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==== Early Release Draft (GitHub Contributions)
Many contributors offered comments, corrections, and additions to the early-release draft on GitHub. Thank you all for your contributions to this book.
The following is a list of notable GitHub contributors:
* Abdussamad Abdurrazzaq (AbdussamadA)
* Adán SDPC (aesedepece)
* Akira Chiku (achiku)
* Alex Waters (alexwaters)
* Andrew Donald Kennedy (grkvlt)
* Andrey Esaulov (andremaha)
* andronoob
* AnejaBK
* ariesunny
* Arthur O'Dwyer (Quuxplusone)
* bargitta
* Basem Alasi (Bamskki)
* bisqfan
* bitcoinctf
* blip151
* Bryan Gmyrek (physicsdude)
* Carlos Sims (simsbluebox)
* Casey Flynn (cflynn07)
* cclauss
* Chapman Shoop (belovachap)
* Christie D'Anna (avocadobreath)
* Cihat Imamoglu (cihati)
* Cody Scott (Siecje)
* coinradar
* Cragin Godley (cgodley)
* Craig Dodd (cdodd)
* dallyshalla
* Dan Nolan (Dan-Nolan)
* Dan Raviv (danra)
* Darius Kramer (dkrmr)
* Darko Janković (trulex)
* David Huie (DavidHuie)
* didongke
* Diego Viola (diegoviola)
* Dimitris Tsapakidis (dimitris-t)
* Dirk Jäckel (biafra23)
* Dmitry Marakasov (AMDmi3)
* drakos (Jolly-Pirate)
* drstrangeM
* Ed Eykholt (edeykholt)
* Ed Leafe (EdLeafe)
* Edward Posnak (edposnak)
* Elias Rodrigues (elias19r)
* Eric Voskuil (evoskuil)
* Eric Winchell (winchell)
* Erik Wahlström (erikwam)
* effectsToCause (vericoin)
* Esteban Ordano (eordano)
* ethers
* Evlix
* fabienhinault
* Fan (whiteath)
* Felix Filozov (ffilozov)
* Francis Ballares (fballares)
* François Wirion (wirion)
* Frank Höger (francyi)
* Gabriel Montes (gabmontes)
* Gaurav Rana (bitcoinsSG)
* genjix
* Geremia
* Gerry Smith (Hermetic)
* gmr81
* Greg (in3rsha)
* Gregory Trubetskoy (grisha)
* Gus (netpoe)
* halseth
* harelw
* Harry Moreno (morenoh149)
* Hennadii Stepanov (hebasto)
* Holger Schinzel (schinzelh)
* Ioannis Cherouvim (cherouvim)
* Ish Ot Jr. (ishotjr)
* ivangreene
* James Addison (jayaddison)
* Jameson Lopp (jlopp)
* Jason Bisterfeldt (jbisterfeldt)
* Javier Rojas (fjrojasgarcia)
* Jordan Baczuk (JBaczuk)
* Jeremy Bokobza (bokobza)
* JerJohn15
* jerzybrzoska
* Jimmy DeSilva (jimmydesilva)
* Jo Wo (jowo-io)
* Joe Bauers (joebauers)
* joflynn
* Johnson Lau (jl2012)
* Jonathan Cross (jonathancross)
* Jorgeminator
* jwbats
* Kai Bakker (kaibakker)
* kollokollo
* krupawan5618
* Liangzx
* lightningnetworkstores
* lilianrambu
* Liu Yue (lyhistory)
* Lobbelt
* Lucas Betschart (lclc)
* Magomed Aliev (30mb1)
* Mai-Hsuan Chia (mhchia)
* Marco Falke (MarcoFalke)
* María Martín (mmartinbar)
* Marcus Kiisa (mkiisa)
* Mark Erhardt (Xekyo)
* Mark Pors (pors)
* Martin Harrigan (harrigan)
* Martin Vseticka (MartyIX)
* Marzig (marzig76)
* Matt McGivney (mattmcgiv)
* Matthijs Roelink (Matthiti)
* Maximilian Reichel (phramz)
* Michalis Kargakis (kargakis)
* Michael C. Ippolito (michaelcippolito)
* Michael Galero (mikong)
* Michael Newman (michaelbnewman)
* Mihail Russu (MihailRussu)
* mikew (mikew)
* Minh T. Nguyen (enderminh)
* montvid
* Morfies (morfies)
* Nagaraj Hubli (nagarajhubli)
* Nekomata (nekomata-3)
* nekonenene
* Nhan Vu (jobnomade)
* Nicholas Chen (nickycutesc)
* Ning Shang (syncom)
* Oge Nnadi (ogennadi)
* Oliver Maerz (OliverMaerz)
* Omar Boukli-Hacene (oboukli)
* Óscar Nájera (Titan-C)
* Parzival (Parz-val)
* Paul Desmond Parker (sunwukonga)
* Philipp Gille (philippgille)
* ratijas
* rating89us
* Reproducibility Matters (TheCharlatan)
* Reuben Thomas (rrthomas)
* Robert Furse (Rfurse)
* Roberto Mannai (robermann)
* Richard Kiss (richardkiss)
* rszheng
* Ruben Alexander (hizzvizz)
* Sam Ritchie (sritchie)
* Sandro Conforto (sandroconforto)
* Sanjay Sanathanan (sanjays95)
* Sebastian Falbesoner (theStack)
* Sergei Tikhomirov (s-tikhomirov)
* Sergej Kotliar (ziggamon)
* Seiichi Uchida (topecongiro)
* shaysw
* Simon de la Rouviere (simondlr)
* simone-cominato
* sindhoor7
* Stacie (staciewaleyko)
* Stephan Oeste (Emzy)
* Stéphane Roche (Janaka-Steph)
* takaya-imai
* Thiago Arrais (thiagoarrais)
* Thomas Kerin (afk11)
* Tochi Obudulu (tochicool)
* Vasil Dimov (vasild)
* venzen
* Vlad Stan (motorina0)
* Vijay Chavda (VijayChavda)
* Vincent Déniel (vincentdnl)
* weinim
* wenxiaolong (QingShiLuoGu)
* wenzhenxiang
* Will Binns (wbnns)
* wintercooled
* wjx
* wll2007
* Wojciech Langiewicz (wlk)
* Yancy Ribbens (yancyribbens)
* yjjnls
* Yoshimasa Tanabe (emag)
* yuntai
* yurigeorgiev4
* Zheng Jia (zhengjia)
* Zhou Liang (zhouguoguo)((("", startref="acknowledge0")))