You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
1.1 KiB

# Convert mediawiki list of BIPs to asciidoc table for book appendix
# Gnarly hack of regex with no error checking - it worked once
import re
regex_num = re.compile("\\|.\\[\\[bip-\\d+.mediawiki\\|(\\d+)\\]\\]")
regex_altnum = re.compile("\\D+(\\d+)\\D+")
bips = []
f = open('README.mediawiki.txt', 'r')
line = f.readline()
while (line[0] != "|"):
line = f.readline()
while (line[1] == '-'):
line_num = f.readline()
line_layer = f.readline()[2:-1]
line_title = f.readline()[2:-1]
line_owner = f.readline()[2:-1]
line_type = f.readline()[2:-1]
line_status = f.readline()[2:-1]
line = f.readline()
while (line[0] != "|"):
line = f.readline()
num = regex_num.match(line_num)
alt_num = regex_altnum.match(line_num)
if num:
bip_num =
elif alt_num:
bip_num =
print "|[[bip-{0}]]{0:04d}.mediawiki[BIP-{0}] |{1} |{2} |{3} |{4} ".format(int(bip_num), line_title, line_owner, line_type, line_status)