Edited ch04_keys.adoc with Atlas code editor

clenser 8 months ago
parent ffc0826cc5
commit c20db4c222

@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ In 2017, the ((("public key cryptography", "bech32 addresses", "advantages of",
it prevents transaction
identifiers (txids) from being changed without the consent of a spending
user (or a quorum of signers when multiple signatures are required).
The upgrade, ((("segregated witness (segwit)", id="segwit")))called _segregated witness_ (or _segwit_ for short), also
The upgrade, ((("segregated witness (segwit)", id="segwit-bech32")))called _segregated witness_ (or _segwit_ for short), also
provided additional capacity for transaction data in blocks and several
other benefits. However, users wanting direct access to segwit's
benefits had to accept payments to new output scripts.
@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ image::images/mbc3_0409.png["The same bech32 address QR encoded in lowercase and
and have that wallet remain able to spend to bech32 addresses for
users of new features added in future protocol upgrades. It was
hoped that we might never again need to go through the system-wide
upgrade cycles necessary to allow people to fully use P2SH and((("public key cryptography", "bech32 addresses", "advantages of", startref="pub-key-bech32-adv")))((("bech32 addresses", "advantages of", startref="bech32-adv")))((("segregated witness (segwit)", startref="segwit"))) segwit.
upgrade cycles necessary to allow people to fully use P2SH and((("public key cryptography", "bech32 addresses", "advantages of", startref="pub-key-bech32-adv")))((("bech32 addresses", "advantages of", startref="bech32-adv")))((("segregated witness (segwit)", startref="segwit-bech32"))) segwit.
==== Problems with Bech32 Addresses
