[[c_signatures]] == Digital Signatures Two ((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm")))((("schnorr signature algorithm")))((("digital signatures", "ECDSA")))((("ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)")))((("transactions", "signatures", see="digital signatures")))signature algorithms are currently used in Bitcoin, the _schnorr signature algorithm_ and the _Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm_ (_ECDSA_). These algorithms are used for digital signatures based on elliptic curve private/public key pairs, as described in <<elliptic_curve>>. They are used for spending segwit v0 P2WPKH outputs, segwit v1 P2TR keypath spending, and by the script functions +OP_CHECKSIG+, +OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY+, +OP_CHECKMULTISIG+, [.keep-together]#+OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY+,# and +OP_CHECKSIGADD+. Any time one of those is executed, a signature must be provided. A digital signature((("digital signatures", "purpose of"))) serves three purposes in Bitcoin. First, the signature proves that the controller of a private key, who is by implication the owner of the funds, has _authorized_ the spending of those funds. Secondly, the proof of authorization is _undeniable_ (nonrepudiation). Thirdly, that the authorized transaction cannot be changed by unauthenticated third parties--that its _integrity_ is intact. [NOTE] ==== Each transaction input and any signatures it may contain is _completely_ independent of any other input or signature. Multiple parties can collaborate to construct transactions and sign only one input each. Several protocols use this fact to create multiparty transactions for privacy. ==== In this chapter we look at how digital signatures work and how they can present proof of control of a private key without revealing that private key. [role="less_space pagebreak-before"] === How Digital Signatures Work A digital signature consists of two parts. The first part is an algorithm for creating a signature for a message (the transaction) using a private key (the signing key). The second part is an algorithm that allows anyone to verify the signature, given also the message and the corresponding public key. ==== Creating a Digital Signature In Bitcoin's((("digital signatures", "creating"))) use of digital signature algorithms, the "message" being signed is the transaction, or more accurately a hash of a specific subset of the data in the transaction, ((("commitment hash")))called the _commitment hash_ (see <<sighash_types>>). The signing key is the user's private key. The result is the signature: [latexmath] ++++ \begin{equation} Sig = F_{sig}(F_{hash}(m), x) \end{equation} ++++ where: * _x_ is the signing private key * _m_ is the message to sign, the commitment hash (such as parts of a transaction) * _F_~_hash_~ is the hashing function * _F_~_sig_~ is the signing algorithm * _Sig_ is the resulting signature You can find more details on the mathematics of schnorr and ECDSA signatures in <<schnorr_signatures>> and <<ecdsa_signatures>>. In both schnorr and ECDSA signatures, the function _F_~_sig_~ produces a signature +Sig+ that is composed of two values. There are differences between the two values in the different algorithms, which we'll explore later. After the two values are calculated, they are serialized into a byte stream. For ECDSA signatures, the encoding uses an international standard encoding scheme called the _Distinguished Encoding Rules_, or _DER_. For schnorr signatures, a simpler serialization format is used. ==== Verifying the Signature The((("digital signatures", "verifying")))((("verifying", "digital signatures"))) signature verification algorithm takes the message (a hash of parts of the transaction and related data), the signer's public key and the signature, and returns ++TRUE++ if the signature is valid for this message and public key. To verify the signature, one must have the signature, the serialized transaction, some data about the output being spent, and the public key that corresponds to the private key used to create the signature. Essentially, verification of a signature means "Only the controller of the private key that generated this public key could have produced this signature on this transaction." [[sighash_types]] ==== Signature Hash Types (SIGHASH) Digital signatures((("digital signatures", "SIGHASH flags", id="digital-signature-sighash")))((("SIGHASH flags", id="sighash"))) apply to messages, which in the case of Bitcoin, are the transactions themselves. The signature proves a _commitment_ by the signer to specific transaction data. In the simplest form, the signature applies to almost the entire transaction, thereby committing to all the inputs, outputs, and other transaction fields. However, a signature can commit to only a subset of the data in a transaction, which is useful for a number of scenarios as we will see in this section. Bitcoin signatures have a way of indicating which part of a transaction's data is included in the hash signed by the private key using a +SIGHASH+ flag. The +SIGHASH+ flag is a single byte that is appended to the signature. Every signature has either an explicit or implicit +SIGHASH+ flag, and the flag can be different from input to input. A transaction with three signed inputs may have three signatures with different +SIGHASH+ flags, each signature signing (committing) to different parts of the transaction. Remember, each input may contain one or more signatures. As a result, an input may have signatures with different +SIGHASH+ flags that commit to different parts of the transaction. Note also that Bitcoin transactions may contain inputs from different "owners," who may sign only one input in a partially constructed transaction, collaborating with others to gather all the necessary signatures to make a valid transaction. Many of the +SIGHASH+ flag types only make sense if you think of multiple participants collaborating outside the Bitcoin network and updating a partially signed transaction. There are three +SIGHASH+ flags: +ALL+, +NONE+, and +SINGLE+, as shown in <<sighash_types_and_their>>. ++++ <table id="sighash_types_and_their"> <caption> <span class="plain"><code>SIGHASH</code></span> types and their meanings</caption> <thead> <tr> <th><code>SIGHASH</code> flag</th> <th>Value</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><p><code>ALL</code></p></td> <td><p><code>0x01</code></p></td> <td><p>Signature applies to all inputs and outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><code>NONE</code></p></td> <td><p><code>0x02</code></p></td> <td><p>Signature applies to all inputs, none of the outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><code>SINGLE</code></p></td> <td><p><code>0x03</code></p></td> <td><p>Signature applies to all inputs but only the one output with the same index number as the signed input</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ++++ In addition, there is a modifier flag, +SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY+, which can be combined with each of the preceding flags. When +ANYONECANPAY+ is set, only one input is signed, leaving the rest (and their sequence numbers) open for modification. The +ANYONECANPAY+ has the value +0x80+ and is applied by bitwise OR, resulting in the combined flags as shown in <<sighash_types_with_modifiers>>. [role="less_space pagebreak-before"] ++++ <table id="sighash_types_with_modifiers"> <caption> <span class="plain"><code>SIGHASH</code></span> types with modifiers and their meanings</caption> <thead> <tr> <th><code>SIGHASH</code> flag</th> <th>Value</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><p><code>ALL|ANYONECANPAY</code></p></td> <td><p><code>0x81</code></p></td> <td><p>Signature applies to one input and all outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><code>NONE|ANYONECANPAY</code></p></td> <td><p><code>0x82</code></p></td> <td><p>Signature applies to one input, none of the outputs</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p><code>SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY</code></p></td> <td><p><code>0x83</code></p></td> <td><p>Signature applies to one input and the output with the same index number</p></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ++++ The way +SIGHASH+ flags are applied during signing and verification is that a copy of the transaction is made and certain fields within are either omitted or truncated (set to zero length and emptied). The resulting transaction is serialized. The +SIGHASH+ flag is included in the serialized transaction data and the result is hashed. The hash digest itself is the "message" that is signed. Depending on which +SIGHASH+ flag is used, different parts of the transaction are included. By including the +SIGHASH+ flag itself, the signature commits the +SIGHASH+ type as well, so it can't be changed (e.g., by a miner). In <<serialization_of_signatures_der>>, we will see that the last part of the DER-encoded signature was +01+, which is the +SIGHASH_ALL+ flag for ECDSA signatures. This locks the transaction data, so Alice's signature is committing to the state of all inputs and outputs. This is the most common signature form. Let's look at some of the other +SIGHASH+ types and how they can be used in practice: +ALL|ANYONECANPAY+ :: This ((("crowdfunding")))construction can be used to make a "crowdfunding”-style transaction. Someone attempting to raise funds can construct a transaction with a single output. The single output pays the "goal" amount to the fundraiser. Such a transaction is obviously not valid, as it has no inputs. However, others can now amend it by adding an input of their own as a donation. They sign their own input with +ALL|ANYONECANPAY+. Unless enough inputs are gathered to reach the value of the output, the transaction is invalid. Each donation is a "pledge," which cannot be collected by the fundraiser until the entire goal amount is raised. Unfortunately, this protocol can be circumvented by the fundraiser adding an input of their own (or from someone who lends them funds), allowing them to collect the donations even if they haven't reached the specified value. +NONE+ :: This construction can be used to create a "bearer check" or "blank check" of a specific amount. It commits to all inputs but allows the outputs to be changed. Anyone can write their own Bitcoin address into the output script. By itself, this allows any miner to change the output destination and claim the funds for themselves, but if other required signatures in the transaction use +SIGHASH_ALL+ or another type that commits to the output, it allows those spenders to change the destination without allowing any third parties (like miners) to modify the outputs. +NONE|ANYONECANPAY+ :: This construction can be used to build a "dust collector." Users who have tiny UTXOs in their wallets can't spend these without the cost in fees exceeding the value of the UTXO; see <<uneconomical_outputs>>. With this type of signature, the uneconomical UTXOs can be donated for anyone to aggregate and spend whenever they want. There are some proposals to modify or expand the +SIGHASH+ system. The most widely discussed proposal as of this writing is ((("BIP118 SIGHASH flags")))BIP118, which proposes to add two new sighash flags. A signature using +SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT+ would not commit to an input's outpoint field, allowing it to be used to spend any previous output for a particular witness program. For example, if Alice receives two outputs for the same amount to the same witness program (e.g., requiring a single signature from her wallet), a +SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT+ signature for spending either one of those outputs could be copied and used to spend the other output to the same destination. A signature using +SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUTANYSCRIPT+ would not commit to the outpoint, the amount, the witness program, or the specific leaf in the taproot merkle tree (script tree), allowing it to spend any previous output that the signature could satisfy. For example, if Alice received two outputs for different amounts and different witness programs (e.g., one requiring a single signature and another requiring her signature plus some other data), a +SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUTANYSCRIPT+ signature for spending either one of those outputs could be copied and used to spend the other output to the same destination (assuming the extra data for the second output was known). The main expected use for the two ++SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT++ opcodes is improved payment channels, such as those used in the Lightning Network (LN), although several other uses have been described. [NOTE] ==== You will not often see +SIGHASH+ flags presented as an option in a user's wallet application. Simple wallet applications sign with [.keep-together]#+SIGHASH_ALL+# flags. More sophisticated applications, such as LN nodes, may use alternative +SIGHASH+ flags, but they use protocols that have been extensively reviewed to understand the influence of the alternative ((("digital signatures", "SIGHASH flags", startref="digital-signature-sighash")))((("SIGHASH flags", startref="sighash")))flags. ==== [[schnorr_signatures]] === Schnorr Signatures In 1989, ((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", id="digital-sigs-schnorr")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", id="schnorr")))Claus Schnorr published a paper describing the signature algorithm that's become eponymous with him. The algorithm isn't specific to the elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) that Bitcoin and many other applications use, although it is perhaps most strongly associated with ECC today. Schnorr signatures have a number of nice properties: Provable security:: A mathematical ((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "properties of")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "properties of")))proof of the security of schnorr signatures depends on only the difficulty of solving the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP), particularly for elliptic curves (EC) for Bitcoin, and the ability of a hash function (like the SHA256 function used in Bitcoin) to produce unpredictable values, called the random oracle model (ROM). Other signature algorithms have additional dependencies or require much larger public keys or signatures for equivalent security to ECC-Schnorr (when the threat is defined as classical computers; other algorithms may provide more efficient security against quantum computers). Linearity:: Schnorr signatures have a property that mathematicians ((("linearity")))call _linearity_, which applies to functions with two particular properties. The first property is that summing together two or more variables and then running a function on that sum will produce the same value as running the function on each of the variables independently and then summing together the results, e.g., _f(x_ + _y_ + _z)_ == _f(x)_ + _f(y)_ + _f(z)_; this property is((("additivity"))) called _additivity_. The second property is that multiplying a variable and then running a function on that product will produce the same value as running the function on the variable and then multiplying it by the same amount, e.g., _f(a_ × _x)_ == _a_ × _f(x)_; this property is ((("homogeneity of degree 1")))called _homogeneity of degree 1_. + In cryptographic operations, some functions may be private (such as functions involving private keys or secret nonces), so being able to get the same result whether performing an operation inside or outside of a function makes it easy for multiple parties to coordinate and cooperate without sharing their secrets. We'll see some of the specific benefits of linearity in schnorr signatures in <<schnorr_multisignatures>> and <<schnorr_threshold_signatures>>. Batch verification:: When used((("batch verification of digital signatures"))) in a certain way (which Bitcoin does), one consequence of schnorr's linearity is that it's relatively straightforward to verify more than one schnorr signature at the same time in less time than it would take to verify each signature independently. The more signatures that are verified in a batch, the greater the speed up. For the typical number of signatures in a block, it's possible to batch verify them in about half the amount of time it would take to verify each signature independently. Later in this chapter, we'll describe the schnorr signature algorithm exactly as it's used in Bitcoin, but we're going to start with a simplified version of it and work our way toward the actual protocol in stages. [role="less_space pagebreak-before"] Alice((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "examples of usage")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "examples of usage"))) starts by choosing a large random number (_x_), which we call her _private key_. She also knows a public point on Bitcoin's elliptic curve called the Generator (_G_) (see <<public_key_derivation>>). Alice uses EC multiplication to multiply _G_ by her private key _x_, in which case _x_ is called a _scalar_ because it scales up _G_. The result is _xG_, which we call Alice's _public key_. Alice gives her public key to Bob. Even though Bob also knows _G_, the DLP prevents Bob from being able to divide _xG_ by _G_ to derive Alice's private key. At some later time, Bob wants Alice to identify herself by proving that she knows the scalar _x_ for the public key (_xG_) that Bob received earlier. Alice can't give Bob _x_ directly because that would allow him to identify as her to other people, so she needs to prove her knowledge of _x_ without revealing _x_ to Bob,((("zero-knowledge proof"))) called a _zero-knowledge proof_. For that, we begin the schnorr identity process: 1. Alice chooses another large random number (_k_), which we call the _private nonce_. Again she uses it as a scalar, multiplying it by _G_ to produce _kG_, which we call the _public nonce_. She gives the public nonce to Bob. 2. Bob chooses a large random number of his own, _e_, which we call the _challenge scalar_. We say "challenge" because it's used to challenge Alice to prove that she knows the private key (_x_) for the public key (_xG_) she previously gave Bob; we say "scalar" because it will later be used to multiply an EC point. 3. Alice now has the numbers (scalars) _x_, _k_, and _e_. She combines them together to produce a final scalar _s_ using the formula _s_ = _k_ + _ex_. She gives _s_ to Bob. 4. Bob now knows the scalars _s_ and _e_, but not _x_ or _k_. However, Bob does know _xG_ and _kG_, and he can compute for himself _sG_ and _exG_. That means he can check the equality of a scaled-up version of the operation Alice performed: [.keep-together]#_sG_ == _kG_ + _exG_.# If that is equal, then Bob can be sure that Alice knew _x_ when she generated _s_. .Schnorr Identity Protocol with Integers Instead of Points **** It might be easier to understand the interactive schnorr identity protocol if we create an insecure oversimplification by substituting each of the preceding values (including _G_) with simple integers instead of points on an elliptic curve. For example, we'll use the prime numbers starting with 3: Setup: Alice chooses _x_ = 3 as her private key. She multiplies it by the generator _G_ = 5 to get her public key _xG_ = 15. She gives Bob 15. 1. Alice chooses the private nonce _k_ = 7 and generates the public nonce _kG_ = 35. She gives Bob 35. 2. Bob chooses _e_ = 11 and gives it to Alice. 3. Alice generates _s_ = 40 = 7 + 11 × 3. She gives Bob 40. 4. Bob derives _sG_ = 200 = 40 × 5 and _exG_ = 165 = 11 × 15. He then verifies that [.keep-together]#200 == 35 + 165.# Note that this is the same operation that Alice performed, but all of the values have been scaled up by 5 (the value of _G_). Of course, this is an oversimplified example. When working with simple integers, we can divide products by the generator _G_ to get the underlying scalar, which isn't secure. This is why a critical property of the elliptic curve cryptography used in Bitcoin is that multiplication is easy but division by a point on the curve is impractical. Also, with numbers this small, finding underlying values (or valid substitutes) through brute force is easy; the numbers used in Bitcoin are much larger. **** Let's discuss some of the features of the interactive schnorr identity protocol that make it secure: The nonce (k):: In step 1, ((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "security features")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "security features")))Alice chooses a number that Bob doesn't know and can't guess and gives him the scaled form of that number, _kG_. At that point, Bob also already has her public key (_xG_), which is the scaled form of _x_, her private key. That means when Bob is working on the final equation (_sG_ = _kG_ + _exG_), there are two independent variables that Bob doesn't know (_x_ and _k_). It's possible to use simple algebra to solve an equation with one unknown variable but not two independent unknown variables, so the presence of Alice's nonce prevents Bob from being able to derive her private key. It's critical to note that this protection depends on nonces being unguessable in any way. If there's anything predictable about Alice's nonce, Bob may be able to leverage that into figuring out Alice's private key. See <<nonce_warning>> for more details. The challenge scalar (e):: Bob waits to receive Alice's public nonce and then proceeds in step 2 to give her a number (the challenge scalar) that Alice didn't previously know and couldn't have guessed. It's critical that Bob only give her the challenge scalar after she commits to her public nonce. Consider what could happen if someone who didn't know _x_ wanted to impersonate Alice, and Bob accidentally gave them the challenge scalar _e_ before they told him the public nonce _kG_. This allows the impersonator to change parameters on both sides of the equation that Bob will use for verification, _sG_ == _kG_ + _exG_; specifically, they can change both _sG_ and _kG_. Think about a simplified form of that expression: _x_ = _y_ + _a_. If you can change both _x_ and _y_, you can cancel out _a_ using _x_++'++ = (_x_ – _a_) + _a_. Any value you choose for _x_ will now satisfy the equation. For the actual equation the impersonator simply chooses a random number for _s_, generates _sG_, and then uses EC subtraction to select a _kG_ that equals _kG_ = _sG_ – _exG_. They give Bob their calculated _kG_ and later their random _sG_, and Bob thinks that's valid because [.keep-together]#_sG_ == (_sG_ – _exG_)# + _exG_. This explains why the order of operations in the protocol is essential: Bob must only give Alice the challenge scalar after Alice has committed to her public nonce. ++++ <p class="fix_tracking"> The interactive identity protocol described here matches part of Claus Schnorr's original description, but it lacks two essential features we need for the decentralized Bitcoin network. The first of these is that it relies on Bob waiting for Alice to commit to her public nonce and then Bob giving her a random challenge scalar. In Bitcoin, the spender of every transaction needs to be authenticated by thousands of Bitcoin full nodes—including future nodes that haven't been started yet but whose operators will one day want to ensure the bitcoins they receive came from a chain of transfers where every transaction was valid. Any Bitcoin node that is unable to communicate with Alice, today or in the future, will be unable to authenticate her transaction and will be in disagreement with every other node that did authenticate it. That's not acceptable for a consensus system like Bitcoin. For Bitcoin to work, we need a protocol that doesn't require interaction between Alice and each node that wants to authenticate her. </p> ++++ A simple technique, known as the Fiat-Shamir transform after its discoverers, can turn the schnorr interactive identity protocol into a noninteractive digital signature scheme. Recall the importance of steps 1 and 2--including that they be performed in order. Alice must commit to an unpredictable nonce; Bob must give Alice an unpredictable challenge scalar only after he has received her commitment. Recall also the properties of secure cryptographic hash functions we've used elsewhere in this book: it will always produce the same output when given the same input but it will produce a value indistinguishable from random data when given a different input. This allows Alice to choose her private nonce, derive her public nonce, and then hash the public nonce to get the challenge scalar. Because Alice can't predict the output of the hash function (the challenge), and because it's always the same for the same input (the nonce), this ensures that Alice gets a random challenge even though she chooses the nonce and hashes it herself. We no longer need interaction from Bob. She can simply publish her public nonce _kG_ and the scalar _s_, and each of the thousands of full nodes (past and future) can hash _kG_ to produce _e_, use that to produce _exG_, and then verify _sG_ == _kG_ + _exG_. Written explicitly, the verification equation becomes [.keep-together]#_sG_ == _kG_ + _hash_(_kG_) × _xG_.# We need one other thing to finish converting the interactive schnorr identity protocol into a digital signature protocol useful for Bitcoin. We don't just want Alice to prove that she knows her private key; we also want to give her the ability to commit to a message. Specifically, we want her to commit to the data related to the Bitcoin transaction she wants to send. With the Fiat-Shamir transform in place, we already have a commitment, so we can simply have it additionally commit to the message. Instead of _hash_(_kG_), we now also commit to the message _m_ using _hash_(_kG_ || _m_), where || stands for concatenation. We've now defined a version of the schnorr signature protocol, but there's one more thing we need to do to address a Bitcoin-specific concern. In BIP32 key derivation, as described in <<public_child_key_derivation>>, the algorithm for unhardened derivation takes a public key and adds to it a nonsecret value to produce a derived public key. That means it's also possible to add that nonsecret value to a valid signature for one key to produce a signature for a related key. That related signature is valid but it wasn't authorized by the person possessing the private key, which is a major security failure. To protect BIP32 unhardened derivation and also support several protocols people wanted to build on top of schnorr signatures, Bitcoin's version of schnorr signatures, called _BIP340 schnorr signatures for secp256k1_, also commits to the public key being used in addition to the public nonce and the message. That makes the full commitment _hash_(_kG_ || _xG_ || _m_). Now that we've described each part of the BIP340 schnorr signature algorithm and explained what it does for us, we can define the protocol. Multiplication of integers are performed _modulus p_, indicating that the result of the operation is divided by the number _p_ (as defined in the secp256k1 standard) and the remainder is used. The number _p_ is very large, but if it was 3 and the result of an operation was 5, the actual number we would use is 2 (i.e., 5 divided by 3 has a remainder of 2). Setup: Alice chooses a large random number (_x_) as her private key (either directly or by using a protocol like BIP32 to deterministically generate a private key from a large random seed value). She uses the parameters defined in secp256k1 (see <<elliptic_curve>>) to multiply the generator _G_ by her scalar _x_, producing _xG_ (her public key). She gives her public key to everyone who will later authenticate her Bitcoin transactions (e.g., by having _xG_ included in a transaction output). When she's ready to spend, she begins generating her signature: 1. Alice chooses a large random private nonce _k_ and derives the public nonce _kG_. 2. She chooses her message _m_ (e.g., transaction data) and generates the challenge scalar _e_ = _hash_(_kG_ || _xG_ || _m_). 3. She produces the scalar _s_ = _k_ + _ex_. The two values _kG_ and _s_ are her signature. She gives this signature to everyone who wants to verify that signature; she also needs to ensure everyone receives her message _m_. In Bitcoin, this is done by including her signature in the witness structure of her spending transaction and then relaying that transaction to full nodes. 4. The verifiers (e.g., full nodes) use _s_ to derive _sG_ and then verify that _sG_ == _kG_ + _hash_(_kG_ || _xG_ || _m_) × _xG_. If the equation is valid, Alice proved that she knows her private key _x_ (without revealing it) and committed to the message _m_ (containing the transaction data). ==== Serialization of Schnorr Signatures A schnorr signature ((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "serialization")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "serialization")))((("serialization", "of schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr")))consists of two values, _kG_ and _s_. The value _kG_ is a point on Bitcoin's elliptic curve (called secp256k1) and would normally be represented by two 32-byte coordinates, e.g., (_x_, _y_). However, only the _x_ coordinate is needed, so only that value is included. When you see _kG_ in schnorr signatures for Bitcoin, note that it's only that point's _x_ coordinate. The value _s_ is a scalar (a number meant to multiply other numbers). For Bitcoin's secp256k1 curve, it can never be more than 32 bytes long. Although both _kG_ and _s_ can sometimes be values that can be represented with fewer than 32 bytes, it's improbable that they'd be much smaller than 32 bytes, so they're serialized as two 32-byte values (i.e., values smaller than 32 bytes have leading zeros). They're serialized in the order of _kG_ and then _s_, producing exactly 64 bytes. The taproot soft fork, also called v1 segwit, introduced schnorr signatures to Bitcoin and is the only way they are used in Bitcoin as of this writing. When used with either taproot keypath or scriptpath spending, a 64-byte schnorr signature is considered to use a default signature hash (sighash) that is +SIGHASH_ALL+. If an alternative sighash is used, or if the spender wants to waste space to explicitly specify +SIGHASH_ALL+, a single additional byte is appended to the signature that specifies the signature hash, making the signature 65 bytes. As we'll see, either 64 or 65 bytes is considerably more efficient that the serialization used for ECDSA signatures described in <<serialization_of_signatures_der>>. [[schnorr_multisignatures]] ==== Schnorr-based Scriptless Multisignatures In the((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless multisignatures", id="digital-sigs-schnorr-multisig")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless multisignatures", id="schnorr-multisig")))((("scriptless multisignatures", "in schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr", id="scriptless-multi-schnorr")))((("multisignature scripts", "in schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr", id="multi-script-schnorr"))) single-signature schnorr protocol described in <<schnorr_signatures>>, Alice uses a signature (_kG_, _s_) to publicly prove her knowledge of her private key, which in this case we'll call _y_. Imagine if Bob also has a private key (_z_) and he's willing to work with Alice to prove that together they know _x_ = _y_ + _z_ without either of them revealing their private key to each other or anyone else. Let's go through the BIP340 schnorr signature protocol again. [WARNING] ==== The simple protocol we are about to describe is not secure for the reasons we will explain shortly. We use it only to demonstrate the mechanics of schnorr multisignatures before describing related protocols that are believed to be secure. ==== Alice and Bob need to derive the public key for _x_, which is _xG_. Since it's possible to use elliptic curve operations to add two EC points together, they start by Alice deriving _yG_ and Bob deriving _zG_. They then add them together to create [.keep-together]#_xG_ = _yG_ + _zG_.# The point _xG_ is ((("aggregated public keys")))((("public keys", "aggregated")))their _aggregated public key_. To create a signature, they begin the simple multisignature protocol: 1. They each individually choose a large random private nonce, _a_ for Alice and _b_ for Bob. They also individually derive the corresponding public nonce _aG_ and _bG_. Together, they produce an aggregated public nonce _kG_ = _aG_ + _bG_. 2. They agree on the message to sign, _m_ (e.g., a transaction), and each generates a copy of the challenge scalar: _e_ = _hash_(_kG_ || _xG_ || _m_). 3. Alice produces the scalar _q_ = _a_ + _ey_. Bob produces the scalar _r_ = _b_ + _ez_. They add the scalars together to produce _s_ = _q_ + _r_. Their signature is the two values _kG_ [.keep-together]#and _s_.# 4. The verifiers check their public key and signature using the normal equation: [.keep-together]#_sG_ ==# _kG_ + _hash_(_kG_ || _xG_ || _m_) × _xG_. Alice and Bob have proven that they know the sum of their private keys without either one of them revealing their private key to the other or anyone else. The protocol can be extended to any number of participants (e.g., a million people could prove they knew the sum of their million different keys). The preceding protocol has several security problems. Most notable is that one party might learn the public keys of the other parties before committing to their own public key. For example, Alice generates her public key _yG_ honestly and shares it with Bob. Bob generates his public key using _zG_ – _yG_. When their two keys are combined [.keep-together]#(_yG_ + _zG_ – _yG_),# the positive and negative _yG_ terms cancel out so the public key only represents the private key for _z_ (i.e., Bob's private key). Now Bob can create a valid signature without any assistance from Alice. This is ((("key cancellation attacks")))called a _key cancellation attack_. There are various ways to solve the key cancellation attack. The simplest scheme would be to require each participant commit to their part of the public key before sharing anything about that key with all of the other participants. For example, Alice and Bob each individually hash their public keys and share their digests with each other. When they both have the other's digest, they can share their keys. They individually check that the other's key hashes to the previously provided digest and then proceed with the protocol normally. This prevents either one of them from choosing a public key that cancels out the keys of the other participants. However, it's easy to fail to implement this scheme correctly, such as using it in a naive way with unhardened BIP32 public key derivation. Additionally, it adds an extra step for communication between the participants, which may be undesirable in many cases. More complex schemes have been proposed that address these shortcomings. In addition to the key cancellation attack, there are a number of attacks possible against ((("nonce attacks")))nonces. Recall that the purpose of the nonce is to prevent anyone from being able to use their knowledge of other values in the signature verification equation to solve for your private key, determining its value. To effectively accomplish that, you must use a different nonce every time you sign a different message or change other signature parameters. The different nonces must not be related in any way. For a multisignature, every participant must follow these rules or it could compromise the security of other participants. In addition, cancellation and other attacks need to be prevented. Different protocols that accomplish these aims make different trade-offs, so there's no single multisignature protocol to recommend in all cases. Instead, we'll note three from the MuSig family of protocols: MuSig:: Also called _MuSig1_, this protocol((("MuSig protocol"))) requires three rounds of communication during the signing process, making it similar to the process we just described. MuSig1's greatest advantage is its simplicity. MuSig2:: This only ((("MuSig2 protocol")))requires two rounds of communication and can sometimes allow one of the rounds to be combined with key exchange. This can significantly speed up signing for certain protocols, such as how scriptless multisignatures are planned to be used in the LN. MuSig2 is specified in BIP327 (the only scriptless multisignature protocol that has a BIP as of this writing). MuSig-DN:: DN stands ((("MuSig-DN protocol")))((("repeated session attacks")))for Deterministic Nonce, which eliminates as a concern a problem known as the _repeated session attack_. It can't be combined with key exchange and it's significantly more complex to implement than MuSig or MuSig2. For most applications, MuSig2 is the best multisignature protocol available at the time((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless multisignatures", startref="digital-sigs-schnorr-multisig")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless multisignatures", startref="schnorr-multisig")))((("scriptless multisignatures", "in schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr", startref="scriptless-multi-schnorr")))((("multisignature scripts", "in schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr", startref="multi-script-schnorr"))) of writing. [[schnorr_threshold_signatures]] ==== Schnorr-based Scriptless Threshold Signatures Scriptless ((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless threshold signatures", id="digital-sigs-schnorr-threshold")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless threshold signatures", id="schnorr-threshold")))((("scriptless threshold signatures", id="scriptless-threshold-schnorr")))((("threshold signatures", "in schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr", id="threshold-schnorr")))multisignature protocols only work for _k_-of-_k_ signing. Everyone with a partial public key that becomes part of the aggregated public key must contribute a partial signature and partial nonce to the final signature. Sometimes, though, the participants want to allow a subset of them to sign, such as _t_-of-_k_ where a threshold (_t_) number of participants can sign for a key constructed by _k_ participants. That type of signature is called a _threshold signature_. We saw script-based threshold signatures in <<multisig>>. But just as scriptless multisignatures save space and increase privacy compared to scripted multisignatures, _scriptless threshold signatures_ save space and increase privacy compared to _scripted threshold signatures_. To anyone not involved in the signing, a _scriptless threshold signature_ looks like any other signature that could've been created by a single-sig user or through a scriptless multisignature protocol. Various methods are known for generating scriptless threshold signatures, with the simplest being a slight modification of how we created scriptless multisignatures previously. This protocol also depends on verifiable secret sharing (which itself depends on secure secret sharing). Basic secret sharing can work through simple splitting. Alice has a secret number that she splits into three equal-length parts and shares with Bob, Carol, and Dan. Those three can combine the partial numbers they received (called _shares_) in the correct order to reconstruct Alice's secret. A more sophisticated scheme would involve Alice adding on some additional information to each share, called a correction code, that allows any two of them to recover the number. This scheme is not secure because each share gives its holder partial knowledge of Alice's secret, making it easier for the participant to guess Alice's secret than a nonparticipant who didn't have a share. A secure secret sharing scheme prevents participants from learning anything about the secret unless they combine the minimum threshold number of shares. For example, Alice can choose a threshold of 2 if she wants any two of Bob, Carol, and Dan to be able to reconstruct her secret. The best known secure secret sharing algorithm is _Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme_, commonly abbreviated SSSS and named after its discoverer, one of the same discoverers of the Fiat-Shamir transform we saw in <<schnorr_signatures>>. In some cryptographic protocols, such as the scriptless threshold signature schemes we're working toward, it's critical for Bob, Carol, and Dan to know that Alice followed her side of the protocol correctly. They need to know that the shares she creates all derive from the same secret, that she used the threshold value she claims, and that she gave each one of them a different share. A protocol that can accomplish all of that, and still be a secure secret sharing scheme, is a _verifiable secret sharing scheme_. To see how multisignatures and verifiable secret sharing work for Alice, Bob, and Carol, imagine they each wish to receive funds that can be spent by any two of them. They collaborate as described in <<schnorr_multisignatures>> to produce a regular multisignature public key to accept the funds (k-of-k). Then each participant derives two secret shares from their private key--one for each of two the other participants. The shares allow any two of them to reconstruct the originating partial private key for the multisignature. Each participant distributes one of their secret shares to the other two participants, resulting in each participant storing their own partial private key and one share for every other participant. Subsequently, each participant verifies the authenticity and uniqueness of the shares they received compared to the shares given to the other participants. Later on, when (for example) Alice and Bob want to generate a scriptless threshold signature without Carol's involvement, they exchange the two shares they possess for Carol. This enables them to reconstruct Carol's partial private key. Alice and Bob also have their private keys, allowing them to create a scriptless multisignature with all three necessary keys. In other words, the scriptless threshold signature scheme just described is the same as a scriptless multisignature scheme except that a threshold number of participants have the ability to reconstruct the partial private keys of any other participants who are unable or unwilling to sign. This does point to a few things to be aware about when considering a scriptless threshold signature protocol: No accountability:: Because Alice and Bob reconstruct Carol's partial private key, there can be no fundamental difference between a scriptless multisignature produced by a process that involved Carol and one that didn't. Even if Alice, Bob, or Carol claim that they didn't sign, there's no guaranteed way for them to prove that they didn't help produce the signature. If it's important to know which members of the group signed, you will need to use a script. Manipulation attacks:: Imagine that Bob tells Alice that Carol is unavailable, so they work together to reconstruct Carol's partial private key. Then Bob tells Carol that Alice is unavailable, so they work together to reconstruct Alice's partial private key. Now Bob has his own partial private key plus the keys of Alice and Carol, allowing him to spend the funds himself without their involvement. This attack can be addressed if all of the participants agree to only communicate using a scheme that allows any one of them to see all of the other's messages (e.g., if Bob tells Alice that Carol is unavailable, Carol is able to see that message before she begins working with Bob). Other solutions, possibly more robust solutions, to this problem were being researched at the time of writing. No scriptless threshold signature protocol has been proposed as a BIP yet, although significant research into the subject has been performed by multiple Bitcoin contributors and we expect peer-reviewed solutions will become available after the publication of this((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", startref="digital-sigs-schnorr")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", startref="schnorr")))((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless threshold signatures", startref="digital-sigs-schnorr-threshold")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless threshold signatures", startref="schnorr-threshold")))((("scriptless threshold signatures", startref="scriptless-threshold-schnorr")))((("threshold signatures", "in schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr", startref="threshold-schnorr"))) book. [[ecdsa_signatures]] === ECDSA Signatures Unfortunately ((("digital signatures", "ECDSA", id="digital-signature-ecdsa")))((("ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)", id="ecdsa")))for the future development of Bitcoin and many other applications, Claus Schnorr patented the algorithm he discovered and prevented its use in open standards and open source software for almost two decades. Cryptographers in the early 1990s who were blocked from using the schnorr signature scheme developed an alternative construction called the _Digital Signature Algorithm_ (DSA), with a version adapted to elliptic curves called ECDSA. The ECDSA scheme and standardized parameters for suggested curves it could be used with were widely implemented in cryptographic libraries by the time development on Bitcoin began in 2007. This was almost certainly the reason why ECDSA was the only digital signature protocol that Bitcoin supported from its first release version until the activation of the taproot soft fork in 2021. ECDSA remains supported today for all non-taproot transactions. Some of the differences compared to schnorr signatures include: More complex:: As we'll see, ECDSA requires more operations to create or verify a signature than the schnorr signature protocol. It's not significantly more complex from an implementation standpoint, but that extra complexity makes ECDSA less flexible, less performant, and harder to prove secure. Less provable security:: The interactive schnorr signature identification protocol depends only on the strength of the elliptic curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). The non-interactive authentication protocol used in Bitcoin also relies on the random oracle model (ROM). However, ECDSA's extra complexity has prevented a complete proof of its security being published (to the best of our knowledge). We are not experts in proving cryptographic algorithms, but it seems unlikely after 30 years that ECDSA will be proven to only require the same two assumptions as schnorr. Nonlinear:: ECDSA signatures cannot be easily combined to create scriptless multisignatures or used in related advanced applications, such as multiparty signature adaptors. There are workarounds for this problem, but they involve additional extra complexity that significantly slows down operations and which, in some cases, has resulted in software accidentally leaking private keys. ==== ECDSA Algorithm Let's look at the math of ECDSA. Signatures are created by a mathematical function _F_~_sig_~ that produces a signature composed of two values. In ECDSA, those two values are _R_ and _s_. The signature algorithm first generates a private nonce (_k_) and derives from it a public nonce (_K_). The _R_ value of the digital signature is then the _x_ coordinate of the nonce _K_. From there, the algorithm calculates the _s_ value of the signature. Like we did with schnorr signatures, operations involving integers are modulus p: [latexmath] ++++ \begin{equation} s = k^{-1} (Hash(m) + x \times R) \end{equation} ++++ where: * _k_ is the private nonce * _R_ is the _x_ coordinate of the public nonce * _x_ is the Alice's private key * _m_ is the message (transaction data) Verification is the inverse of the signature generation function, using the _R_, _s_ values and the public key to calculate a value _K_, which is a point on the elliptic curve (the public nonce used in signature creation): [latexmath] ++++ \begin{equation} K = s^{-1} \times Hash(m) \times G + s^{-1} \times R \times X \end{equation} ++++ where: - _R_ and _s_ are the signature values - _X_ is Alice's public key - _m_ is the message (the transaction data that was signed) - _G_ is the elliptic curve generator point If the _x_ coordinate of the calculated point _K_ is equal to _R_, then the verifier can conclude that the signature is valid. [TIP] ==== ECDSA is necessarily a fairly complicated piece of math; a full explanation is beyond the scope of this book. A number of great guides online take you through it step by step: search for "ECDSA explained." ==== [[serialization_of_signatures_der]] ==== Serialization of ECDSA Signatures (DER) Let's ((("serialization", "ECDSA signatures")))look at the following DER-encoded signature: ---- 3045022100884d142d86652a3f47ba4746ec719bbfbd040a570b1deccbb6498c75c4ae24cb02204 b9f039ff08df09cbe9f6addac960298cad530a863ea8f53982c09db8f6e381301 ---- That signature is a serialized byte stream of the _R_ and _s_ values produced by the signer to prove control of the private key authorized to spend an output. The serialization format consists of nine elements as follows: * +0x30+, indicating the start of a DER sequence * +0x45+, the length of the sequence (69 bytes) * +0x02+, an integer value follows * +0x21+, the length of the integer (33 bytes) * +R+, ++00884d142d86652a3f47ba4746ec719bbfbd040a570b1deccbb6498c75c4ae24cb++ * +0x02+, another integer follows * +0x20+, the length of the integer (32 bytes) * +S+, ++4b9f039ff08df09cbe9f6addac960298cad530a863ea8f53982c09db8f6e3813++ * A suffix (+0x01+) indicating the type of hash((("digital signatures", "ECDSA", startref="digital-signature-ecdsa")))((("ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)", startref="ecdsa"))) used (+SIGHASH_ALL+) [[nonce_warning]] === The Importance of Randomness in Signatures As we((("digital signatures", "randomness, importance of", id="digital-signature-random")))((("randomness, importance in digital signatures", id="random-digital-signature"))) saw in <<schnorr_signatures>> and <<ecdsa_signatures>>, the signature generation algorithm uses a random number _k_ as the basis for a private/public nonce pair. The value of _k_ is not important, _as long as it is random_. If signatures from the same private key use the private nonce _k_ with different messages (transactions), then the signing _private key_ can be calculated by anyone. Reuse of the same value for _k_ in a signature algorithm leads to exposure of the private key! [WARNING] ==== If the same value _k_ is used in the signing algorithm on two different transactions, the private key can be calculated and exposed to the world! ==== This is not just a theoretical possibility. We have seen this issue lead to exposure of private keys in a few different implementations of transaction-signing algorithms in Bitcoin. People have had funds stolen because of inadvertent reuse of a _k_ value. The most common reason for reuse of a _k_ value is an improperly initialized random-number generator. To avoid this vulnerability, the industry best practice is to not generate _k_ with a random-number generator seeded only with entropy, but instead to use a process seeded in part with the transaction data itself plus the private key being used to sign. This ensures that each transaction produces a different _k_. The industry-standard algorithm for deterministic initialization of _k_ for ECDSA is defined in https://oreil.ly/yuabl[RFC6979], published by the Internet Engineering Task Force. For schnorr signatures, BIP340 recommends a default signing algorithm. BIP340 and RFC6979 can generate _k_ entirely deterministically, meaning the same transaction data will always produce the same _k_. Many wallets do this because it makes it easy to write tests to verify their safety-critical signing code is producing _k_ values correctly. BIP340 and RFC6979 both also allow including additional data in the calculation. If that data is entropy, then a different _k_ will be produced even if the exact same transaction data is signed. This can increase protection against sidechannel and fault-injection attacks. If you are implementing an algorithm to sign transactions in Bitcoin, you _must_ use BIP340, RFC6979, or a similar algorithm to ensure you generate a different _k_ for each ((("digital signatures", "randomness, importance of", startref="digital-signature-random")))((("randomness, importance in digital signatures", startref="random-digital-signature")))transaction. === Segregated Witness's New Signing Algorithm Signatures in((("digital signatures", "segregated witness and")))((("segregated witness (segwit)", "digital signatures and")))((("commitment hash"))) Bitcoin transactions are applied on a _commitment hash_, which is calculated from the transaction data, locking specific parts of the data indicating the signer's commitment to those values. For example, in a simple +SIGHASH_ALL+ type signature, the commitment hash includes all inputs and outputs. Unfortunately, the way the legacy commitment hashes were calculated introduced the possibility that a node verifying a signature can be forced to perform a significant number of hash computations. Specifically, the hash operations increase roughly quadratically with respect to the number of inputs in the transaction. An attacker could therefore create a transaction with a very large number of signature operations, causing the entire Bitcoin network to have to perform hundreds or thousands of hash operations to verify the transaction. Segwit represented an opportunity to address this problem by changing the way the commitment hash is calculated. For segwit version 0 witness programs, signature verification occurs using an improved commitment hash algorithm as specified in BIP143. The new algorithm allows the number of hash operations to increase by a much more gradual O(n) to the number of signature operations, reducing the opportunity to create denial-of-service attacks with overly complex transactions. In this chapter, we learned about schnorr and ECDSA signatures for Bitcoin. This explains how full nodes authenticate transactions to ensure that only someone controlling the key to which bitcoins were received can spend those bitcoins. We also examined several advanced applications of signatures, such as scriptless multisignatures and scriptless threshold signatures that can be used to improve the efficiency and privacy of Bitcoin. In the past few chapters, we've learned how to create transactions, how to secure them with authorization and authentication, and how to sign them. We will next learn how to encourage miners to confirm them by adding fees to the transactions we create. //FIXME: mention segwit v0 and v1 coverage of values to aid hardware //wallets