fix: forgot to update placeholder value "3deadbeef"

Andreas M. Antonopoulos 7 years ago
parent a69ee9b115
commit efb9d3f21f

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
== Segregated Witness
((("segwit (Segregated Witness)", id="segwit16")))Segregated Witness (segwit) is an upgrade to the bitcoin consensus rules and network protocol, proposed and implemented as a BIP-9 soft-fork that is currently (mid-2017) pending activation.
((("segwit (Segregated Witness)", id="segwit16")))Segregated Witness (segwit) is an upgrade to the bitcoin consensus rules and network protocol, proposed and implemented as a BIP-9 soft-fork that is currently (mid-2017) pending activation.
In cryptography, the term "witness" is used to describe a solution to a cryptographic puzzle. In bitcoin terms, the witness satisfies a cryptographic condition placed on a unspent transaction output (UTXO).
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ In this section we will look at some of the benefits of Segregated Witness, desc
Segregated Witness is defined by the following BIPs:[BIP-141] :: The main definition of Segregated Witness.[BIP-141] :: The main definition of Segregated Witness.[BIP-143] :: Transaction Signature Verification for Version 0 Witness Program
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ Finally, the P2SH script is converted to a P2SH bitcoin address:
Now, Bob can display this address for customers to pay for their coffee. Alice's wallet can make a payment to +3deadbeef+, just as it would to any other bitcoin address. Even though Alice's wallet has no support for segwit, the payment it creates can be spent by Bob with a segwit transaction.((("", startref="aliced")))
Now, Bob can display this address for customers to pay for their coffee. Alice's wallet can make a payment to +37Lx99uaGn5avKBxiW26HjedQE3LrDCZru+, just as it would to any other bitcoin address. Even though Alice's wallet has no support for segwit, the payment it creates can be spent by Bob with a segwit transaction.((("", startref="aliced")))
===== Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash inside Pay-to-Script-Hash
