diff --git a/ch04.asciidoc b/ch04.asciidoc index 192eaa99..ebb33444 100644 --- a/ch04.asciidoc +++ b/ch04.asciidoc @@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ image::images/msbt_0415.png["paper_wallet_encrypted"] [WARNING] ==== -While you can deposit funds into a paper wallet several times, you should withdraw all funds only once, spending everything. This is because in the process of unlocking and spending funds you expose the private key and because some wallets may generate a change address if you spend less than the whole amount. One way to do this is to withdraw the entire balance stored in the paper wallet and send any remaining funds to a new paper wallet. +Although you can deposit funds into a paper wallet several times, you should withdraw all funds only once, spending everything. This is because in the process of unlocking and spending funds you expose the private key and because some wallets may generate a change address if you spend less than the whole amount. One way to do this is to withdraw the entire balance stored in the paper wallet and send any remaining funds to a new paper wallet. ==== Paper wallets come in many designs and sizes, with many different features. Some are intended to be given as gifts and have seasonal themes, such as Christmas and New Year's themes. Others are designed for storage in a bank vault or safe with the private key hidden in some way, either with opaque scratch-off stickers, or folded and sealed with tamper-proof adhesive foil. Figures 4-16 through 4-18 show various examples of paper wallets with security and backup features.