#include #include // The string we are searching for const std::string search = "1kid"; // Generate a random secret key. A random 32 bytes. bc::ec_secret random_secret(std::default_random_engine& engine); // Extract the Bitcoin address from an EC secret. std::string bitcoin_address(const bc::ec_secret& secret); // Case insensitive comparison with the search string. bool match_found(const std::string& address); int main() { // random_device on Linux uses "/dev/urandom" // CAUTION: Depending on implementation this RNG may not be secure enough! // Do not use vanity keys generated by this example in production std::random_device random; std::default_random_engine engine(random()); // Loop continuously... while (true) { // Generate a random secret. bc::ec_secret secret = random_secret(engine); // Get the address. std::string address = bitcoin_address(secret); // Does it match our search string? (1kid) if (match_found(address)) { // Success! std::cout << "Found vanity address! " << address << std::endl; std::cout << "Secret: " << bc::encode_base16(secret) << std::endl; return 0; } } // Should never reach here! return 0; } bc::ec_secret random_secret(std::default_random_engine& engine) { // Create new secret... bc::ec_secret secret; // Iterate through every byte setting a random value... for (uint8_t& byte: secret) byte = engine() % std::numeric_limits::max(); // Return result. return secret; } std::string bitcoin_address(const bc::ec_secret& secret) { // Convert secret to payment address bc::wallet::ec_private private_key(secret); bc::wallet::payment_address payaddr(private_key); // Return encoded form. return payaddr.encoded(); } bool match_found(const std::string& address) { auto addr_it = address.begin(); // Loop through the search string comparing it to the lower case // character of the supplied address. for (auto it = search.begin(); it != search.end(); ++it, ++addr_it) if (*it != std::tolower(*addr_it)) return false; // Reached end of search string, so address matches. return true; }