qc2 continued check

Clare Laylock 6 months ago
parent b5a60f1666
commit ecb8837a9a

@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ $ bitcoind -printtoconsole
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z [http] starting 4 worker threads
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using wallet directory /lotsofspace/bitcoin/wallets
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z init message: Verifying wallet(s)…
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using BerkeleyDB version Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (April 9, 2010)
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using BerkeleyDB version Berkeley DB 4.8.30
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Using /16 prefix for IP bucketing
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z init message: Loading P2P addresses…
2023-01-28T03:43:39Z Loaded 63866 addresses from peers.dat 114ms

@ -53,7 +53,12 @@ subset of the data in the transaction, ((("commitment hash")))called the _commit
<<sighash_types>>). The
signing key is the user's private key. The result is the signature:
latexmath:[\(Sig = F_{sig}(F_{hash}(m), x)\)]
\(Sig = F_{sig}(F_{hash}(m), x)\)
@ -867,8 +872,15 @@ coordinate of the nonce _K_.
From there, the algorithm calculates the _s_ value of the signature. Like we did with schnorr signatures, operations involving
integers are modulus p:
s = k^-1^ (Hash(m) + x × R)
_s_ = __k__^-1^ (__Hash__(__m__) + __x__ × __R__)
* _k_ is the private nonce

@ -1143,6 +1143,8 @@ lightweight client to download an 80-byte block header, a (usually)
small coinbase transaction, and the filter for that block to receive
strong evidence that the filter ((("Bitcoin network", "compact block filters", startref="bitcoin-network-compact-filter")))((("compact block filters", startref="compact-block-filter")))((("blocks", "compact block filters", startref="block-compact-filter")))was accurate.
[role="less_space pagebreak-before"]
=== Lightweight Clients and Privacy
Lightweight clients ((("Bitcoin network", "lightweight clients", "privacy")))((("lightweight clients", "privacy")))((("privacy", "lightweight clients")))have weaker privacy than a full node. A full
