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73 lines
1.4 KiB

// A A
// / \ / \
// B C B C
// / \ | / \ / \
// D E F D E F F
// / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 6
digraph MerkleTrees {
// General settings
//node [shape=none, style=filled, color=lightblue];
node [shape=box, width=0, height=0];
subgraph cluster_x {
// Merkle Tree 1
A1 [label="A"];
B1 [label="B"];
C1 [label="C"];
D1 [label="D"];
E1 [label="E"];
F1 [label="F"];
x1 [label="1"];
x2 [label="2"];
x3 [label="3"];
x4 [label="4"];
x5 [label="5"];
x6 [label="6"];
A1 -> B1;
A1 -> C1;
B1 -> D1;
B1 -> E1;
C1 -> F1;
D1 -> {x1, x2};
E1 -> {x3, x4};
F1 -> {x5, x6};
subgraph cluster_y {
// Merkle Tree 2
A2 [label="A"];
B2 [label="B"];
C2 [label="C"];
D2 [label="D"];
E2 [label="E"];
F2 [label="F"];
F2_dup [label = "F" ];
y1 [label="1"];
y2 [label="2"];
y3 [label="3"];
y4 [label="4"];
y5 [label="5"];
y6 [label="6"];
y5_dup [label="5"];
y6_dup [label="6"];
A2 -> B2;
A2 -> C2;
B2 -> D2;
B2 -> E2;
C2 -> {F2, F2_dup};
D2 -> {y1, y2};
E2 -> {y3, y4};
F2 -> {y5, y6};
F2_dup -> {y5_dup, y6_dup};