Edited ch06.asciidoc with Atlas code editor

nadams 7 years ago
parent 0a8e8f2536
commit 977bf8efd3

@ -583,6 +583,7 @@ The signature verification algorithm takes the message (a hash of the transactio
Remember, each input may contain a signature in its unlocking script. As a result, a transaction that contains several inputs may have signatures with different +SIGHASH+ flags that commit different parts of the transaction in each of the inputs. Note also that bitcoin transactions may contain inputs from different "owners," who may sign only one input in a partially constructed (and invalid) transaction, collaborating with others to gather all the necessary signatures to make a valid transaction. Many of the +SIGHASH+ flag types only make sense if you think of multiple participants collaborating outside the bitcoin network and updating a partially signed transaction.
There are three +SIGHASH+ flags: +ALL+, +NONE+, and +SINGLE+, as shown in <<sighash_types_and_their>>.
