Edited ch08_signatures.adoc with Atlas code editor

clenser 8 months ago
parent 8a6fcf48f0
commit 9d14020fe5

@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ the serialization used for ECDSA signatures described in
==== Schnorr-based Scriptless Multisignatures
In the((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless multisignatures", id="digital-sigs-schnorr-multisig")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless multisignatures", id="schnorr-multisig")))((("scriptless multisignatures", "in schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr", id="scriptless-multi-schnorr"))) single-signature schnorr protocol described in <<schnorr_signatures>>, Alice
In the((("digital signatures", "schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless multisignatures", id="digital-sigs-schnorr-multisig")))((("schnorr signature algorithm", "scriptless multisignatures", id="schnorr-multisig")))((("scriptless multisignatures", "in schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr", id="scriptless-multi-schnorr")))((("multisignature scripts", "in schnorr signature algorithm", secondary-sortas="schnorr", id="multi-script-schnorr")))((("scripts", "multisignature", "in schnorr signature algorithm", tertiary-sortas="schnorr", id="script-multisignature-schnorr"))) single-signature schnorr protocol described in <<schnorr_signatures>>, Alice
uses a signature (+kG+, +s+) to publicly prove her knowledge of her
private key, which in this case we'll call +y+. Imagine if Bob also has
a private key (+z+) and he's willing to work with Alice to prove that
