205 lines
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205 lines
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// Copyright 2015 clair authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package mysql
import "strconv"
const (
// This is for lock the table
lockVulnerabilityAffects = `select count(*) from Vulnerability_Affects_FeatureVersion where vulnerability_id > 0 for update`
// keyvalue.go
updateKeyValue = "UPDATE KeyValue SET `value` = ? WHERE `key` = ?"
insertKeyValue = "INSERT INTO KeyValue(`key`, `value`) VALUES(?, ?)"
searchKeyValue = "SELECT `value` FROM KeyValue WHERE `key` = ?"
// namespace.go
insertNamespace = `insert into Namespace(name) select ? from dual where not exists (select * from Namespace where name = ?)`
soiNamespace = `SELECT id from Namespace WHERE name = ?`
listNamespace = `SELECT id, name FROM Namespace`
searchNamespace = `SELECT id FROM Namespace WHERE name = ?`
// feature.go
insertFeature = `insert into Feature(name, namespace_id) select CAST(? AS CHAR), CAST(? AS UNSIGNED) FROM dual WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM Feature WHERE name = ? AND namespace_id = ?)`
soiFeature = `SELECT id FROM Feature WHERE name = ? AND namespace_id = ?`
insertFeatureVersion = `
Insert into FeatureVersion(feature_id, version) select cast(? AS unsigned),cast(? as char) from dual where not exists (select * from FeatureVersion where feature_id = ? AND version = ?) LIMIT 1`
// TODO: need to handle 'exi'
soiFeatureVersion = `SELECT 'new', id FROM FeatureVersion WHERE feature_id = ? AND version = ?`
searchFeatureVersion = `SELECT id FROM FeatureVersion WHERE feature_id = ? AND version = ?`
searchVulnerabilityFixedInFeature = `
SELECT id, vulnerability_id, version FROM Vulnerability_FixedIn_Feature WHERE feature_id = ?`
insertVulnerabilityAffectsFeatureVersion = `
INSERT INTO Vulnerability_Affects_FeatureVersion(vulnerability_id, featureversion_id, fixedin_id) select ?,?,? from dual where not exists (select * from Vulnerability_Affects_FeatureVersion where vulnerability_id =? and featureversion_id = ? and fixedin_id = ?)`
// layer.go
searchLayer = `
SELECT l.id, l.name, l.engineversion, p.id, p.name, n.id, n.name
FROM Layer l
LEFT JOIN Layer p ON l.parent_id = p.id
LEFT JOIN Namespace n ON l.namespace_id = n.id
WHERE l.name = ?`
searchLayerFeatureVersion = `
SELECT ldf.featureversion_id, ldf.modification, fn.id, fn.name, f.id, f.name, fv.id, fv.version, ltree.id, ltree.name
FROM Layer_diff_FeatureVersion ldf
SELECT h.id,h.name,h.parent_id FROM (SELECT @Id AS tempId,name,(SELECT @Id := parent_id FROM Layer WHERE Id = tempId) AS parent_id FROM(SELECT @Id := ?)initializeVars, Layer h WHERE @Id <> 0)a INNER JOIN Layer h ON h.Id = a.tempId order by h.id desc
) AS ltree ON ldf.layer_id = ltree.id, FeatureVersion fv, Feature f, Namespace fn
WHERE ldf.featureversion_id = fv.id AND fv.feature_id = f.id AND f.namespace_id = fn.id
ORDER BY ltree.id`
searchFeatureVersionVulnerability = `
SELECT vafv.featureversion_id, v.id, v.name, v.description, v.link, v.severity, v.metadata,
vn.name, vfif.version
FROM Vulnerability_Affects_FeatureVersion vafv, Vulnerability v,
Namespace vn, Vulnerability_FixedIn_Feature vfif
WHERE vafv.featureversion_id IN (%s)
AND vfif.vulnerability_id = v.id
AND vafv.fixedin_id = vfif.id
AND v.namespace_id = vn.id
AND v.deleted_at IS NULL`
insertLayer = `
INSERT INTO Layer(name, engineversion, parent_id, namespace_id, created_at)
getLayerId = `select id from Layer where name=?`
updateLayer = `UPDATE Layer SET engineversion = ?, namespace_id = ? WHERE id = ?`
removeLayerDiffFeatureVersion = `
DELETE FROM Layer_diff_FeatureVersion
WHERE layer_id = ?`
insertLayerDiffFeatureVersion = `
INSERT INTO Layer_diff_FeatureVersion(layer_id, featureversion_id, modification)
SELECT ?, fv.id, ?
FROM FeatureVersion fv
WHERE fv.id in(%s)`
removeLayer = `DELETE FROM Layer WHERE name = ?`
// lock.go
insertLock = "INSERT INTO `Lock`(name, owner, until) VALUES(?, ?, ?)"
searchLock = "SELECT owner, until FROM `Lock` WHERE name = ?"
updateLock = "UPDATE `Lock` SET until = ? WHERE name = ? AND owner = ?"
removeLock = "DELETE FROM `Lock` WHERE name = ? AND owner = ?"
removeLockExpired = "DELETE FROM `Lock` WHERE until < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
// vulnerability.go
searchVulnerabilityBase = `
SELECT v.id, v.name, n.id, n.name, v.description, v.link, v.severity, v.metadata
FROM Vulnerability v JOIN Namespace n ON v.namespace_id = n.id`
searchVulnerabilityForUpdate = ` FOR UPDATE `
searchVulnerabilityByNamespaceAndName = ` WHERE n.name = ? AND v.name = ? AND v.deleted_at IS NULL`
searchVulnerabilityByID = ` WHERE v.id = ?`
searchVulnerabilityByNamespace = ` WHERE n.name = ? AND v.deleted_at IS NULL
AND v.id >= ?
searchVulnerabilityFixedIn = `
SELECT vfif.version, f.id, f.Name
FROM Vulnerability_FixedIn_Feature vfif JOIN Feature f ON vfif.feature_id = f.id
WHERE vfif.vulnerability_id = ?`
insertVulnerability = `
INSERT INTO Vulnerability(namespace_id, name, description, link, severity, metadata, created_at)
getVulId = `select id from Vulnerability where namespace_id=? and name=?`
getVulIdWithNamespaceName = `select id from Vulnerability where namespace_id=(select id from Namespace where name=?) and name=? and deleted_at IS NULL`
insertVulnerabilityFixedInFeature = `
INSERT INTO Vulnerability_FixedIn_Feature(vulnerability_id, feature_id, version)
VALUES(?, ?, ?)
findVulnerabilityFixedInFeature = `select id from Vulnerability_FixedIn_Feature where vulnerability_id=? AND feature_id=? AND version=?`
searchFeatureVersionByFeature = `SELECT id, version FROM FeatureVersion WHERE feature_id = ?`
removeVulnerability = `
UPDATE Vulnerability
WHERE namespace_id = (SELECT id FROM Namespace WHERE name = ?)
AND name = ?
AND deleted_at IS NULL`
// notification.go
insertNotification = `
INSERT INTO Vulnerability_Notification(name, created_at, old_vulnerability_id, new_vulnerability_id)
updatedNotificationNotified = `
UPDATE Vulnerability_Notification
WHERE name = ?`
removeNotification = `
UPDATE Vulnerability_Notification
WHERE name = ?`
searchNotificationAvailable = " SELECT id, name, created_at, notified_at, deleted_at" +
" FROM Vulnerability_Notification" +
" WHERE (notified_at IS NULL OR notified_at < ?)" +
" AND deleted_at IS NULL" +
" AND name NOT IN (SELECT name FROM `Lock`)" +
" ORDER BY Rand()" +
" LIMIT 1"
searchNotification = `
SELECT id, name, created_at, notified_at, deleted_at, old_vulnerability_id, new_vulnerability_id
FROM Vulnerability_Notification
WHERE name = ?`
searchNotificationLayerIntroducingVulnerability = `
SELECT l.ID, l.name
FROM Vulnerability v, Vulnerability_Affects_FeatureVersion vafv, FeatureVersion fv, Layer_diff_FeatureVersion ldfv, Layer l
WHERE v.id = ?
AND v.id = vafv.vulnerability_id
AND vafv.featureversion_id = fv.id
AND fv.id = ldfv.featureversion_id
AND ldfv.modification = 'add'
AND ldfv.layer_id = l.id
AND l.id >= ?
// complex_test.go
searchComplexTestFeatureVersionAffects = `
SELECT v.name
FROM FeatureVersion fv
LEFT JOIN Vulnerability_Affects_FeatureVersion vaf ON fv.id = vaf.featureversion_id
JOIN Vulnerability v ON vaf.vulnerability_id = v.id
WHERE featureversion_id = ?`
// buildInputArray constructs a PostgreSQL input array from the specified integers.
// Useful to use the `= ANY($1::integer[])` syntax that let us use a IN clause while using
// a single placeholder.
func buildInputArray(ints []int) string {
str := ""
for i := 0; i < len(ints)-1; i++ {
str = str + strconv.Itoa(ints[i]) + ","
str = str + strconv.Itoa(ints[len(ints)-1])
return str