set terminal pngcairo size 800,300 enhanced set output 'supply-demand.png' set xlabel 'Quantity' set ylabel 'Price' #set title 'Traditional Supply and Demand Curves' set xrange [0:120] set yrange [0:120] # Removing xtics and ytics unset xtics unset ytics # Supply and demand curves demand(x) = 0.005*x**2 + 20 supply(x) = -0.005*x**2 + 100 # Adding titles to the lines set label 1 'Supply' at 5, supply(5) offset 0,1 set label 2 'Demand' at 5, demand(5) offset 0,-1 plot supply(x) title '' with lines lc rgb 'black' lw 4, \ demand(x) title '' with lines lc rgb 'grey' lw 4 unset label 1 unset label 2 ############ set output 'supply-demand-constant.png' set xlabel 'Quantity' set ylabel 'Price' #set title 'Bitcoin Block Space Supply and Demand' set xrange [0:120] set yrange [0:120] # Removing xtics and ytics unset xtics unset ytics # Supply and demand curves demand(x) = 0.005*x**2 + 20 supply(x) = 80 # Adding titles to the lines set label 1 'Supply' at 5, supply(5) offset 0,1 set label 2 'Demand' at 5, demand(5) offset 0,-1 plot supply(x) title '' with lines lc rgb 'black' lw 4, \ demand(x) title '' with lines lc rgb 'grey' lw 4 unset label 1 unset label 2 #################### set output 'fee-negative-feedback.png' set xlabel "Time" unset ylabel #set title 'Negative Feedback Loop' set xrange [0:20] set yrange [-1:1] # Removing xtics and ytics unset xtics unset ytics # Price and demand functions price(x) = exp(-x/10) * sin(x) demand(x) = -exp(-x/10) * sin(x) # Adding titles to the lines set label 1 'Price (fees)' at 5, price(5) offset -1,0.75 set label 2 'Demand' at 5, demand(5) offset -1,-0.75 #set label 'Equilibrium' at 20,0 offset 2,0 # Equilibrium line equilibrium(x) = 0 # Increasing the sample rate for smoother curves set samples 1000 # Adding extra left margin #set rmargin at screen .8 plot price(x) title '' with lines lc rgb 'black' lw 4, \ demand(x) title '' with lines lc rgb 'grey' lw 4, \ equilibrium(x) title 'Equilibrium' with lines lc rgb 'black' lw 2 dt "-" ####################### set output 'fee-patience.png' #set title "Wait Times for Different Feerates" unset label 1 unset label 2 set label 3 "Transactions at different fee rates" at 0.9999,0 font "Arial-Italic" set arrow 6 from 1,0.6 to 2.3,0.6 nohead lc rgb "black" dashtype 3 lw 2 set arrow 7 from 1,0.3 to 2.7,0.3 nohead lc rgb "black" dashtype 3 lw 2 #set arrow 8 from 1,-0.0 to 3.1,-0.0 nohead lc rgb "black" dashtype 3 lw 2 set arrow 9 from 1,-0.3 to 3.55,-0.3 nohead lc rgb "black" dashtype 3 lw 2 set arrow 10 from 1,-0.6 to 4.2,-0.6 nohead lc rgb "black" dashtype 3 lw 2 set xrange [0.8:6] plot price(x) title 'Price (fees)' with lines lc rgb 'black' lw 4 #demand(x) title '' with lines lc rgb 'grey' lw 4 ############################# set output 'equilibrium-change.png' set xrange [0:20] unset label 1 unset label 3 unset arrow 6 unset arrow 7 unset arrow 9 unset arrow 10 # Equilibrium line equilibrium(x) = exp(-x/5) * -1 + 0.25 # Price and demand functions price(x) = exp(-x/10) * sin(x) + equilibrium(x) demand(x) = -exp(-x/10) * sin(x) + equilibrium(x) set label 1 'Price (fees)' at 5, price(5) offset -1.1,1.3 set label 2 'Demand' at 5, demand(5) offset -1.1,-1.3 plot price(x) title '' with lines lc rgb 'black' lw 4, \ demand(x) title '' with lines lc rgb 'grey' lw 4, \ equilibrium(x) title 'Equilibrium' with lines lc rgb 'black' lw 2 dt "-"