diff --git a/02-copyright.html b/02-copyright.html
index 65fc4d50..428f3db9 100644
--- a/02-copyright.html
+++ b/02-copyright.html
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
by Author Name Copyright (c) 2014 This is a legal notice of some kind. You can add notes about the kind of license you are using for your book (e.g., Creative Commons), or anything else you feel you need to specify. If your book has an ISBN or a book ID number, add it here as well. by Author Name Copyright (c) 2014 This is a legal notice of some kind. You can add notes about the kind of license you are using for your book (e.g., Creative Commons), or anything else you feel you need to specify. If your book has an ISBN or a book ID number, add it here as well. Congratulations on starting your new project! We've added some skeleton files for you, to help you get started, but you can delete any or all of them, as you like. In the file called chapter.html, we've added some placeholder content showing you how to markup and use some basic book elements, like notes, sidebars, and figures.{{ title }}
- {{ title }}
+Preface Title
- This Is an A-Head
Congratulations on starting your new project! We've added some skeleton files for you, to help you get started, but you can delete any or all of them, as you like. In the file called chapter.html, we've added some placeholder content showing you how to markup and use some basic book elements, like notes, sidebars, and figures.
+Start writing here! Replace any of this placeholder text with your opus. We've included a few examples of commonly used book elements, but you can delete them. You can add any of these elements using the buttons in the toolbar, as well.
+Start writing here! Replace any of this placeholder text with your opus. We've included a few examples of commonly used book elements, but you can delete them. You can add any of these elements using the buttons in the toolbar, as well.
--Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or conversation?'
+Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or conversation?'
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
The above is a blockquote, and specifically it's an epigraph, with an attribution to the author. (Epigraphs are a subset of blockquotes.)
+The above is a blockquote, and specifically it's an epigraph, with an attribution to the author. (Epigraphs are a subset of blockquotes.)
Many people use notes to qualify a statement they made in the preceding paragraphs, or to warn their readers about pitfalls they might run into.
Now, let's take a look at a figure with a caption:
+Now, let's take a look at a figure with a caption:
-An appendix is generally used for extra material that supplements your main book content.
-An appendix is generally used for extra material that supplements your main book content.
+While HTML5 is the default markup language for Atlas content, Atlas also supports documents written in Markdown, AsciiDoc, and DocBook XML. All three of these formats can be edited using the Code Editor.
-In both writing modes, you can navigate among your files using the Files menu to the left of the screen, create and delete files and folders,upload images, save your project (top-right button in the editor, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘-s/Ctrl+s) and even attach a custom commit message to each save (hover over the Save button to open the commit message dialog box).
+In both writing modes, you can navigate among your files using the Files menu to the left of the screen, create and delete files and folders,upload images, save your project (top-right button in the editor, or use the keyboard shortcut â-s/Ctrl+s) and even attach a custom commit message to each save (hover over the Save button to open the commit message dialog box).