make([]byte, 0, 4*len(in))
return func() {
f.Append(buf, in...)
func bytesBench(f Form, in []byte) func() {
return func() {
func iterBench(f Form, in []byte) func() {
iter := Iter{}
return func() {
iter.Init(f, in)
for !iter.Done() {
func transformBench(f Form, in []byte) func() {
buf := make([]byte, 4*len(in))
return func() {
if _, n, err := f.Transform(buf, in, true); err != nil || len(in) != n {
log.Panic(n, len(in), err)
func readerBench(f Form, in []byte) func() {
buf := make([]byte, 4*len(in))
return func() {
r := f.Reader(bytes.NewReader(in))
var err error
for err == nil {
_, err = r.Read(buf)
if err != io.EOF {
func writerBench(f Form, in []byte) func() {
buf := make([]byte, 0, 4*len(in))
return func() {
r := f.Writer(bytes.NewBuffer(buf))
if _, err := r.Write(in); err != nil {
func appendBenchmarks(bm []func(), f Form, in []byte) []func() {
bm = append(bm, appendBench(f, in))
bm = append(bm, iterBench(f, in))
bm = append(bm, transformBench(f, in))
bm = append(bm, readerBench(f, in))
bm = append(bm, writerBench(f, in))
return bm
func doFormBenchmark(b *testing.B, inf, f Form, s string) {
in := inf.Bytes([]byte(s))
bm := appendBenchmarks(nil, f, in)
b.SetBytes(int64(len(in) * len(bm)))
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, fn := range bm {
func doSingle(b *testing.B, f func(Form, []byte) func(), s []byte) {
fn := f(NFC, s)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var (
smallNoChange = []byte("nörmalization")
smallChange = []byte("No\u0308rmalization")
ascii = strings.Repeat("There is nothing to change here! ", 500)
func lowerBench(f Form, in []byte) func() {
// Use package strings instead of bytes as it doesn't allocate memory
// if there aren't any changes.
s := string(in)
return func() {
func BenchmarkLowerCaseNoChange(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, lowerBench, smallNoChange)
func BenchmarkLowerCaseChange(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, lowerBench, smallChange)
func quickSpanBench(f Form, in []byte) func() {
return func() {
func BenchmarkQuickSpanChangeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, quickSpanBench, smallNoChange)
func BenchmarkBytesNoChangeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, bytesBench, smallNoChange)
func BenchmarkBytesChangeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, bytesBench, smallChange)
func BenchmarkAppendNoChangeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, appendBench, smallNoChange)
func BenchmarkAppendChangeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, appendBench, smallChange)
func BenchmarkAppendLargeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, appendBench, txt_all_bytes)
func BenchmarkIterNoChangeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, iterBench, smallNoChange)
func BenchmarkIterChangeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, iterBench, smallChange)
func BenchmarkIterLargeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, iterBench, txt_all_bytes)
func BenchmarkTransformNoChangeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, transformBench, smallNoChange)
func BenchmarkTransformChangeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, transformBench, smallChange)
func BenchmarkTransformLargeNFC(b *testing.B) {
doSingle(b, transformBench, txt_all_bytes)
func BenchmarkNormalizeAsciiNFC(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFC, NFC, ascii)
func BenchmarkNormalizeAsciiNFD(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFC, NFD, ascii)
func BenchmarkNormalizeAsciiNFKC(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFC, NFKC, ascii)
func BenchmarkNormalizeAsciiNFKD(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFC, NFKD, ascii)
func BenchmarkNormalizeNFC2NFC(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFC, NFC, txt_all)
func BenchmarkNormalizeNFC2NFD(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFC, NFD, txt_all)
func BenchmarkNormalizeNFD2NFC(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFD, NFC, txt_all)
func BenchmarkNormalizeNFD2NFD(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFD, NFD, txt_all)
// Hangul is often special-cased, so we test it separately.
func BenchmarkNormalizeHangulNFC2NFC(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFC, NFC, txt_kr)
func BenchmarkNormalizeHangulNFC2NFD(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFC, NFD, txt_kr)
func BenchmarkNormalizeHangulNFD2NFC(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFD, NFC, txt_kr)
func BenchmarkNormalizeHangulNFD2NFD(b *testing.B) {
doFormBenchmark(b, NFD, NFD, txt_kr)
var forms = []Form{NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD}
func doTextBenchmark(b *testing.B, s string) {
in := []byte(s)
bm := []func(){}
for _, f := range forms {
bm = appendBenchmarks(bm, f, in)
b.SetBytes(int64(len(s) * len(bm)))
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, f := range bm {
func BenchmarkCanonicalOrdering(b *testing.B) {
doTextBenchmark(b, txt_canon)
func BenchmarkExtendedLatin(b *testing.B) {
doTextBenchmark(b, txt_vn)
func BenchmarkMiscTwoByteUtf8(b *testing.B) {
doTextBenchmark(b, twoByteUtf8)
func BenchmarkMiscThreeByteUtf8(b *testing.B) {
doTextBenchmark(b, threeByteUtf8)
func BenchmarkHangul(b *testing.B) {
doTextBenchmark(b, txt_kr)
func BenchmarkJapanese(b *testing.B) {
doTextBenchmark(b, txt_jp)
func BenchmarkChinese(b *testing.B) {
doTextBenchmark(b, txt_cn)
func BenchmarkOverflow(b *testing.B) {
doTextBenchmark(b, overflow)
var overflow = string(bytes.Repeat([]byte("\u035D"), 4096)) + "\u035B"
// Tests sampled from the Canonical ordering tests (Part 2) of
const txt_canon = `\u0061\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0300\u0062 \u0061\u0300\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0062
\u0061\u0302\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0062 \u0061\u0307\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0062
\u0061\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u030A\u0062 \u0061\u059A\u0316\u302A\u031C\u0062
\u0061\u032E\u059A\u0316\u302A\u0062 \u0061\u0338\u093C\u0334\u0062
\u0061\u059A\u0316\u302A\u0339 \u0061\u0341\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0062
\u0061\u0348\u059A\u0316\u302A\u0062 \u0061\u0361\u0345\u035D\u035C\u0062
\u0061\u0366\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0062 \u0061\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0486\u0062
\u0061\u05A4\u059A\u0316\u302A\u0062 \u0061\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0613\u0062
\u0061\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0615\u0062 \u0061\u0617\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0062
\u0061\u0619\u0618\u064D\u064E\u0062 \u0061\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0654\u0062
\u0061\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u06DC\u0062 \u0061\u0733\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0062
\u0061\u0744\u059A\u0316\u302A\u0062 \u0061\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0745\u0062
\u0061\u09CD\u05B0\u094D\u3099\u0062 \u0061\u0E38\u0E48\u0E38\u0C56\u0062
\u0061\u0EB8\u0E48\u0E38\u0E49\u0062 \u0061\u0F72\u0F71\u0EC8\u0F71\u0062
\u0061\u1039\u05B0\u094D\u3099\u0062 \u0061\u05B0\u094D\u3099\u1A60\u0062
\u0061\u3099\u093C\u0334\u1BE6\u0062 \u0061\u3099\u093C\u0334\u1C37\u0062
\u0061\u1CD9\u059A\u0316\u302A\u0062 \u0061\u2DED\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0062
\u0061\u2DEF\u0315\u0300\u05AE\u0062 \u0061\u302D\u302E\u059A\u0316\u0062`
// Taken from
const txt_vn = `Vi các điu kin sau: Ghi nhn công ca tác gi.
Nếu bn s dng, chuyn đi, hoc xây dng d án t
ni dung đưc chia s này, bn phi áp dng giy phép này hoc
mt giy phép khác có các điu khon tương t như giy phép này
cho d án ca bn. Hiu rng: Min Bt k các điu kin nào
trên đây cũng có th đưc min b nếu bn đưc s cho phép ca
ngưi s hu bn quyn. Phm vi công chúng Khi tác phm hoc
bt k chương nào ca tác phm đã trong vùng dành cho công
chúng theo quy đnh ca pháp lut thì tình trng ca nó không
b nh hưng bi giy phép trong bt k trưng hp nào.`
// Taken from
const txt_ru = `При обязательном соблюдении следующих условий:
Attribution Вы должны атрибутировать произведение (указывать
автора и источник) в порядке, предусмотренном автором или
лицензиаром (но только так, чтобы никоим образом не подразумевалось,
что они поддерживают вас или использование вами данного произведения).
Υπό τις ακόλουθες προϋποθέσεις:`
// Taken from
const txt_gr = `Αναφορά Δημιουργού Θα πρέπει να κάνετε την αναφορά στο έργο με τον
τρόπο που έχει οριστεί από το δημιουργό ή το χορηγούντο την άδεια
(χωρίς όμως να εννοείται με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο ότι εγκρίνουν εσάς ή
τη χρήση του έργου από εσάς). Παρόμοια Διανομή Εάν αλλοιώσετε,
τροποποιήσετε ή δημιουργήσετε περαιτέρω βασισμένοι στο έργο θα
μπορείτε να διανέμετε το έργο που θα προκύψει μόνο με την ίδια ή
παρόμοια άδεια.`
// Taken from
const txt_ar = `بموجب الشروط التالية نسب المصنف يجب عليك أن
تنسب العمل بالطريقة التي تحددها المؤلف أو المرخص (ولكن ليس بأي حال من
الأحوال أن توحي وتقترح بتحول أو استخدامك للعمل).
المشاركة على قدم المساواة إذا كنت يعدل ، والتغيير ، أو الاستفادة
من هذا العمل ، قد ينتج عن توزيع العمل إلا في ظل تشابه او تطابق فى واحد
لهذا الترخيص.`
// Taken from
const txt_il = `בכפוף לתנאים הבאים: ייחוס עליך לייחס את היצירה (לתת קרדיט) באופן
המצויין על-ידי היוצר או מעניק הרישיון (אך לא בשום אופן המרמז על כך
שהם תומכים בך או בשימוש שלך ביצירה). שיתוף זהה אם תחליט/י לשנות,
לעבד או ליצור יצירה נגזרת בהסתמך על יצירה זו, תוכל/י להפיץ את יצירתך
החדשה רק תחת אותו הרישיון או רישיון דומה לרישיון זה.`
const twoByteUtf8 = txt_ru + txt_gr + txt_ar + txt_il
// Taken from
const txt_kr = ` :
// Taken from
const txt_th = ` :
const threeByteUtf8 = txt_th
// Taken from
const txt_jp = `
const txt_cn = `
const txt_cjk = txt_cn + txt_jp + txt_kr
const txt_all = txt_vn + twoByteUtf8 + threeByteUtf8 + txt_cjk
var txt_all_bytes = []byte(txt_all)