Edited ch12_mining.adoc with Atlas code editor

clenser 8 months ago
parent ac8fcbe800
commit 8d50f5221b

@ -841,7 +841,7 @@ enough block((("bitcoins", "mining", "Proof-of-Work algorithm", startref="bitcoi
//TODO:use visual representation like I did on bitcoin.org
Block headers contain the target in a notation called "target
Block headers ((("bitcoins", "mining", "target representation", id="bitcoin-mining-target")))((("mining", "target representation", id="mining-target")))((("targets", "representation of", id="target-represent")))((("Proof-of-Work algorithm", "target representation", id="proof-target")))contain the target in a notation called "target
bits" or just "bits," which in block 277,316 has the value of
+0x1903a30c+. This notation expresses the Proof-of-Work target as a
coefficient/exponent format, with the first two hexadecimal digits for
@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ header hash that is less than the target. In binary that number must
have more than 60 leading bits set to zero. With this level of
difficulty, a single miner processing 1 trillion hashes per second (1
terahash per second or 1 TH/sec) would only find a solution once every
8,496 blocks or once every 59 days, on average.
8,496 blocks or once every 59 days, ((("bitcoins", "mining", "target representation", startref="bitcoin-mining-target")))((("mining", "target representation", startref="mining-target")))((("targets", "representation of", startref="target-represent")))((("Proof-of-Work algorithm", "target representation", startref="proof-target")))on average.
==== Retargeting to Adjust Difficulty
