Edited ch03.asciidoc with Atlas code editor

judymcconville@roadrunner.com 7 years ago
parent 6cf1788fb0
commit 9ceafad0bb

@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ minrelaytxfee:: Set the minimum fee transaction you will relay. Below this value
.Transaction Database Index and txindex Option
((("Bitcoin Core", "running core nodes", "database options")))((("transactions", "database configuration options")))By default, Bitcoin Core builds a database containing _only_ the transactions related to the user's wallet. If you want to be able to access _any_ transaction with commands like +getrawtransaction+ (see <<exploring_and_decoding_transanctions>>), you need to configure Bitcoin Core to build a complete transaction index, which can be achieved with the +txindex+ option. Set +txindex=1+ in the Bitcoin Core configuration file. If you don't set this option at first and later set it to full indexing, you need to restart +bitcoind+ with the +-reindex+ option and wait for it to rebuild the index.
((("Bitcoin Core", "running core nodes", "database options")))((("transactions", "database configuration options")))((("txindex option")))By default, Bitcoin Core builds a database containing _only_ the transactions related to the user's wallet. If you want to be able to access _any_ transaction with commands like +getrawtransaction+ (see <<exploring_and_decoding_transanctions>>), you need to configure Bitcoin Core to build a complete transaction index, which can be achieved with the +txindex+ option. Set +txindex=1+ in the Bitcoin Core configuration file. If you don't set this option at first and later set it to full indexing, you need to restart +bitcoind+ with the +-reindex+ option and wait for it to rebuild the index.
<<full_index_node>> shows how you might combine the preceding options, with a fully indexed node, running as an API backend for a bitcoin application.
