-------------------------------------------------- BIP: 71 Title: Payment Protocol MIME types Author: Gavin Andresen <gavinandresen@gmail.com> Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Created: 2013-07-29 -------------------------------------------------- [[abstract]] Abstract ~~~~~~~~ This BIP defines a MIME (RFC 2046) Media Type for Bitcoin payment request messages. [[motivation]] Motivation ~~~~~~~~~~ Wallet or server software that sends payment protocol messages over email or http should follow Internet standards for properly encapsulating the messages. [[specification]] Specification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Media Type (Content-Type in HTML/email headers) for bitcoin protocol messages shall be: [cols=",",] |================================================== |Message |Type/Subtype |PaymentRequest |application/bitcoin-paymentrequest |Payment |application/bitcoin-payment |PaymentACK |application/bitcoin-paymentack |================================================== Payment protocol messages are encoded in binary. [[example]] Example ~~~~~~~ A web server generating a PaymentRequest message to initiate the payment protocol would precede the binary message data with the following headers: ------------------------------------------------ Content-Type: application/bitcoin-paymentrequest Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary ------------------------------------------------