# Google Chrome in Docker ### versions - google-chrome-stable (71.0.3578.98-1) - google-talkplugin ( Launch the Chrome ``` docker-compose up -d ``` ## Extra Notes Good & stable vsync ``` chrome://flags/ Enable "Override software rendering list" ``` Verify ``` chrome://gpu/ ``` To see whether you have the best result, you should have stable 60 FPS at following tests ``` http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/Performance/FishIETank/Default.html http://www.vsynctester.com/ ``` You may want to disable Google's VP8 & VP9 video codecs: "MSE & WebM VP9" and "WebM VP8" as there is no hardware decoding for them. To do this, install h264ify extension from ``` https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/h264ify/aleakchihdccplidncghkekgioiakgal?hl=en-US ``` Check the codecs ``` https://www.youtube.com/html5 ```