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added BIPs and links

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Andreas M. Antonopoulos 2016-09-11 20:37:45 -07:00
parent 9b5f9d5e20
commit eb40a2afc1

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@ -20,6 +20,22 @@ Segregated Witness therefore is an architectural change to bitcoin that aims to
In this section we will look at some of the benefits of segregated witness, describe the mechanism used to deploy and implement this architecture change and demonstrate the use of segregated witness in transactions and addresses.
Segregated Witness is defined by the following Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs):
BIP141 :: The mail definition of Segregated Witness. https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0141.mediawiki
BIP143 :: Transaction Signature Verification for Version 0 Witness Program
BIP144 :: Peer Services - New network messages and serialization formats
BIP145 :: getblocktemplate Updates for Segregated Witness (for mining)
==== Why Segregated Witness?
@ -31,6 +47,10 @@ Script Versioning :: With the introduction of segregated witness scripts, every
Network and Storage Scaling :: The witness data is often a big contributor to the total size of a transaction. More complex witness scripts such as multi-sig or payment channels scripts are very large and represent the majority (more than 75%) of the data in a transaction. By moving the witness data outside the transaction, segregated witness improves bitcoins scalability. Nodes can prune the witness data after validating the signatures, or ignore it altogether when doing simplified payment verification. The witness data doesnt need to be transmitted to all nodes and does not need to be stored on disk by all nodes.
Signature Verification Optimization :: Segregated Witness upgrades the signature functions (OP_CHECKSIG, OP_CHECKMULTISIG etc), to reduce the algorithm's computational complexity. Before segwit, the algorithm used to produce a signature required a number of hash operations that was proportional to the size of the transaction. Data-hasing computations increased in O(n^2^) with respect to the number of signature operations, introducing a substantial computational burden on all nodes verifying the signature. With segwit, the algorithm is changed to reduce the complexity to O(n).
Offline Signing Improvement :: Segregated Witness signatures incorporate the value (amount) referenced by each input in the hash that is signed. Previously, an offline signing device, such as a hardware wallet, would have to verify the amount of each input before signing a transaction. This was usually accomplished by streaming a large amount of data about the previous transactions referenced as inputs. Since the amount is now part of the commitment hash that is signed, an offline device does not need the previous transactions. If the amounts do not match (are misrepresented by a compromised online system), the signature will be invalid.
==== How Segregated Witness Works
At first glance, segregated witness appears to be a change to how transactions are constructed and therefore a transaction-level feature, but it is not. In fact, segregated witness is also a change to how UTXO are constructed and therefore is a per-output feature.
@ -277,7 +297,15 @@ Segregated Witness transactions have two IDs: +txid+ and +wtxid+. The +txid+ is
==== Segregated Witness' New Signing Algorithm
Segregated Witness modifies the semantics of the four signature verification functions (OP_CHECKSIG, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY, OP_CHECKMULTISIG and OP_CHECKMULTISIGVERIFY), changing the way a transaction commitment hash is calculated.
Signatures in bitcoin transactions are applied on a _commitment hash_ which is calculated from the transaction data, locking specific parts of the data indicating the signer's commitment to those values. For example, in a simple SIGHASH_ALL type signature, the commitment hash includes all inputs and outputs.
Unfortunately, the way the commitment hash was calculated introduced the possibility that a node verifying the signature can be forced to perform a significant number of hash computations. Specifically, the hash operations increase in O(n^2^) with respect to the number of signature operations in the transaction. An attacker could therefore create a transaction with a very large number of signature operations, causing the entire bitcoin network to have to perform hundreds or thousands of hash operations to verify the transaction.
Segwit represented an opportunity to address this problem by changing the way the commitment hash is calculated. For segwit version 0 witness programs, signature verification occurs using an improved commitment hash algorithm as specified in Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 143 (BIP143).
The new algorithm achieves two important goals. Firstly, the number of hash operations increases by a much more gradual O(n) to the number of signature operations, reducing the opportunity to create Denial-of-Service attacks with overly complex transactions. Secondly, the commitment hash now also includes the value (amounts) of each input as part of the commitment. This means that a signer can commit to a specific input value without needing to "fetch" and check the previous transaction referenced by the input. In the case of offline devices, such as hardware wallets, this greatly simplifies the communication between the host and the hardware wallet, removing the need to stream previous transactions for validation. A hardware wallet can accept the input value "as stated" by an untrusted host. Since the signature is invalid if that input value is not correct, the hardware wallet doesn't need to validate the value before signing the input.
==== Economic Incentives for Segregated Witness